







汉语拼音:qīng tíng






  1. 亦作“ 蜻蝏 ”。昆虫名。身体细长,胸部的背面有两对膜状的翅,喜生活在水边,捕食蚊子等小飞虫。

    晋 张华 《博物志》卷四:“五月五日埋蜻蜓头於西向户下,埋至三日不食,则化成青真珠。” 唐 王建 《戴胜词》:“紫冠采采褐羽斑,衔得蜻蜓飞过屋。” 清 恽敬 《<听云楼诗钞>序》:“夫人之耳不可执,不可恃也,蚁动而以为牛鬭,蜻蝏翼而以为曳大木,震雷发乎前而聋者不闻。” 冰心 《寂寞》:“你看那边水上飞着好些蜻蜓,一会儿要下雨了。”

  2. 指仿蜻蜓状制成的发钗。

    五代 张泌 《江城子》词之二:“緑云高綰,金簇小蜻蜓。”



  1. So the dragonfly swooped down to the surface of the water and tried to reenter the water, but try as it would, it could not return.


  2. The water, two or three birds in the Latin dance of dragonflies, as if to say they would like to participate in this fun game.


  3. Must have had a person, with you under the sun chasing dragonflies.


  4. This dragonfly suddenly curled its abdomen while I was watching it through the lens, giving it a unique appearance.


  5. Her mother came to see me in a daze in front of dragonflies , kindly said to me: "What do want? "


  6. Dragonflies skim over the water like, like the wind girl holding violin slowly clear up, loud together.


  7. In the morning, he had already turned into a beautiful dragonfly. He said a farewell to God and was off to the hospital.


  8. I was looking at a beautiful rose when a beautiful, large dragonfly landed within arm's length of me.


  9. thousands, maybe millions, of dragonflies showed up out of nowhere. They were delicate and beautiful and I put one in a jar.


  1. 过来,蜻蜓。

    Come back, Dragonfly.

  2. 米埔常见蜻蜓

    Common Dragonfly Species in Mai Po.

  3. 琥珀化石蜻蜓

    Old Rare genuine baltic amber fossil Dragonfly

  4. 蜻蜓捕食蚊蝇。

    The dragonfly feeds on mosquitoes and flies.

  5. 蜻蜓飞来了。

    The dragonfly comes.

  6. 巨人蜻蜓答道。

    replied the dragonfly.

  7. 我是谁?我是蜻蜓。

    Who am I? I'm Dragonfly.

  8. 小小先生和蜻蜓

    Sir Small and the Dragonfly

  9. 我喜欢抓蜻蜓。

    I love catching dragonflies.

  10. 到处落着蜻蜓。

    Dragonflies were landing everywhere.

  11. 蜻蜓掠过树梢。

    The dragonflies skimmed the treetops.

  12. 晚霞中的红蜻蜓

    Red Dragonfly In The Sunset Glow

  13. 蜻蜓和其他草虫

    Dragonfly and other plants and insects

  14. 他用树枝扑蜻蜓。

    He used a branch to swat at dragonflies.

  15. 蜻蜓,蜻蜓,蜻蜓飞行的速度。

    Dragon fly, dragon fly, the speed of your flying.

  16. 蜻蜓飞得很低。

    Dragonflies fly very low.

  17. 蜻蜓飞得很低。

    Dragonflies fly very low.

  18. 竿,就去捉蜻蜓。

    pole , Catch dragonfly.

  19. 蜻蜓的翅膀颤着!

    the wings of the dragonfly quiver.

  20. 蜻蜓有两付翅膀。

    Dragonflies have two pairs of wings.

  21. 蜻蜓在水上飞翔。

    The dragonfly is flying over the water.

  22. 蜻蜓怜爱飞上头。

    While a dragonfly flutters and sits on her comb.

  23. 我喜欢蝴蝶和蜻蜓。

    I like butterflies and dragonflies.

  24. 这是一只蜻蜓吗

    Is this a dragonfly.

  25. 曲阜蜻蜓的初步调查

    A Preliminary Survey of Dragonflies from Qufu Area

  26. 瓜叶上的小蜻蜓。

    Little dragonfly on squash leaf.

  27. 蜻蜓的寿命只有24小时。

    A dragonfly has a life spen of 24 hours.

  28. 是的,是一只红蜻蜓。

    Yes.It's a red dragonfly.

  29. 是得,是一只红蜻蜓。

    Yes. It's a red dragonfly.

  30. 中文蜻蜓常用名称考

    On the etymology of common dragonfly names in Chinese


  1. 问:蜻蜓拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓的读音是什么?蜻蜓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓的读音是qīngtíng,蜻蜓翻译成英文是 dragonfly

  2. 问:蜻蜓点水拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓点水的读音是什么?蜻蜓点水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓点水的读音是qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐ,蜻蜓点水翻译成英文是 skim over

  3. 问:蜻蜓兰拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓兰的读音是什么?蜻蜓兰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓兰的读音是qīngtínglán,蜻蜓兰翻译成英文是 Tulotis fuscescens

  4. 问:蜻蜓的拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓的的读音是什么?蜻蜓的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓的的读音是qīng tíng de,蜻蜓的翻译成英文是 odonate

  5. 问:蜻蜓兰属拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓兰属的读音是什么?蜻蜓兰属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓兰属的读音是qīngtínglán shǔ,蜻蜓兰属翻译成英文是 Tulotis

  6. 问:蜻蜓凤梨拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓凤梨的读音是什么?蜻蜓凤梨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓凤梨的读音是qīngtíngfènglí,蜻蜓凤梨翻译成英文是 Aechmea fasciata

  7. 问:蜻蜓菠萝拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓菠萝的读音是什么?蜻蜓菠萝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓菠萝的读音是,蜻蜓菠萝翻译成英文是 Aechmea fasciata

  8. 问:蜻蜓虫草拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓虫草的读音是什么?蜻蜓虫草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓虫草的读音是qīngtíngchóngcǎo,蜻蜓虫草翻译成英文是 Cordyceps odonatae

  9. 问:蜻蜓铅笔拼音怎么拼?蜻蜓铅笔的读音是什么?蜻蜓铅笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蜻蜓铅笔的读音是,蜻蜓铅笔翻译成英文是 Tombow



“蜻蜓”是个多义词,它可以指蜻蜓(Dragonfly Smile.DK单曲), 蜻蜓(人人网蜻蜓手机客户端), 蜻蜓(美国凯文·科斯特纳主演电影), 蜻蜓(网络歌曲), 蜻蜓(齐白石国画作品), 蜻蜓(差翅亚目昆虫), 蜻蜓(I·E·列宾I·E·Repin著油画)。