


天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……


1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……


1. 渐 [jiàn]2. 渐 [jiān]渐 [jiàn]慢慢地,一点一点地:逐~。~进。~~。~次。~悟。~冉(逐渐)。防微杜~。加剧:疾大~。疏导:~九川。渐 [jiān]浸:~渍。~洳(浸湿)。~染。~仁摩谊(用仁义之道感化教育人)……


含某种成分多,与“淡”相对:~茶。~雾。~墨。~眉。~重(zhòng )。~郁。深厚,不淡薄:情深意~。……



汉语拼音:yè sè jiàn nóng



  1. na.
  2. The night grows blacker.

  1. 夜色渐浓。

    The darkness is gathering.

  2. 窗外夜色渐浓。

    The night was pressing up against the windows.

  3. 夜色渐浓, 浊流滚滚的熔岩沿着火山安静地流淌。

    As evening turnsnight, the burning lava quietly falls down the side of the volcano.

  4. 夜色渐浓,在他看来黑夜变得越来越可怕可恨了。

    The night was turning jangled and hateful to him as the twilight faded.

  5. 渐浓的夜色

    the crescent darkness.

  6. 萤火虫在渐浓得夜色中发出点点亮光。

    Fireflies were sparking in the gathering darkness.

  7. 不知不觉中, 夜色已浓, 周围人渐散去。

    Unconsciously, the night has been concentrated around people gradually dispersed.

  8. 暮色渐浓。

    Twilight was merging into darkness.

  9. 弯弯月儿夜渐浓

    The crescent moon makes night gradually darker

  10. 白天即过, 暮色渐浓。

    Day drew in and twilight deepened

  11. 一场秋雨后, 秋意渐浓。

    A hint of autumn comes after an autumn rain.

  12. 一场秋雨后,秋意渐浓。

    A hint of autumn comes after an autumn rain.

  13. 夜色渐深, 哈克打起盹来,

    As the night deepened, Huck began to nod

  14. 暮色渐浓,变成了漆黑一片。

    The twilight had turned to a deep blackness.

  15. 霓虹灯在渐浓的雾霭中隐约闪烁。

    Neon lights gleamed in the deepening mists.

  16. 夜色渐近,远处的山变成了深蓝色。

    Night fell, the hills in the distance turn dark blue.

  17. 可是夜色渐晚 苏珊等待的那个时刻。

    But as the evening wore on, the moment Susan had been waiting for.

  18. 灯塔的光束在渐浓的暮色中清晰可见。

    The lighthouse beam was quite distinct in the gathering dusk.

  19. 夜色渐深,哈克打起盹来,不久便鼾声大作。

    As the night deepened, Huck began to nod, and presently to snore.

  20. 他们驱车返回华灯初上的希灵汉姆时,暮色渐浓。

    Dusk was deepening as they drove back to the lights of Shillingham.

  21. 秋意渐浓。清爽得风踏着轻柔得脚步渐渐地走近。

    Autumn meaning gradually thick. Relaxed wind is stepping gentle pace to approach gradually.

  22. 秋意渐浓。清爽的风踏着轻柔的脚步渐渐地走近。

    Autumn meaning gradually thick. Relaxed wind is stepping gentle pace to approach gradually.

  23. 平底船和水寨抹上了一层紫层,与渐浓的暮色浑成一体。

    The logs of the hut and ark had a sort of a purple hue, blended with the growing obscurity.

  24. 卢克在夜色中渐行渐远。

    Luke's footsteps receded into the night.

  25. 夜色正浓,外面下着绵绵的细雨。

    The night was dark steady rain was falling.

  26. 夜色越来越浓,一道光从墙壁的缝隙里透了进来。

    The darkness deepened and deepened, and they both lay quiet, until a light gleamed through the chinks in the wall.