


1. 票 [piào]2. 票 [piāo]票 [piào]纸币,通货:钞~。~子。~额。印的或写的凭证:~据。~证。股~。车~。选~。非职业演戏:~戏。~友。量词,相当于“批”:一~货物。被匪绑架做抵押的人:绑~儿。撕~儿。票 [piāo……


1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……



汉语拼音:piào hào






  1. 又称票庄或汇兑庄。旧 中国 的一种信用机构,以汇兑、存款、放款为主要业务。银行兴起后,业务受影响,乃逐渐衰落。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八八回:“且説这票号生意,专代人家匯划银钱,及寄顿银钱的。” 李劼人 《死水微澜》第五部分十一:“ 郝 公馆之晓得这消息,自然要早些,因为 郝达三 在票号来往,而又肯留心。”



  1. It is hoped that wide views be shown through the systematic study of the institutional question of draft banks.


  2. So great is the mystique around the banks that Chinese leaders have made pilgrimages here from Beijing.


  3. Secondly, analyze the system and institution of Shanxi draft banks in the modern theory of economic management framework.


  4. The staffs of the banks were trained to be objective and highly responsible to the accounting of the banks.


  5. Assured of a place, ticket holders then leave and return shortly before 8 A. M. to line up for the real tickets.


  6. To move the money, businessmen here in this city in northern China opened banks, the first in the nation's history.


  7. You are issued with a ticket number and told to wait, but at the end of this queue you still have a website that doesn't work.


  8. The Foreign bank and the Shanxi money shop takes back the short-term loan in abundance, individual depositor also urgently withdraws cash.


  9. Two, founded the financial remittance ticket number industry.


  1. 山西票号与社会信用

    Shanxi Draft Banks and Social Credit

  2. 山西票号的利润导向

    Profit Orientation of Shanxi Draft Bank

  3. 山西票号的用人之道

    How the Shanxi Draft Banks Made Use of Their Personnel

  4. 票号身股的数量分析

    The Quantitative Analysis on Shanxi Bank's Personal Shares.

  5. 山西票号组织制度探微

    A discussion on the organization system of exchange shop in Shanxi

  6. 山西票号业务总量之估计

    Estimation of Business Volume of Shanxi Piaohao

  7. 山西票号的密押和汇率

    Test key and exchange rate of Shanxi exchange house

  8. 试论山西票号的经营模式

    On the Management Pattern of Shanxi Draft Bank

  9. 山西票号形成的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Shanxi Exchange Shops Coming into Being

  10. 山西票号的信用性质之再探

    Reconsideration of the Credit Nature of Shanxi Draft Banks

  11. 传统法律文化与山西票号的兴衰

    Traditional Legal Culture and the Ups and Downs of Shanxi Bill Firm

  12. 浅议山西票号的经营者激励机制

    The Financial Incentive Mechanism of Shanxi Draft Bank's Operators.

  13. 山西票号高效执行力的动力机制

    The Motivate Mechanism of High Efficiency Execution for Shanxi Draft Bank

  14. 山西票号的组织与管理制度及其启示

    Organization and Management System and Enlightenment of Shanxi Money Shop

  15. 汇兑、存款、放款构成了票号的基本业务。

    Remittance, deposit and loan were made up of Piaohao's basic businesses.

  16. 二是开创了金融汇兑的票号业。

    Two, founded the financial remittance ticket number industry.

  17. 从山西票号的衰亡探析企业法人治理

    Analyse the Structure of Conventional Person Management from Destruction of Exchange Shop in Shanxi Province

  18. 山西票号错失变迁机遇的新制度经济学分析

    Shanxi Private Exchange Shops Missed Two Opportunities of Changing

  19. 最后,本文还对票号衰亡的原因进行了分析。

    Finally, the paper makes an analysis of the historical reasons for its decline.

  20. 山西票号兴衰过程中的组织与管理因素研究

    Studies on the Factors of Organizational and Managing System in the Process of the Prosperity and Decline of Shanxi Bank

  21. 然后分析了山西票号的激励机制和约束机制。

    All this are the foundation of the next part. Secondly, it analyzes incentive mechanism and restraint mechanism of Shanxi Bank.

  22. 在西部大开发中,人们的视野注视到票号资本。

    In the overall development of the western parts of china, people turn their attention to the capital of exchange shop.

  23. 当签证可以派发的时候,你的票号号码将会出现于显示屏上

    Your ticket number will be called again when the visa is ready for release

  24. 因家境贫寒,住日升昌票号苏州分号,后移住北京任分号经理。

    Due to poor family living Rishengchang Vote Xuzhou No.semicolon after semicolon emigration Beijing office manager.


  1. 问:票号拼音怎么拼?票号的读音是什么?票号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:票号的读音是piàohào,票号翻译成英文是 draft bank; firm for exchanging and transferri...



“票号”是个多义词,它可以指票号(2011年中央电视台纪录频道首播纪录片), 票号(古时一种专门经营汇兑业务金融机构)。