


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……






1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:zǒng xū yǎng liàng






  1. Discussion on the Calculation Method for Total Oxygen Demand of Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification


  1. 总需氧量自动记录仪

    Total oxygen demand automatic recorder.

  2. 讨论了影响水中总需氧量测定的因素。

    The total oxygen demandmeans consuming oxygen quantity when organic component in water was burnt up to the stable oxidate.

  3. 总有机碳与高锰酸盐指数及化学需氧量的相关性

    Correlation of total organic carbon with permanganate index and chemical oxygen demand.

  4. 化学需氧量

    chemical oxygen demand

  5. 生化物五天需氧量见

    Five day biochemical oxygen demand

  6. 东台盐湖卤水化学需氧量的测定

    Determining COD for the Saline Water of Dongtai

  7. 生化需氧量微生物传感器的研究进展

    The Progress of Microbial Biosensors for Biochemical Oxygen Demand

  8. 含氯离子废水中化学需氧量的分析

    Analysis of COD in Waste Water Containg Chlorine Ion.

  9. 生化需氧量测试方法稀释比的改良

    Improvement of analysis method of dilution ratio on BOD.

  10. 图15的另一曲线相当于生化需氧量曲线。

    The other curve shown in Fig 1. 3 corresponds to the biochemical oxygen demand.

  11. 但是总需使用某种方法来保存镜头。

    But there would have to be some means of storing the lenses.

  12. 水中化学需氧量无汞盐的快速测定

    Rapit Determination Of COD Without Mercurate

  13. 生物传感器快速测定生化需氧量的研究

    Biosensors for Rapid Estimation of Biochemical Oxygen Demand

  14. 原子吸收法测定环境水样中化学需氧量

    Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Aqueous samples by AAS

  15. 水和废水中化学需氧量测定方法探讨

    Discussion on Determination Method of the Chemical Oxygen Demand in Water and Waste Water

  16. 主要污染指标是氨氮和生化需氧量。

    The key pollution indicators are ammonia nitrogen and BOD.

  17. 催化快速法测定工业废水中的化学需氧量

    Determination of COD in Industrial Wastewater with High speed Catalytic Method.

  18. 大肠杆菌生化需氧量传感器生物膜性能研究

    Analysis of Microbial Membranes Characteristics of BOD Biosensor with Escherichia Coli.

  19. 光度法快速测定化学需氧量的催化剂研究

    Study on the Catalyst for Rapid Photometric Determination of CODCr

  20. 碱性高锰酸钾法测定化学需氧量的方法比较

    The comparison of methods for testing chemical oxygen demand using basic potassium permanganate

  21. 化学需氧量的测定方法贝克曼流程氧量监测仪

    Beckman process oxygen monitor.

  22. 油田药剂对采出水化学需氧量的影响分析

    Influence Analysis of Oilfield Production Chemicals to COD of Produced Water

  23. 不用汞盐溶液的废水化学需氧量的快速测定

    Rapid Determination of COD of Waste Water Without Using Mercuric Salt Solution

  24. 氧弹法测定的硫含量海水生化需氧量测定仪

    Sulfur by bomb method biochemical oxygen demand meter for seawater

  25. 重铬酸钾法是测定化学需氧量得常规方法。

    The potassium chromate method is one regular method to determine COD.

  26. 重铬酸钾法是测定化学需氧量的常规方法。

    The potassium chromate method is one regular method to determine COD.

  27. 利用微生物传感器快速测定水中生化需氧量。

    The biochemical oxygen demand was determined by the speedy testing method of microorganism sensor.

  28. 水环境中有机污染物生化需氧量的测定

    Measurement of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand of the Organic Pollutant in the Aquatic Environment

  29. 泥浆添加剂对处理钻井污水化学需氧量的影响

    Effect of Additives for Drilling Fluid on Chemical Oxygen Demand in Wastewater Treatment

  30. 皂化残液化学需氧量的快速测定方法研究

    A Quick Method for Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand of Saponification Residue


  1. 问:总需氧量拼音怎么拼?总需氧量的读音是什么?总需氧量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总需氧量的读音是zǒng xū yǎng liàng,总需氧量翻译成英文是 total oxygen demand

  2. 问:总需氧量自动记录仪拼音怎么拼?总需氧量自动记录仪的读音是什么?总需氧量自动记录仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总需氧量自动记录仪的读音是zǒng xū yǎng liàng zì dòng jì lù yí,总需氧量自动记录仪翻译成英文是 total oxygen demand automatic recorder