








斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……



汉语拼音:liǎng bào yī kān






  1. 《人民日报》、《解放军报》、《红旗》杂志的合称。“文化大革命”中“两报一刊”经常联合发表社论或文章,故称。



  1. 网络
  2. Two Newspapers and One Magazine

  1. 据报有两架飞机失踪。

    Two planes were reported missing.

  2. 报读两个课程或以上,可获8折优待。

    Discount for enrollment in two courses or above.

  3. 上周,国家询问报报道两人在一家纽约返点爆发冲突。

    Last week National Enquirer reported that the couple had an explosive argument at a New York restaurant.

  4. 会有冲突吗??因为两个我都报了。

    Are there any conflicts between the two because I applied both of them.

  5. 报上说两点半准时开赛。

    At one thirty exactly according to the newspaper.

  6. 网站在影视处将两期中大学生报列为不雅后创立。

    The site was set up after TELA classified two issues of a Chinese University student publication as indecent.

  7. 中美两国国防部长答解放军报记者问

    China, US defense chiefs answer questions from PLA Daily reporter

  8. 她已经面临报假案和身份偷窃两项指控。

    Sweeten is already expected to face charges of filing false reports and identity theft.

  9. 报称一日用牙线两次得男性人数是41。

    The number of males who reported that they used dental floss two times per day was 39.

  10. 报称一日用牙线两次的男性人数是41。

    The number of males who reported that they used dental floss two times per day was 41.

  11. 报称一日用牙线两次的女性人数是71。

    The number of females who reported that they used dental floss two times per day was 71.

  12. 报上没提及这两个邻国间争端的根本原因。

    There was no mention of the fundamental cause of the dispute between the two neighboring countries in the newspaper.

  13. 据报,受重伤的两人头部和胸部被击中立即死亡。

    The two men who were fatally wounded were reportedly shot in the head and chest and died instantly.

  14. 请将报盘延期两天。

    Please renew your offer for two days further.

  15. 摩尔先生订两份日报。

    Mr. Moore takes two daily newspapers.

  16. 据报导有两位旅客受重伤。

    Two passengers were reported seriously injured.

  17. 我订阅两份日报和一份周刊。

    I take in two dailies and one weekly.

  18. 据报道德, 法两国都已下令总动员。

    It was reported that both Germany and France had ordered general mobilization.

  19. 据报导, 这两个国家已缔结军事协定。

    The two countries is report to have conclude a military convention.

  20. 这两次旅行得费用可合在一起报税。

    The cost of these two trips can be lumped together for tax purposes.

  21. 这两次旅行的费用可合在一起报税。

    The cost of these two trips can be lumped together for tax purposes.

  22. 两相蜂鸣器和红色旋转报警灯熄灭了。

    twophase buzzer and a rotating red alarm light went off.

  23. 报称一日用牙线两次得女性人数是71。

    The number of females who reported that they used dental floss two times per day was 69.

  24. 关於那起事故的两份报导有矛盾之处。

    There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident.

  25. 四份全国性日报中, 有两份将改为周刊。

    Two of the four national daily papers are to become weeklies.

  26. 她在过去的两年里一直在泰晤士报工作。

    She's been with the times for the past two years.

  27. 关于那起事故的两份报导有矛盾之处。

    There is a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident.

  28. 卫报的头版刊登了两国外交部长的一张合影。

    The Guardian's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers.

  29. 你们这学期的实验报告要写两张报告纸。

    Your lab report this term will be to write two major research papers.

  30. 于是,最后两个月,她对求职已经不报任何指望。

    So, for the last two months, she has not looked at all.


  1. 问:两报一刊拼音怎么拼?两报一刊的读音是什么?两报一刊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两报一刊的读音是Liǎngbào Yìkān,两报一刊翻译成英文是 Two Newspapers and One Magazine