




1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……



汉语拼音:pí máo









  1. 禽兽的皮和毛的总称。


  2. 引申指皮裘。


  3. 人的皮肤和毛发。泛指人体的浅表部分。

    《素问·阴阳应象大论》:“故善治者治皮毛,其次治肌肤,其次治筋脉。” 明 唐顺之 《告病疏》:“不幸臣有狗马之疾,往年秋冬之交,触冒霜露,始自皮毛,转客臟胃,浸淫閼鬱,壅而不散。”

  4. 比喻表面的、肤浅的东西。多指学识。

    宋 叶适 《王氏读书堂》诗:“勉哉造其微,勿逐皮毛麤。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷一:“今人未窥 韩 柳 门户,而先扫 六朝 ;未得 李 杜 皮毛,而已轻 温 李 。” 清 陈天华 《警世钟》:“及到庚子年闹出了弥天的大祸,纔晓得一味守旧万万不可,稍稍行了些皮毛新政。”



  1. The switch to digital advertising is still in its early stages, and as I see it, Google has only scratched the surface of its potential.


  2. Post-graduates are supposed to be expert in their areas of study, rather than to scratch the surface of their fields.


  3. They dressed in costumes typically made of animal heads and skins, and they played games of prediction, trying to tell one another fortunes.


  4. And with those words, the Mother Birch's trunk crashed to the ground - without even scratching one of her daughters.


  5. The bear moves like a silhouette across the landscape, its black fur blending in with the dark rocks and dusky woods.


  6. One of these was a beautiful young doe. She had soft reddish-brown fur, a fluffy white tail and big wide bright eyes.


  7. In this article, the new and noteworthy features have been outlined, but we have barely scratched the surface of this new version of Groovy.


  8. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot.


  9. Therefore, our knowledge of English is in the face of many tests in just a little fur.


  1. 丰厚的皮毛

    thick fur

  2. 皮毛兽繁育

    fur breeding.

  3. 肺外合皮毛

    lung governing skin and hair.

  4. 回族皮毛行店

    the Hui Furs Warehouse

  5. 带斑纹的灰色皮毛

    gray fur that is marked with stripes.

  6. 皮毛乱蓬蓬的大白狗

    a huge shaggy white dog

  7. 浣熊皮毛这种哺乳动物的皮毛

    The fur of this mammal.

  8. 皮毛粗硬的大型猎犬。

    large breed of hound with a rough thick coat.

  9. 老虎有条纹状的皮毛。

    A tiger has a striped coat.

  10. 我只是略知皮毛。

    I'm only able to scratch the surface.

  11. 老虎有着条纹皮毛。

    A tiger has a striped coat.

  12. 多么柔软光亮的皮毛啊!

    How delicate and bright the hair is!

  13. 有光泽的皮毛,光亮的鬃毛。

    It's lustrous coat, it's flowing mane.

  14. 我对法语只懂些皮毛。

    I only have a superficial knowledge of French.

  15. 皮毛是枣强的支柱产业。

    Zaoqiang fur is a pillar industry.

  16. 皮毛是枣强得支柱产业。

    Zaoqiang fur is a pillar industry.

  17. 这人造皮毛得包包真可爱!

    This faux fur handbag is so cute!

  18. 这人造皮毛的包包真可爱!

    This faux fur handbag is so cute!

  19. 但是你要洗刷猫的皮毛。

    But you should brush your cat's coat.

  20. 你会穿着皮毛衣服滑冰吗?

    Do you skate in fur ?

  21. 这家公司经营皮毛业。

    The company trades in fursand skins.

  22. 这匹马全身光滑,皮毛闪亮。

    The horse's sleek body gleamed.

  23. 肺合于卫而主皮毛

    the lung being connected with defensive QI and controlling the skin and hair

  24. 艾丽斯对猫的皮毛过敏。

    Alice is allergic to the fur of cats.

  25. 湿润的皮毛竖立,可能有脱落。

    The moist hair is erect and may be depilated.

  26. 动物需要经常洗刷其皮毛。

    Animals need to have their hair brushed.

  27. 动物需要经常洗刷其皮毛。

    Animals need to have their hair brushed.

  28. 摩擦皮毛和橡胶会产生电荷。

    Rub the leather and the rubber will produce the charge.

  29. 猫有皮毛,爪子和一条尾巴。

    A cat has fur, paws and a tail.

  30. 车间空气中皮毛粉尘卫生标准

    Hygienic standard for fur dust in the air of workplace


  1. 问:皮毛拼音怎么拼?皮毛的读音是什么?皮毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皮毛的读音是pímáo,皮毛翻译成英文是 fur; superficial knowledge

  2. 问:皮毛粗糙拼音怎么拼?皮毛粗糙的读音是什么?皮毛粗糙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皮毛粗糙的读音是pímáo cūcāo,皮毛粗糙翻译成英文是 shaggy coat

  3. 问:皮毛消毒法拼音怎么拼?皮毛消毒法的读音是什么?皮毛消毒法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皮毛消毒法的读音是,皮毛消毒法翻译成英文是 duckering