


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……


1. 罢 [bà]2. 罢 [ba]3. 罢 [pí]罢 [bà]停,歇:~休。~工。~课。~市。~论(打消了打算)。~笔(停止写作)。免去,解除:~免。~官。~职。~黜。完了,毕:吃~饭。罢 [ba]同“吧”。罢 [pí]古同“疲”,累。……



汉语拼音:zuò bà







  1. 作为罢论;不进行。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致内山完造》:“决定还是作罢为好。” 欧阳山 《苦斗》五九:“大家看看这种局面,再衡量一下自个儿的能力,都打算撒手作罢。” 张书绅 《正气歌》:“管教员气得没有办法,就去清点鞋帮数目,想找个茬治治 志新 ,可是数来数去,刚好一千二百双,也只好作罢。”



  1. After a few more words I called it a night and went to bed.


  2. Hugely popular on leaving office in 2006, any ambition he might have to win the presidency again in 2009 looks stalled, for now at least.


  3. The matter will have to be dropped.


  4. The snowballing online reaction sends a clear message that people are not prepared to take this sort of thing lying down.


  5. Unfortunately neither the water nor electricity were flowing at the time of our arrival, so a much-needed wash-up had to be postponed.


  6. He has been offered work, but turned it down because he did not want to leave his wife, who used to be in parma, alone in the camp.


  7. She longed to enquire of the housekeeper whether her master were really absent, but had not courage for it.


  8. I wish I could go for a walk, too, but so far the desire to spend the time at my desk has triumphed.


  9. "I can't thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it. " And Jo resigned herself with a sigh.


  1. 没有只好作罢

    Had to do without.

  2. 务祈作罢。

    I conjure you by all that is holy to desist.

  3. 缓期不等于作罢。

    Forbearance is no acquittance.

  4. 这件事只好作罢了。

    The matter will have to be dropped.

  5. 我们来分配工作罢!

    Now, let's share out the work between us.

  6. 假使他不同意,那就作罢。

    If he disagrees, let the matter drop.

  7. 双方意见不一,事情只好作罢。

    The two sides couldn't agree so the matter had to be dropped.

  8. 生活所迫工作所需只好作罢。

    Forced by living, in need of working, I have to give up.

  9. 由于风势太大, 追捕只好作罢。

    Because of a squall the chase has to be called off.

  10. 但是有一个原因令我作罢。

    But one really struck me.

  11. 这个计划因为缺少资金而作罢。

    The project foundered as a result of lacking of finance.

  12. 当时他因严重的冻疮而作罢。

    He had to turn back after suffering severe frostbite.

  13. 现在必须有平等待遇, 否则作罢。

    There must be an even adjustment here or nothing.

  14. 断断续续又抽了几口儿,遂作罢。

    Make sure you hold the charcoal with the hookah clamps provided.

  15. 他将就道了个歉, 我们也就作罢了。

    He offered us an apology of sorts and we accepted it.

  16. 我正想出门, 无奈朋友来访, 我只好作罢。

    I was just about to go out, but my friend came round so I had to drop my plans.

  17. 我正想出门,无奈朋友来访,我只好作罢。

    I was just about to go out, but my friend came round so I had to drop my plans.

  18. 俄罗斯议会推翻了他的决定,他只好作罢。

    When the Russian parliament overturned his decision, he backed down.

  19. 罗西刚要抗议, 但又一想决定作罢。

    Rosie was about to protest but thought better of it.

  20. 我也没再多说就此作罢, 上床睡觉去了。

    After a few more words I a night and went to bed.

  21. 杰克想要休学, 但想到后果便决定作罢。

    Jack wanted to quit school, but he thought out the matter and decided not to.

  22. 这是枉费力气,他挣脱不了,所以只好作罢。

    It was no use, he could not break away, so he gave up.

  23. 既然开始下雨了,我去散步的念头只好作罢。

    Now it's started raining; so much for my idea of taking a walk.

  24. 他想动手给雪妮调一杯,再想想不妥就作罢了。

    He was about to mix a glass for Sidney, but thought better of it at the last moment.

  25. 我们几个年轻一点的强烈抗议,但寡不敌众,只好作罢。

    We are a bit younger to protest strongly, but hopelessly outnumbered, have to drop.

  26. 别人对你的产品刚刚加入联属现场节目便作罢。

    Just add someone else product to your site by joining an affiliate program and forget about it.

  27. 印航数次试图民营化,均因政治力量反对而作罢。

    Several efforts to privatize the airline have faltered because of political opposition.

  28. 雨一直下个不停,我们去公园野餐的计划只能作罢了。

    It rained and rained, which put the lid on our plans for a picnic in the park.

  29. 他们之前计划从飞机上进行爆破,但因为天气原因只得作罢。

    Their earlier attempts to carry out the mission from helicopters were hampered by bad weather.

  30. 美国一所大学录取了我,可是我无钱前往,所以此事只能作罢。

    I've got a place at an American university but I can't afford to go, so that's put the lid on that.


  1. 问:作罢拼音怎么拼?作罢的读音是什么?作罢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:作罢的读音是zuòbà,作罢翻译成英文是 drop



拼音:zuòbà 释义:[drop;give up;relinquish] 作为罢论;不进行;放弃。 出处:鲁迅 《书信集·致内山完造》:“决定还是作罢为好。” 例句:这件事只好作罢。 详细解释 作为罢论;不进行;算了。 鲁迅《书信集·致内山完造》:“决定还是作罢为好。”欧阳山《苦斗》五九:“大家看看这种局面,再衡量一下自个儿的能力,都打算撒手作罢。”张书绅《正气歌》:“管教员气得没有办法,就去清点鞋帮数目,想找个茬治治 志新 ,可是数来数去,刚好一千二百双,也只好作罢。”