







汉语拼音:ér miáo






  1. 鸟名。形似鸵鸟而较小,体高约1.5米。嘴短而扁,羽毛灰色或褐色。翅膀退化,足三趾,腿长善走。产于 澳洲 森林中,吃树叶和野果。



  1. Her mother, after being scared by an emu, ran away and six-month-old Tijana fell from the pouch.


  2. I feel proud to be the new Chinese Ambassador to Australia, and I am also keenly aware of the great responsibility on myself.


  3. Kangaroo and Emu Steaks, Australia. Australia must be the only country where people can eat their national emblems.


  4. Mary Martinson caught me at the post office the other day, took hold of my arm, and lectured me for fifteen minutes on the virtues of emus .


  5. The category and distribution of ostrich, as well as the characteristics of African ostrich, rhea and emu skin were discussed.


  6. Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.


  7. AUSTRALIAN EMU OIL CREAM contains natural Australian Emu Oil, obtained as a by-product of fram-bred Emus.


  8. a ratite bird order: birds intermediate in characteristics between ostriches and emus: recent and extinct rheas .


  9. Many people are discovering the benefits of natural Emu Oil, known and used by the aborigines for thousands of years.


  1. 鸸鹋卵人工孵化初探

    Preliminary Study on Artificial Incubation of Emu Eggs

  2. 这里有鸸鹋, 袋熊, 袋鼠

    There was emu, wombat, kangaroo

  3. 鸸鹋胃的组织学特点

    The histological characters of stomach in Emu

  4. 鸸鹋和袋鼠不会后退。

    Emus and kangaroos can't walk backwards.

  5. 鸸鹋油的综合开发利用

    Comprehensive Development and Application of Emu Oil

  6. 澳洲鸸鹋的饲养管理特点

    Principles of Management to Feed Emu of AUS

  7. 鸸鹋油也作为润滑剂, 食用油用。

    Emu oil is also used in lubricant and edible oil.

  8. 以及鸸鹋油作为润滑剂, 食用油等的应用。

    Emu oil is also used in lubricant and edible oil.

  9. 鸸鹋油对烫伤大鼠创面的愈合作用

    Effects of topical emu oil on wound healing in scalded rats

  10. 目得观察解鸸鹋油对烧伤创面愈合得作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of topical emu oil on wound healing in scalded rats.

  11. 鸸鹋蛋壳粉对雄性小鼠性功能的影响

    Effects of Emu eggshell on sexual function of male mice

  12. 需要澳大利亚鸸鹋的羽毛,保证高品质的喷漆涂层

    It takes feathers form Australias biggest bird for only emu feathers ensure molecular paint work.

  13. 鸸鹋油可另令皮肤获得充分的营养。澳洲生产。

    Nourishes body with extracts of Emu oil. Made In Australia.

  14. 大型鸟类,如鸵鸟和鸸鹋,由于体重过大也不能飞行。

    Large birds, such as the ostrich and emu, cannot fly because they are too heavy.

  15. 鸸鹋油对烫伤大鼠创面的抗炎及促愈合作用

    Antiinframnatory activity and healingpromoting effects of topical application of emu oil on wound in scalded rats

  16. 目得观察广东产得鸸鹋蛋壳粉对小鼠性功能得影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Emu eggshell produced in Guangdong on sexual ability of male mice.

  17. 目的观察广东产的鸸鹋蛋壳粉对小鼠性功能的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Emu eggshell produced in Guangdong on sexual ability of male mice.

  18. 在此可见到澳洲特有的动物如鸸鹋, 树熊, 袋鼠等等。

    Here you can see Australian Wild life Emu, Koala, Kangaroo etc.

  19. 同时,由于资源独揽,英吉利是亚洲唯一的鸸鹋油出口商。

    At the same time, due to resource arrogate English in Asia, the only emu oil exporters.

  20. 其中鸸鹋代万和澳洲鹤布拉咖就是这样的两头巨型猛兽。

    Dinewan the Emu and Bralagah the Brolga were two such animals.

  21. 鸸鹋油是一种新型日用化学品原料 具有一定的开发前景

    Emu oil is a new kind of raw material for detergent and cosmetics and has definite prospect for further development.

  22. 鸸鹋油是一种新型日用化学品原料 具有一定得开发前景

    Emu oil is a new kind of raw material for detergent and cosmetics and has definite prospect for further development.


  1. 问:鸸鹋拼音怎么拼?鸸鹋的读音是什么?鸸鹋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鸸鹋的读音是érmiáo,鸸鹋翻译成英文是 emu, a big bird



鸸鹋(学名:Dromaius novaehollandia)是鸟纲鸸鹋科唯一的物种,以擅长奔跑而著名,是澳洲地区的特产,是世界上第二大的鸟类,体型仅次于非洲鸵鸟,因此也被称作澳洲鸵鸟,也被称作尤加利鸟,翅膀比非洲鸵鸟和美洲鸵鸟的更加退化,足三趾,是世界上最古老的鸟种之一。 栖息于澳洲森林和开阔地带,吃树叶和野果。鸸鶓终生配对。每窝产7-10枚暗绿色卵,卵长13cm。在地面上筑巢。雄鸟孵卵约60天。体上有条纹的幼雏出壳后很快就能跟着成鸟跑。特别的气管结构在繁殖期可发出巨大的隆隆声。鸸鹋是澳大利亚的国鸟,是澳大利亚国徽中的动物之一。