







汉语拼音:shuǐ huàn








  1. 水灾。

    《后汉书·明帝纪》:“ 兗 豫 之人,多被水患。”《元史·地理志五》:“ 海寧 东南皆滨巨海,自 唐 宋 常有水患。” 清 李必恒 《<乙丑纪灾诗>序》:“今 河 臣于沿隄一带,设立减水诸坝,又令每岁增隄土三尺。噫!于保隄则得矣,如水患何?留心民瘼者,宜思所变计焉。”



  1. Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, is under up to two meters of water. Forty percent of the city is under the surface of sea water.


  2. The terrain of Winnipeg slopes gently. During the rain season, the Red River across the city always causes flooding.


  3. Brunei bloggers have organized various fundraising activities for the benefit of sports teams, flood victims and environmental groups.


  4. that devine turtle always stays here . there was no more flood , but also no water for monks to drink.


  5. Thousands of people have been evacuated as severe thunderstorms hit already flood-ravaged places.


  6. By the debris flow by the Department, Washed away roads, railways, bridges, water facilities, Etc. Blocked the river, caused flooding.


  7. in case of earthquake , fire , flood , take to the safe passage instead of the elevator.


  8. UN telecommunications department installs 30 satellite terminals throughout rural areas of Bangladesh affected by the recent floods.


  9. central control of the leak detection system, affected by the flooding prevention.


  1. 矿井水患的防治

    Prevention and Cure of Mine Flood

  2. 大渡河地震水患

    Daduhe River flood caused by earthquake

  3. 向斜轴部水患的治理

    Experiences of Water Danger Reclamation in Synclinal Axis

  4. 治理矿井水患的几种方案

    The Projects of Treating flood in Coal Mine.

  5. 为水患灾民点燃希望之光

    Enkindling the Light of Hope for Flood Victims

  6. 长江流域水患的思考和对策。

    Thinkings on flood in Yangtze valley and its countermeasures.

  7. 防止水患,火灾等引起之危害。

    To prevent the risk of injury posed by flooding and fire.

  8. 连续五天的雨势酿成了水患。

    Five straight days of rain caused flooding.

  9. 大臣向皇帝陈奏黄河水患。

    The courtiers reported to the emperor on the flood of the Yellow river.

  10. 大臣向皇帝陈奏黄河水患。

    The courtiers reported to the emperor on the flood of the Yellow river.

  11. 调整布局摆脱水患实现安全生产

    Adjusting Layout to Prevent Water Disester and Keep Safe Production

  12. 至于那次水患,我没听到甚么。

    As to the flood, I have heard nothing.

  13. 这也足见大禹治理水患险情的高明。

    This also indicates Da Yu to govern the flood situation wise.

  14. 这也足见大禹治理水患险情得高明。

    This also indicates Da Yu to govern the flood situation wise.

  15. 建国以来淮河流域水患灾害及其治理

    The Inundation of the Huaihe River Valley and Its Gotten Under Control Since the Founding of New China

  16. 为何该部无法克服吉隆坡的水患问题?

    Why the Ministry could not solve the flood problems in KL?

  17. 影响历史黄河水患因素的综合分析

    Systematic Analysis on Factors of Historic Flood Disaster on Lower Reaches of Yellow River

  18. 以水患治理为契机,建立长江生态经济带

    To Begin with Wator Control and Establish the Changjiang River Ecological Economic Belt

  19. 论发展四川林业和治理长江水患的关系

    On Relations between the Development of Sichuan Forestry and the Control of the Changjiang River Floods

  20. 根治长江水患兴建川境长江上游控制性水库

    Permanent Harnessing of Yangtze River Floods by Building Controlling Reservoirs Along Upper Reaches within Sichuan

  21. 师父的大爱为水患灾民带来希望之光

    Through Masters Love, the Light of Hope Comes to Santa Fe

  22. 这项水利工程使这一带的水患得到了根除。

    This water conservancy project eliminated the scourge of floods in this area.

  23. 清代综合治理黄河下游水患的系统科学思想

    Thought of system science on integrated control of flood disasters in the lower Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty.

  24. 北宋黄河水患与河北农业生产条件的恶化

    Yellow River's Flooding and the Deteriorating Hebei Agriculture Production

  25. 水患是矿山建设和生产中经常遇到的自然灾害。

    A mine water disaster is a natural disaster often occurred in mine construction and production.

  26. 建设防洪减灾生态保安体系是治理水患之本

    Measurements on Bringing Inundation Under Control Via Building Floods Prevention and Calamity Reduction Ecological Protection System

  27. 唐至北宋黄河下游水患加剧的人文背景分析

    Factors for intensified flood in the lower Yellow River from the Tang Dynasty to Northern Song Dynasty

  28. 太湖的水患与水治论长江口的综合整治与开发

    The comprehensive harnessing and development of the Yangtze river mouth.

  29. 湿陷性黄土水患防治技术在坪北油田的应用

    Application of Flood Protection and Control Technique for Slumping Loess in Pingbei Oilfield

  30. 历史时期黄河中游环境变迁与下游水患问题的研究

    Research on environmental changes in the middle reaches of Yellow River and floods in the lower reaches in historic times


  1. 问:水患拼音怎么拼?水患的读音是什么?水患翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水患的读音是shuǐhuàn,水患翻译成英文是 flooding; water disaster




【拼音】:shuǐ huàn

【注音】:ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄏㄨㄢˋ