


在旁边扶助:~扶。~着他走。混合:~杂。~和(huo )。……





汉语拼音:chān zá








  1. 夹杂,混杂。

    清 钱谦益 《列朝诗集小传·王参政慎中》:“诗体初宗艳丽,工力深厚,归田以后,搀杂讲学,信笔自放,颇为词林口实。” 曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“窗外有节奏地传来小工们打地基的桩歌,由近渐远,搀杂着多少人的步伐和石硪落地的沉重的声音。”



  1. He was impartial in dealing with the matter and didn't impose any personal feelings on it.


  2. Clarkson's customers are willing to pay him extra for the steps he has to take to keep GMOs out of his products.


  3. These n-type dopant concentrations can be achieved using neutron transmutation doping (NTD) techniques.


  4. Force "you to sing me" , "unison" and even submissive, called upon to, in fact, already mixed with the other ingredients.


  5. What is the result of the tussle between standardized and mixed languages in Singapore?


  6. Doping - The process of the donation of an electron or hole to the conduction process by a dopant.


  7. But it doesn't exist in a pure, unadulterated state. Instead, it is in constant flux, adapting to new challenges.


  8. the darker colors being sometimes interspersed with lighter or badger-colored hair, and sometimes flecked with white.


  9. prosperity is not without many fears and disasters, adversity is not without comforts and hopes.


  1. 搀杂虚假成分的事实

    Truth mingled with falsehood.

  2. 只能搀杂一些粤语来回答。

    Adulteration to answer only some Cantonese.

  3. 但是你的理由总是搀杂着谎言。

    But your reason always is adulterating the rumour.

  4. 陶器是用无搀杂的黏土制成的。

    Pottery is made from unadulterated clay.

  5. 别把这两种菜籽搀杂在一起。

    Don't mix up the two kinds of vegetable seeds.

  6. 这部影片搀杂着卡通和实地拍摄。

    That film is a blend of animation and live action.

  7. 为公事作决策不应搀杂个人情感。

    Personal feelings shall not come into play when one have to make business decision.

  8. 有深绿色果实, 果皮搀杂有浅绿色或黄色。

    Squash plant having dark green fruit with skin mottled with light green or yellow.

  9. 不可与你们中间所剩下的这些国民搀杂。

    Do not associate with these nations that remain among you.

  10. 其中的酒起沫。杯内满了搀杂的酒。

    In the hand of the Lord is a cup full of foaming wine mixed with spices; he pours it out, and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to its very dregs.

  11. 我吃过炉灰,如同吃饭。我所喝的与眼泪搀杂。

    For I eat ashes as my food and mingle my drink with tears.

  12. 不可穿羊毛细麻两样搀杂料作的衣服。

    Do not wear clothes of wool linen woven together.

  13. 他要把他的灾祸搀杂在他们两人的幸福里吗?

    Should he place his catastrophe as a third associate in their felicity?

  14. 以法莲与列邦人搀杂。以法莲是没有翻过的饼。

    Ephraim is mixed with the peoples; ephraim is a cake not turned.

  15. 你既见铁与泥搀杂,那国也必有铁的力量。

    But there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

  16. 不时会有一些浅色或獾色毛发,有时还搀杂一些白色。

    the darker colors being sometimes interspersed with lighter or badgercolored hair, and sometimes flecked with white.

  17. 在处理这件事上, 他非常公正, 没有搀杂任何私人感情。

    He was impartial in dealing with the matter and didnt impose any personal feelings on it.

  18. 操作电影摄影的摄影师。这部影片搀杂着卡通和实地拍摄。

    A photographer who operates a movie camera. That film is a blend of animation and live action.

  19. 下面这个工作是一个商业委托,但是搀杂了很多个人因素。

    The following work was commissioned, but a very personal touch.

  20. 含异山梨醇结构的液晶用手性搀杂剂的应用研究

    The Application Research of Chiral Dopants Used in Liquid Crystal which Involves Isosorbide Structure

  21. 遗憾和后悔这两种元素中是不是多少搀杂着相同的成分呢?

    Regret and remorse of these two elements are mixed with the same number, for example?


  1. 问:搀杂拼音怎么拼?搀杂的读音是什么?搀杂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搀杂的读音是chānzá,搀杂翻译成英文是 mix

  2. 问:搀杂使假拼音怎么拼?搀杂使假的读音是什么?搀杂使假翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搀杂使假的读音是chānzáshǐjiǎ,搀杂使假翻译成英文是 mix in the inferior or fake



【拼音】chān zá