




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:téng shuō







  1. 传播言论,宣扬主张。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·檄移》:“譎诡以驰旨,煒曄以腾説。” 鲁迅 《汉文学史纲要》第三篇:“或将取合世主,起行其言,乃復力斥异家,以自所执持者为要道,骋辩腾説,著作云起矣。”

  2. 传播流言蜚语;诽谤。

    《明史·李三才传》:“而今之党人动与正人为讐, 士昌 光復 尤为戎首,挺身主盟,力为 一贯 ( 沉一贯 ) 敬 ( 韩敬 )报怨,腾説百端,攻击千状。”



  1. Li explained: "I have to say that the cost of all the facilities which are so-called 'free' is included in the high tuition fee. "


  2. Mr. Bergsten says the yuan is undervalued by roughly 20%, which he calls 'the biggest protectionist measure in the world by a wide margin. '


  3. 'That the film became so popular reflects that Chinese people have the same desire and longing for pure love, or puppy love, ' Mr. Ko said.


  4. "A player who really impresses me is Ryan Babel, " said Boateng.


  1. 他连一分钟都不能为我腾出来,更不用说一小时了。

    He can hardly spare me a minute, still less an hour.

  2. 腾格拉尔宣称说。

    Now the mischief is out

  3. 腾格拉尔表示他已无话可说了。

    Danglars motioned that he had nothing more to say.

  4. 她说,而且女人需要任何可以腾的壁橱空间。

    And a woman needs all the closet space she can get,'she says.

  5. 要腾出时间来多办实事, 多做少说。

    We should spend more time on practical matters. That means saying less and doing more.

  6. 赫维斯腾大夫说他得脉博加快了。

    Doctor Hviesten says his pulse is elevated.

  7. 赫维斯腾大夫说他的脉博加快了。

    Doctor Hviesten says his pulse is elevated.

  8. 你说的是一包什么东西,腾格拉尔?

    Of what packet are you speaking, Danglars

  9. 我们要腾出时间来多办实事, 多做少说。

    We should spend more time on practical matters. That means saying less and doing more.

  10. 腾格拉尔说,他用他那瘦削的拳头捶着他的胸膛。

    And he struck his breast with his emaciated fist.

  11. 腾格拉尔说,他用他那瘦削得拳头捶着他得胸膛。

    And he struck his breast with his emaciated fist.

  12. 腾格拉尔说, 他假装感动得同情起这个青年来。

    Remarked Danglars, affecting to pity the young man from the bottom of his heart.

  13. 麦腾龙说,真正勇敢的人,是懂得看破与放下的人。

    Michael Tenglong said that the real brave man is the person who is able to see through and put down.

  14. 对于他的部分,克里斯腾森说,他发现波曼非常专业。

    For his part, Christensen says he found Portman professional.

  15. 摩尼根说他正在与州长的下属一起讨论骑兵伍腾的问题。

    Monegan says he was working with the Governor's staff over the issue of Trooper Wooten.

  16. 诺尼威的父亲就开始在女王玛莉巴面前说穆腾古的坏话。

    Nonikwes father began to tell many false stories about Mutengu to the queen, Marimba.

  17. 诺尼威得父亲就开始在女王玛莉巴面前说穆腾古得坏话。

    Nonikwes father began to tell many false stories about Mutengu to the queen, Marimba.

  18. 这是一件有腾生和死的问题,而你却跟我说控制自己?

    This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself.

  19. 他就躺在罗腾树下, 睡着了。有一个天使拍他, 说, 起来吃吧。

    And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat.

  20. 威腾伯格说, 他用打野猪的来复枪对着那头熊连开三枪。

    Mr. Whittenburg said he shot the bear three times with a rifle he carries to take down wild pigs.

  21. 看到这热腾腾得早餐,我说不出话来。

    Seeing the hot meal I am toomovede to say a word.

  22. 看到这热腾腾的早餐,我说不出话来。

    Seeing the hot meal I am toomovede to say a word.

  23. 我以前从来没想过这跟韦德有什么关系, 瑞德慢腾腾地说。

    I never thought about what it meant to Wade, 'said Rhett slowly.