


1. 卡 [qiǎ]2. 卡 [kǎ]卡 [qiǎ]在交通要道设置的检查或收税的地方:关~。~子。夹东西的器具:发(fà)~。领带~。夹在中间,堵塞:~壳。鱼刺~在嗓子里。卡 [kǎ]用手的虎口紧紧按住:~脖子。把人阻挡住:~住敌人的退路。……


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……



汉语拼音:kǎ qí






  1. [英khaki]也写作“咔叽”。一种布面有明显斜纹的棉织品。织物结构紧密,经纱密度大。有单面卡、双面卡、纱卡、线卡之分。主要用来做制服。



  1. The construction worker's daughter had managed to purchase a small cutting board and a used pair of khaki pants.


  2. Bozeman wiped his hands on the khaki apron he wore over his jeans and came out from behind the cash register.


  3. Buck was a tall, weathered man in a red hunting shirt and khaki pants, and I nodded as I passed him on my way to the hardware aisle.


  4. A young, lanky, man with grey blue eyes and short black hair wearing khaki pants and a white cotton tee was cowering against the wall.


  5. Much of the land around the Indus River is wetland, and the salt flats southeast of the Indus River are part of the Rann of Kachchh.


  6. He never really got the appeal of khakis and rubber-soled Gucci loafers at the office.


  7. One person might understand casual to mean khakis and a sports jacket. Another might think it means a pair of jeans and tank tops. . .


  8. Blood pours down his head, drenching his golden brown khakis, as the crowd shouts, "God is great! "


  9. Yellow with a pair of khaki, dark violet with grey, red and dark green, green and blue days.


  1. 防蜂螫卡其手套

    khaki bee gloves

  2. 丝光卡其军服布

    chino cloth.

  3. 你不是你卡其衣。

    You are not your khakis.

  4. 阻燃防水涤棉卡其

    Waterproof and flame retardant polyestercotton khaki

  5. 卡其布适合你吗?

    Does khaki become you?

  6. 纯棉卡其的生产实践

    Production Practice of Weaving Pure Cotton Khaki Drills

  7. 我要2米双面卡其布。

    I want two meters of reversible khaki.

  8. 卡其设,属于自己的生活。

    Khaki Design, Lifestyle Of Your Own.

  9. 深浅卡其配色非常好搭配!

    Dark and light khaki coloway, very easy for your styling!

  10. 她穿着时髦的卡其布服装。

    She was in chic khaki.

  11. 什色涤棉卡其男女童裤

    terylene cotton colored drill trousers for boys and girls

  12. 什色涤棉卡其男女童套装

    terylene cotton colored drill suit for boys and girls

  13. 我想要两米双面卡其布。

    I want two meters of reversible khaki.

  14. 我现在该换卡其短裤穿了。

    May I wear my khaki shorts now?

  15. 卡其布或者棉布的裤子。

    Smart casual pants for men should be either khakis or chinos that are pressed.

  16. 斜纹棉布裤可能是卡其色。

    Chinos can be khaki color.

  17. 卡其色有点偏重, 不过挺好看。

    Khaki little too much weight, but very pretty.

  18. 你们这款卡其色的有没有114号

    Do you have these khaki s in size 114

  19. 最适合与灰色, 卡其色或深蓝搭配。

    They go best with gray, khaki, or navy.

  20. 法兰西是你的卡其布和裹腿。

    France is your khakis and leggings.

  21. 因此我拿走了一条卡其布裤子。

    So I took a pair of khakis.

  22. 他头上包着卡其布的穆斯林头巾。

    His head was covered with a khaki turban.

  23. 斜纹织物有斜纹布、卡其、哗几、华达呢等。

    Prodenia fabric has a twill weave, Khaki, some sound bites, gabardine, etc.

  24. 那些小伙子们穿上卡其军装,看上去很是英俊。

    Those boys looked smart in khaki.

  25. 橘黄色和卡其色能衬托那些金黄色皮肤的人。

    Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones.

  26. 黄色和奶油色调、米色卡其色搭配最相得益彰。

    The colour works best teamed with creams, beiges and khakis.

  27. 女儿买回来一块小砧板,一条二手卡其裤。

    The construction workers daughter had managed to purchase a small cutting board and a used pair of khaki pants.

  28. 它的完美补充,牛仔裤,卡其布,货物和短裤。

    It's the perfect complement to jeans, khakis, cargos, and shorts.

  29. 一件非卡其色而是黑色皮革军大衣。

    A trenchcoat in black patent leather, rather than the expected khaki.

  30. 一个优秀的鞋穿卡其布, 牛仔裤, 或货物!

    An excellent shoe to wear with khakis, jeans, or cargos!


  1. 问:卡其拼音怎么拼?卡其的读音是什么?卡其翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡其的读音是kǎqí,卡其翻译成英文是 khaki; khaki drill

  2. 问:卡其色拼音怎么拼?卡其色的读音是什么?卡其色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡其色的读音是kǎqísè,卡其色翻译成英文是 khaki

  3. 问:卡其色的拼音怎么拼?卡其色的的读音是什么?卡其色的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡其色的的读音是,卡其色的翻译成英文是 khaki

  4. 问:卡其色军服拼音怎么拼?卡其色军服的读音是什么?卡其色军服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡其色军服的读音是,卡其色军服翻译成英文是 khaki



卡其色,即土黄色。 在英国或欧洲的说法, 就是类型绿色tinged(微染的) 棕色织品, 或这样的织品的颜色。传统上明显的"KAR-kee" 这经常今天称"KAH-kee" 在不列颠和"KAA-kee" 在北美洲。名字来自波斯 khak 意思地球色或尘土被上色

【通过Urdu(乌尔都)语言】 。原始的卡其色的织品是a twilled (织成斜纹)密切布料亚麻布或棉花。