


杀牲畜:~杀。屠~。~牲节(亦称“古尔邦节”、“牺牲节”)。借指商贩用狡诈的手段使顾客在经济上受到损害(有的地区称“斩”)。古代官名:~相(xiàng )。~辅。太~。~官。主管、主持:主~。~制。……





汉语拼音:zǎi shā







  1. 屠宰牲畜、家禽等。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷四:“ 益州 之西, 云南 之东,有神祠……此神 张良 所受 黄石公 之灵也。清浄不宰杀。” 唐 李朝威 《柳毅传》:“吾不知子之牧羊,何所用哉?神祇岂宰杀乎?” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·种植·木本》:“草木之受诛锄,犹禽兽之被宰杀,其苦其痛,俱有不忍言者。” 巴金 《灭亡》第二一章:“同样是死,与其和平地象柔驯的羔羊被牵出去宰杀,不如起来做个先下手的人。”



  1. Consider fishing, where one's whole pleasure is often spoiled by having to kill a fish.


  2. The majority of animals killed for fur end up in as fur trim, a sector of the industry worth billions of dollars a year.


  3. He said the decision not to carry out a mass slaughter was based on health guidelines, not political considerations.


  4. "I won't, " he finally managed to breathe, never dreaming that she was thinking he looked like a calf waiting for the butcher.


  5. They seemed ingrained with blood from the thousands of acts of butchery that are part of rural life in a land of enthusiastic meat-eaters.


  6. And he sent young men of the children of Israel, and they offered holocausts, and sacrificed pacific victims of calves to the Lord.


  7. Most of those killed are young cattle, in fine condition, as the tallow is one of the chief sources of profit.


  8. Still, to be able to die with no special contrition, not having been slaughtered, or enslaved.


  9. Then Moses desired that at least they should not kill men , and he suffered them to kill beasts .


  1. 宰杀作祭品

    To kill as a sacrifice.

  2. 宰杀动物为食

    to kill the animal for food

  3. 宰杀动物作为食物

    slaughter animals for food

  4. 买活牛然後宰杀

    Bought on the hoof and then slaughtered

  5. 买活牛然后宰杀。

    Bought on the hoof and then slaughtered.

  6. 宰杀后的动物尸体。

    the lifeless bodies of the slaughtered animals

  7. 他们宰杀羊作为食物。

    They slaughtered sheep for food.

  8. 山羊按照仪式宰杀了。

    The goat was ritually slaughtered.

  9. 喂肥牛群以宰杀。

    The cattle are being fattened for slaughter.

  10. 猎犬扑向宰杀的猎物。

    The hounds moved in for the kill.

  11. 旧时宰杀活人祭雷神。

    Human victims were immolating to the Thunderer.

  12. 为祭祀而宰杀的动物

    living creature killed and offered as a religious sacrifice

  13. 用火宰杀来做为祭品。

    to kill as a sacrifice by fire.

  14. 我们正在催肥牲畜待宰杀。

    We're fattening the livestock up for slaughter.

  15. 为款待客人而宰杀的羊羔

    a lamb that slays for the guests

  16. 我不喜欢看动物被宰杀。

    I have no relish for seeing animals being butchered.

  17. 宰杀牲畜来吃合乎人道吗?

    Is it humane to kill animals for food

  18. 屠宰为了买卖而宰杀或处理

    To slaughter or preparefor market.

  19. 为祭祀而宰杀的动物。牺牲

    Living creature killed and offered as a religious sacrifice

  20. 一头牛在难民营外被宰杀。

    A cow is ritually slaughtered outside the Kalma refugee camp.

  21. 每年对海豹的选择性宰杀

    the annual seal cull

  22. 宰杀这些动物的手段很残忍。

    The way these animals are killed is barbaric.

  23. 他们只宰杀那些可用的野牛。

    They killed only the buffalo they could use.

  24. 宰杀了牲畜,配制了美酒,铺设了饭桌。

    She hath slain her victims, mingled her wine, and set forth her table.

  25. 这些羊运到当地的屠宰场宰杀。

    The lambs are taken to the local abattoir to be slaughtered.

  26. 宠物狗是不会被主人宰杀的。

    A pet dog is never killed by its owner.

  27. 宰杀动物可以预防和控制非典吗?

    Should Pets Be Killed to Prevent and Control SARS

  28. 我们会只吃我们能种植的和能宰杀的。

    We'll only eat what I can grow or kill.

  29. 这名农夫为过节宰杀了一头猪。

    The farmer killed a pig for the holidays.

  30. 印尼首都担心禽流感开始宰杀家禽

    Fear of Bird Flu Prompts Indonesian Capital to Begin Bird Cull


  1. 问:宰杀拼音怎么拼?宰杀的读音是什么?宰杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宰杀的读音是zǎishā,宰杀翻译成英文是 slaughter; butcher; slay


