


头顶:华~。最高最初的部分:~末(本末)。山~。倾倒,跌:~沛。~倒(dǎo )。~踬。~覆。~扑不破。上下跳动:~簸。古同“癫”,精神错乱。……




1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……





汉语拼音:diān lái dǎo qù






  • 【解释】:翻过来倒过去,来回重复。
  • 【出自】:元·王实甫《西厢记》第三本第二折:“将简帖儿掂,将妆盒儿按,开拆封皮孜孜看,颠来倒去不害心烦。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;指来回重复


  1. The aunt examined the paper, turned it about in all directions, then put it back in its case.


  2. Turn and examine a single commodity, by itself, as we will, yet in so far as it remains an object of value, it seems impossible to grasp it.


  3. She opened it at the appropriate page and then turned the directory upside-down.


  4. 'Stop turning the map upside-down! ' he snapped.


  1. 这篇文章里颠来倒去就这么几个词。

    The article merely rings the changes on a few terms.

  2. 就那么点事,他颠来倒去地说个没完。

    It was just a small matter, but he kept talking about it over and over again.

  3. 如果一篇文章颠来倒去总是那么几个词,人家就不愿看。

    No one cares to read an article that merely rings the changes on a few terms.

  4. 你倒去不去 呀

    Do you want to go or not

  5. 后仰, 向后倒去

    Fall back

  6. 倒去锅里的油。

    Pour away the fat.

  7. 电击,这种死法倒去的快。

    Electrocution. that's a quick way to go.

  8. 他四脚朝天向后倒去。

    His feet stuck up in the air as he fell over backwards.

  9. 威尔逊翻来倒去摆弄着空水壶。

    Wilson rolled the empty canteen back and forth.

  10. 他被重重地击了一下,禁不住向前倒去。

    He was hIt'so bitterly that he could not help pitching forward.

  11. 立刻倒去水, 这是为了去除肉里多余的盐份。

    Immediately drain off the water because that gets rid of all the excess salt.

  12. 立刻倒去水,这是为了去除肉里多余得盐份。

    Immediately drain off the water because that gets rid of all the excess salt.

  13. 他费力地试图用双腿站起来,可是却向后倒去。

    He tried to lever himself up with his legs and fell back.

  14. 他费力地试图用双腿站起来,可是却向后倒去。

    He tried to lever himself up with his legs and fell back.

  15. 倒去多馀水份, 淋上调味料, 饰以葱丝及红辣椒。

    Pour away excess water. Pour over seasoning mix. Garnish with shredded green onion and red chili.

  16. 姑奶奶拿着那张纸颠来倒去, 仔细研究, 继又把它放回匣子里。

    The aunt examined the paper, turned it about in all directions, then put it back in its case.

  17. 我回头去倒

    I'll do it later.

  18. 我去倒垃圾。

    I'll put out the garbage.

  19. 他去倒垃圾。

    He went to dump the garbage.

  20. 我朋友去倒垃圾

    My friend was taking the trash out.

  21. 暂停游戏,现在去倒了

    Pause the video game and do it now.

  22. 好的,我去倒垃圾了。

    Okay.I'm gonna take out the trash.

  23. 好的,我去倒垃圾了。

    Okay. I'm gonna take out the trash.

  24. 随便你,我去倒垃圾了

    Whatever.I'm taking out the trash.

  25. 安德鲁,去倒一下垃圾

    Andrew,I need you to take out the trash.

  26. 随便你,我去倒垃圾了。

    Whatever. I'm taking out the trash.

  27. 我应该让你去倒垃圾!

    I should have let you wallow in your filth!

  28. 安德鲁,去倒一下垃圾。

    Andrew, I need you to take out the trash.

  29. 罗斯科,该你去倒垃圾了

    Roscoe, it's your turn to take out the garbage.

  30. 你们想喝水就自己起来去倒。

    You boys want a drink, get up and get it.


  1. 问:颠来倒去拼音怎么拼?颠来倒去的读音是什么?颠来倒去翻译成英文是什么?

    答:颠来倒去的读音是diānláidǎoqù,颠来倒去翻译成英文是 over and over; over and again



发音 diān lái dǎo qù 释义 翻过来倒过去,来回重复。 出处 元·王实甫《西厢记》第三本第二折:“将简帖儿掂,将妆盒儿按,开拆封皮孜孜看,颠来倒去不害心烦。”