







汉语拼音:nǎi píng






  1. She also holed up in her bedroom with a 12-gauge shotgun and a pistol, while she put a bottle in her three-month-old son's mouth.


  2. Never put your baby to bed with a bottle (unless the bottle is filled with water).


  3. One enterprising father put on his wife's bathrobe and tucked the bottle under his arm while holding the baby in a breastfeeding position.


  4. When you can, remove the breast, bottle, or pacifier from his mouth and let him finish falling asleep without something in his mouth.


  5. You know, you can try a little sugar water on the bottle, just until he gets used to it.


  6. "We definitely recognize stopping the bottle at a year of age is not easy, and stopping it at 2 years of age may be even harder, " she said.


  7. Be sure to leave them in a basin of cold water so the milk does not turn sour, she urged.


  8. Love the citrus smell and the fact that it is not toxic and I feel safe using it with my baby dishes, bottles, etc.


  9. Bisphenol A has been used for decades to make baby bottles and other plastic containers.


  1. 香港求购奶瓶

    Buy Camera Brand Baby Feeding Bottles

  2. 洗擦奶瓶内部

    scour out a milk bottle.

  3. 用蛋皮清洗奶瓶

    to shot a feeding bottle with eggshells

  4. 可放奶瓶, 开深瓶。

    Can place nursing bottle, thermos.

  5. 买尿布和奶瓶了吗?

    Have you bought diapers and bottles yet?

  6. 保姆正在洗一个奶瓶。

    The babysitter is washing a milk bottle.

  7. 那婴儿吸吮奶瓶的奶嘴。

    The baby sucked at the bottle.

  8. 小奶瓶 3支耐热 易清洗。

    Nursing Bottle 3 Pcs. Durable, easy to clean.

  9. 大奶瓶 6支耐热 易清洗。

    Nursing Bottle 6 Pcs. Durable, easy to clean.

  10. 奶瓶在哪里?小家伙饿了。

    Where's the bottle? The kid is starving.

  11. 天窗加盖配奶瓶袋

    With window and bottle bag

  12. 婴儿手执奶瓶自己喂奶

    to prop the bottle

  13. 将空奶瓶放在门阶上。

    Leave empty milk bottles on the step.

  14. 这只小羊要用奶瓶喂养。

    The lamb had to be brought up by hand.

  15. 所述杯体为烧杯或奶瓶。

    The cup body is a beaker or a nursing bottle.

  16. 奶瓶瓶身高透明度, 轻巧便携。

    Bottle highly transparent, handy and easy to carry.

  17. 婴儿的奶瓶总是标有刻度的。

    Always there is a graduation to the mark to the baby's feeding bottle.

  18. 她喝完了奶瓶中的牛奶没有?

    Has she finished her bottle?

  19. 我哥和我是用奶瓶喂大的。

    My brother and I were brought up by hand.

  20. 奶瓶消毒锅1个常清洗保持清洁。

    Nursing Bottle Sterilizer 1 Pc. Wash often. Keep clean.

  21. 好了,我去拿奶瓶,你真可爱!

    Ok, I'm gonna get your bottle. You're so cute, yeah!

  22. 还有你也得负责奶瓶相关事宜。

    And you will also be on bottle duty.

  23. 结果一个4盎司的奶瓶,我喝了。

    and of a 4 ounce bottle , i wound up drinking.

  24. 按照喂婴儿时的姿势倾斜奶瓶。

    Tip the bottle up so it's in the same position as it would be when feeding the baby.

  25. 洗面奶瓶盖注射模的设计

    Design of Injection Mould for the Cover of Facial Foam Bottle

  26. 放在门阶上的空牛奶瓶

    Empty milk bottles on the doorstep

  27. 当马克去给他拿奶瓶的时候

    when Mark was to go get a bottle for him.

  28. 第三,你还忘了把奶瓶放出去!

    And you to put out the milk bottle!

  29. 扔掉划伤的奶瓶和幼儿水杯。

    Discard scratched baby bottles and sippy cups.

  30. 小猫一见奶瓶,就奋不顾身非要不可。

    The kitten really wanted that feeding bottle.


  1. 问:奶瓶拼音怎么拼?奶瓶的读音是什么?奶瓶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奶瓶的读音是nǎipíng,奶瓶翻译成英文是 baby's feeding bottle; nursing bottle


