


不,不曾,没有:~必。~曾(céng )。~来。~尝。~竟(没有完成的)。~及(a.没有来得及;b.没有达到)。地支的第八位,属羊。用于记时:~时(下午一点至三点)。放在句末,表示疑问:“君除吏尽~?吾亦欲除吏”。……


1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:wèi jí








  1. 没有来得及。

    《史记·张耳陈馀列传》:“大王举 梁 楚 而西,务在入关,未及收 河 北也。”《后汉书·侯霸传》:“惟 霸 积善清絜,视事九年……未及爵命,奄然而终。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十四:“丫鬟未及答应,大夫急急揩抹乾净,即伸手桌子上去取烛臺过来,揑在手中。”《儿女英雄传》第二三回:“姑娘还未及开言, 张太太 的话也来了,説:‘这么着好哇!’”

  2. 不曾涉及。

    唐 张泌 《惆怅吟》:“ 江淹 彩笔空留恨, 庄叟 玄谈未及情。”



  1. He set out in such a haste that he didn't have time to say good-bye to his friends.


  2. He himself observed the modern civilization in a village less than the last, it is to see the trend of modern civilization.


  3. The surge seems to have caught Ryanair, surely Britons' least-favourite budget airline, unaware.


  4. more regrettably, some people life has not been and charm out, life would be like a circus artist hastily, make life-long regret.


  5. 'So they start with seven [votes] which, it was not expected by the other candidates. . . This is not just a rumor, that's a fact. '


  6. Making each picture was like throwing a stone without knowing where it would land, how close to the unknowable and unreachable.


  7. Instead he found visitors pouring in from other parts of China, many attending conferences being held by Chinese companies at the hotel.


  8. Why there could be two very different civilizations such a "tacit agreement" , which is to allow the author to the unexpected.


  9. There is something about this dry, rocky island and its people that unexpectedly enchants, no matter why or how you first arrived.


  1. 未及心语深藏。

    Hiding something you never mention.

  2. 而间接损耗还未及计算。

    And indirect loss still do not be calculated.

  3. 门静脉主干内未及癌栓。

    There were no tumor thrombi in the main portal vein.

  4. 他匆促启程,未及向朋友告别。

    He left in such haste that he had no time to say goodbye to his friends.

  5. 他匆促起程, 未及向朋友告别。

    He set out in such a haste that he didnt have time to say goodbye to his friends.

  6. 蒙哥马利的业绩未及于此。

    Montgomery did not do so well.

  7. 蒙哥马利得业绩未及于此。

    Montgomery did not do so well.

  8. 那个阴谋未及实施就被识破了。

    The plot was discovered before it gathered to a head.

  9. 幸存者逃离了这个村庄,未及掩埋死者。

    The survivors fled the village and did not bury their dead.

  10. 有关爆炸事件的报道很简略,未及详情。

    The reports of the explosion were brief and uninformative.

  11. 郑国游人未及家,洛阳行子空叹息。

    And people on their way from Cheng cannot go home, And people from Loyang sigh with disappointment.

  12. 那个还未及逃跑, 警察已给他戴上了手铐。

    In a twinkling, the detective had the handcuffs on the man.

  13. 我们总有太多的知心话儿还未及彼此倾诉。

    There was so much more we wanted to tell each other.

  14. 他只谈到奏鸣曲的结构,而未及于它的起源。

    He only talked about the structure of the sonata without mentioning its origin.

  15. 他虽然有心向王老师学习,但是还未及门。

    Although he has the intention to study with Mr. Wang, he hasn't formally acknowledged him as teacher.

  16. 对颈淋巴结未及肿大的患者可暂不行颈淋巴结清扫术。

    Neck dissection may neck lymph node is positive.

  17. 他只谈到了奏鸣曲的结构, 而未及于它的起源。

    He only talked about the structure of the sonata without mentioning its origin.

  18. 别担心我, 虽只是你未及细想的一推, 我也会给你无尽的感激!

    Don't worry, I, although is it push away to be considered carefully yet by you, I can give you endless thanking too!

  19. 由于这种糖在血液及未支用。

    Due to this the sugar remains in the blood unconverted and unutilized.

  20. 清洁驱动器从文件留待及未使用得。

    Clean drives from files left aside and unused.

  21. 清洁驱动器从文件留待及未使用的。

    Clean drives from files left aside and unused.

  22. 生鲜植物体及未成熟的果实有毒。

    Raw fresh part of plant and unripe fruit are poisonous.

  23. 生鲜植物体及未成熟得果实有毒。

    Raw fresh part of plant and unripe fruit are poisonous.

  24. 菊科的新属及未详知属三,合头菊属。

    Genera nova vel minus cognita familiae Compositarum, III.Syncalathium Lipsch.

  25. 检视扶轮社得填补及未填补得职业分类名册。

    Examine the club's roster of filled and unfilled classifications.

  26. 检视扶轮社的填补及未填补的职业分类名册。

    Examine the club's roster of filled and unfilled classifications.

  27. 重复延误已承诺之交期及未有改善意图。

    Promised delivery dates are extended again and again yet there is no intention to improve.

  28. 月未时候, 冲销过期帐目及未使用得担保预定。

    At month end write off over dues after department and guaranteed no show accounts.

  29. 用途适合各种箱装, 袋装, 桶装及未包装物件输送。

    Application For conveying carton, bag, can, or unpacked objects.

  30. 月未时候,冲销过期帐目及未使用的担保预定。

    At month end write off over dues after department and guaranteed no show accounts.


  1. 问:未及狸藻拼音怎么拼?未及狸藻的读音是什么?未及狸藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:未及狸藻的读音是,未及狸藻翻译成英文是 Utricularia praetermissa



【拼音】:wèi jí

【注音】:ㄨㄟˋ ㄐㄧˊ