


对事物的偏爱成为习惯:~习。~好(hào )。~性。~爱。~痼(久治不愈的疾病)。洁~。中医指饮水不消的病。古同“痞”,痞块。……


1. 好 [hǎo]2. 好 [hào]好 [hǎo]优点多或使人满意的,与“坏”相对:~人。~汉。~歹。~事多磨。身体康健,疾病消失,生活幸福:您~。安~。友爱,和睦:友~。相~。容易:~办。~使。~懂。完成,完善:办~了。表示应允、赞成……



汉语拼音:pǐ hào







  1. 对某种事物的特别爱好。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·葛巾》:“ 常大用 , 洛 人,癖好牡丹,闻 曹州 牡丹甲 齐 鲁 ,心向往之。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“其癖好与余同,且能察眼意,懂眉语,一举一动,示之以色,无不头头是道。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》一:“‘有这样热心的人!’ 焕之 感服地说。便悬拟 蒋先生 的容貌、举止、性格、癖好,一时又陷入沉思;似乎把捉到一些儿,但立即觉得完全茫然。”



  1. The story's hero is a man who got a little older, just that his work is able to meet this habit - cleaning up the crime scene.

  2. He had in the past hinted at the fact that it turns him on, but I had no idea of the scope of this obsession.

  3. In the Bombay I grew up in, your religion was a personal eccentricity, like a hairstyle.

  4. Jack is known for combining several items into a single form and the Custom Lounge Chair is great illustration of his proclivity for this.

  5. Reasons: (shocked) did not expect that you should have brought any constitutional habit! ! Oh, not the Constitution, but the Three Kingdoms.

  6. I can think of at least three human foibles chronicled by behavioural economists that regularly impinge on politics.

  7. The violence is feeding a gay "brain drain" , with some of the brightest Jamaicans leaving for the United States or Canada.

  8. idiosyncrasy One of her idiosyncrasies is keeping pet dog.

  9. And finally, since a few good hackers have unbearable personalities, could we stand to have them around?


  1. 下棋的癖好

    a partiality for chess.

  2. 夸张的癖好

    A propensity for exaggeration.

  3. 同性恋关系, 癖好。

    homosexual relationships, tendencies

  4. 抽烟是他的癖好。

    Smoking is his weakness.

  5. 有不同癖好的人

    people with dissimilar hobbies

  6. 他沉溺于癖好中。

    He is obsessed by hobbies.

  7. 看来我有此癖好。

    Well,I guess I have a type.

  8. 看来我有此癖好。

    Well, I guess I have a type.

  9. 他有集邮的癖好。

    He has a rage for collecting stamps.

  10. 她有飙车的癖好。

    She has a mania for driving fast cars.

  11. 有些人有指责癖好。

    Some people have a blamethrower.

  12. 她有开快车的癖好。

    He has a mania for driving fast cars.

  13. 种花是他的癖好。

    Growing flowers is his hobby.

  14. 种花是他得癖好。

    Growing flowers is his hobby.

  15. 他性格中古怪的癖好

    an odd twist to his character.

  16. 他有自我颠覆的癖好。

    He has a propensity to selfsubversion.

  17. 癖好放火烧东西的人。

    A person with a mania for setting things on fire.

  18. 他有背诵格言的癖好。

    He has a hobby for storing up sayings in his mind.

  19. 这是她的一种癖好。

    It was a passion with her.

  20. 种玫瑰花是她得癖好。

    Growing roses is her hobby.

  21. 种玫瑰花是她的癖好。

    Growing roses is her hobby.

  22. 他保留着骑马的癖好。

    He kept his love of horsemanship.

  23. 不知道你的癖好是什么?

    I wonder what your fetish is.

  24. 它们养育了我流浪的癖好。

    They nurtured my coming with wanderlust.

  25. 有嗜糖果、搜集东西的癖好。

    Have a mania for sweets, for collecting things.

  26. 他的追根究底的癖好起了作用。

    His love of the chase inherent had its function.

  27. 也不我对男人的特殊癖好。

    And I certainly have an appropriate sensibility about men.

  28. 盗窃癖是一个偷东西的癖好。

    Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things.

  29. 盗窃癖是一种偷东西得癖好。

    Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things.

  30. 盗窃癖是一种偷东西的癖好。

    Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things.


  1. 问:癖好拼音怎么拼?癖好的读音是什么?癖好翻译成英文是什么?

    答:癖好的读音是pǐhào,癖好翻译成英文是 favourite {或} favorite hobby



pǐ hào基本解释1. 对某种事物的特别爱好例:他的癖好少2. [partiality;favourite hobby]∶积久成习的爱好;特殊的爱好例:种花是他的癖好详细解释对某种事物的特别爱好。清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·葛巾》:“ 常大用 , 洛 人,癖好牡丹,闻 曹州 牡丹甲 齐 鲁 ,心向往之。”清 沈复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“其癖好与余同,且能察眼意,懂眉语,一举一动,示之以色,无不头头是道。”叶圣陶 《倪焕之》一:“‘有这样热心的人!’ 焕之 感服地说。便悬拟 蒋先生 的容貌、举止、性格、癖好,一时又陷入沉思;似乎把捉到一些儿,但立即觉得完全茫然。”