


1. 接 [jiē]接 [jiē]连成一体:~合。~骨。~壤。衔~。继续,连续:~力。~替。~班。~二连三。再~再厉。靠近,挨上:~近。邻~。~吻。承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管。迎:~风。~生。~待。姓。……





汉语拼音:jiē qià







  1. 跟人商量彼此有关的事项。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十三:“九日上午八时,一切都已接洽妥帖。” 蹇先艾 《春和客栈》:“我们有五个代表被推选出来,先到 遵义 去接洽校舍。”



  1. Early on the team approached a number of big chip manufacturers. Engineers there did not always greet their presentations warmly.

  2. Also, the International Commissioner may be able to put you in contact with someone in your country who has material from other countries.

  3. You know I wasn't at the meeting. I was meeting with Mr. Wei about this account. I've been on this for a month and a half.

  4. We take this opportunity to contact you, and look forward to working with you to establish trade relations with China.

  5. We will arrange for the business of every area to get in touch with the person and consult with you.

  6. In retrospect, I wish I had been my own private equity firm and just gone to the bank and asked them to lend me the money I needed.

  7. Goldman spokesman Lucas van Praag said major shareholders had not contacted the company about lowering its bonus pool.

  8. After couldn't keep both sides of the paper is still to a straight line, but the corner of both sides in a certain direction.

  9. The bank has no branch in that place but we can arrange for you to deal with its correspondent there.


  1. 他来接洽工作。

    He is here on business.

  2. 请到办公室接洽。

    Please apply at the office.

  3. 请在办事处接洽。

    Arrange at the office, please.

  4. 请同有关部门接洽。

    Please take up the matter with the department concerned.

  5. 我被吩咐去向经理接洽。

    I was referred to the Manager.

  6. 业务接洽应分成若干类。

    The Business Reception is divided into a few categories.

  7. 我们将与有关部门接洽。

    We are taking the matter up with the relevant department.

  8. 我被派去和经理接洽。

    I was referred to the manager.

  9. 你可以就此事和他接洽。

    You can tackle him over this matter.

  10. 你可以亲自接洽也可以写信。

    You can apply either personally or in letter.

  11. 我要打球该和谁接洽?

    Whom should I contact to play tennis?

  12. 他来与有关单位接洽工作。

    He took up the matter with departments concerned.

  13. 只有初级助理和你接洽。

    Only has you deal with a junior associate.

  14. 我们将请他们与你方接洽。

    We shall refer them to you.

  15. 负责竞选活动业务方面的接洽

    In charge of the business end of the campaign

  16. 我已经面对面跟他接洽过了。

    I have already made contact with him face to face.

  17. 该公司过去也曾是接洽目标。

    The company has been the subject of approaches in the past.

  18. 新疆和田玉杭州业务接洽中心

    Xinjiang Hetian Jade Hangzhou Business Consulting Center

  19. 你也可以接洽总行政主任牌照

    Alternatively, you may contact the Chief Executive Officer

  20. 证明以上情况并给予接洽怎么译?

    Please confirm the circumstances above and approach.

  21. 他有没有跟你接洽借款的事?

    Did he approach you about borrowing money?

  22. 我们已让他们与我方总公司接洽。

    We have referred them to our head office.

  23. 在这,每个学生 必须与材料接洽

    Here, every single student has to engage with the material.

  24. 他已经替我们把一切接洽妥当了。

    He has already hooked up everything for us.

  25. 你可以亲自接洽, 也可能写信联系。

    You can apply either personally or in letter.

  26. 负责和客户接洽及项目组的管理。

    Will be responsible for client interface managing the project team.

  27. 我们公司为完成计划与数个公司接洽。

    Our company is engaged with several others in completing the project.

  28. 他正在考虑该怎样去和外交部接洽。

    He's thinking how he should approach the Ministry of Foreign affairs.

  29. 我们认为这种接洽欠妥,也极不道德。

    We consider this contact to be inappropriate and highly unethical.

  30. 现提供202型货物,有买者,请尽力接洽。

    Model 202 try other prospect.


  1. 问:接洽拼音怎么拼?接洽的读音是什么?接洽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:接洽的读音是jiēqià,接洽翻译成英文是 take up a matter with



跟人联系,洽谈有关事项。 跟人商量彼此有关的事项。