




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……





汉语拼音:tíng jī píng






  1. 飞机场中停放飞机的场地。

    袁鹰 《春华》:“我和旅伴们赶紧竖起大衣领,三步并作两步地穿过空旷的停机坪,走进候机室。”



  1. You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to th e elevator.


  2. He was escorted from his airplane by two soldiers, who gunned him down on a side stairway leading to the tarmac.


  3. He had a helicopter landing pad built on the ship which enabled him to fly in for an occasional hour or two of filming.


  4. Bosworth did not speak to reporters at the airport, slipping out a side door and into an embassy car waiting on the tarmac.


  5. The lead screw goes through a pair of half nuts, which are fixed to the rear of the apron.


  6. It has 26 tires, room for a lot of passengers, a heated Jacuzzi, sun deck, swimming pool, a few beds and. . . a helipad!


  7. Roger, emergency services arranged and tractor will be ready to tow your aircraft to apron.


  8. The side air vents in the front apron serve to expel the hot air from the oil coolers .


  9. However, as I turned I was slammed to the tarmac so violently and swiftly that I had no time to break my fall with my hands.


  1. 停机坪安全

    apron safety.

  2. 停机坪作业

    apron operating service.

  3. 停机坪飞机服务

    aircraft ramp handling service

  4. 允许返回停机坪。

    Cleared to return to the apron.

  5. 卸货停机坪, 卸货场

    unloading apron

  6. 停机坪工程的造价管理

    Cost Management for Perking Apron Engineering

  7. 注意停机坪周围的障碍物。

    Caution obstructions around the apron.

  8. 婚姻是在停机坪里转悠

    Mariage is a tarmac drice

  9. 您不能在停机坪吸烟。

    You are requested not to smoke on the apron.

  10. 离开停机坪,滑到机库。

    Depart the apron and taxi to the hangar.

  11. 直升机正等在停机坪上。

    The helicopter was waiting on the apron.

  12. 车开到停机坪接的他。

    Drove out to the tarmac to get him.

  13. 九龙启德机场北面停机坪。

    Kai Tak Airport North Apron, Kowloon.

  14. 跟着停放引导车滑到停机坪。

    Following the parking car to the apron.

  15. 地面人员允许你进入停机坪吗

    Have you been cleared into the ramp

  16. 没有停机坪延误,没有哭喊的婴孩儿。

    No tarmac delays, no screaming babies.

  17. 没有停机坪延误,没有哭喊得婴孩儿。

    No tarmac delays, no screaming babies.

  18. 停机坪上停着两架美国飞机。

    Standing on the tarmac were two American planes.

  19. 停机坪的设计还包括聚酯剔骨。

    The apron design also includes polyester boning.

  20. 另一些侦探则守候在停机坪上。

    while others were waiting on the airfield.

  21. 我们在停机坪准备了一辆吉普。

    We've got a jeep waiting for you in a hangar.

  22. 停机坪上停着几架直升飞机。

    Several helicopters were on the airfield.

  23. 启德机场北停机坪的除污工程

    Kai Tak Airport North Apron Decontamination

  24. 那几架飞机沿停机坪滑行而出。

    Those planes powered down and off the ramp.

  25. 世界大亨的便利, 商店和直升机停机坪。

    Handy for world hegemony, shops and heliport.

  26. 带上你的工具箱到直升机停机坪。

    Grab your kits and make for the helipad.

  27. 大面积水泥混凝土停机坪的施工技术

    Construction technique of wide area cement concrete parking arpon

  28. 我们不得不在停机坪等了一个小时。

    We had to wait for an hour on the tarmac.

  29. 排干水后成为直升机停机坪得游泳池?

    A swimming pool that drains to reveal a helipad?

  30. 排干水后成为直升机停机坪的游泳池?

    A swimming pool that drains to reveal a helipad ?


  1. 问:停机坪拼音怎么拼?停机坪的读音是什么?停机坪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停机坪的读音是tíng jī píng,停机坪翻译成英文是 hard stand

  2. 问:停机坪事故拼音怎么拼?停机坪事故的读音是什么?停机坪事故翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停机坪事故的读音是tíng jī píng shì gù,停机坪事故翻译成英文是 ontheramp accident

  3. 问:停机坪校波拼音怎么拼?停机坪校波的读音是什么?停机坪校波翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停机坪校波的读音是tíng jī píng jiào bō,停机坪校波翻译成英文是 Ramp Check



为飞机停放及各种维修活动提供的场所。停(维修)机坪的布置,除应考虑维修设备的不同要求外,还要考虑飞机试车时气流的吹袭影响,供飞机停放和进行各种业务活动的场所。它可能对停放、滑行的飞机、地面设备和人员造成威胁。 其中直升机的停机坪为长方型 具体尺寸为20*12 每两个停机坪间用6米的宽的草坪隔开 不用跑道 但通常都设有1200米的简易跑道。