




1. 接 [jiē]接 [jiē]连成一体:~合。~骨。~壤。衔~。继续,连续:~力。~替。~班。~二连三。再~再厉。靠近,挨上:~近。邻~。~吻。承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管。迎:~风。~生。~待。姓。……



汉语拼音:nián jiē






  1. 谓以黏性糊状物将物体连接在一起。

    明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·黏接纸缝法》:“ 光 云:‘古法用楮树汁、飞麪、白笈末三物调和如糊,以之黏接纸缝,永不脱解。’”



  1. Mortar: Material used in Building construction to Bond Brick, stone, tile, or concrete Blocks into a structure.


  2. The average fracture propagation velocity is estimated with a series of crack gauges glued on the specimen.


  3. Walls were built with bricks and stuck together with a sauce of sticky rice and lime.


  4. Objective To introduce the method to make telescopic removable denture with ring technique.


  5. Splice Crosswise joint in a web of paper, secured with adhesive.


  6. I think adhesives are the most promising connection device, Dr.


  7. A fine trimming for the upper interior of the vase and a coarse trimming for the exterior Fix and plane the splices,


  8. A Comparative Study of Light-Activated Resin Adhesive and Chemically-Activated Resin Adhesive


  9. Biomechanical Study of Medical Hard Tissue Adhesive Bonding Butterfly Fracture Fragment in Middle Part of Fresh Human Tibia


  1. 氟橡胶与金属黏接的研究进展

    Advance in bonding metal to fluorine rubber

  2. 全瓷牙黏接过程的护理体会

    Experience of nursing in the cohesive course of complete porcelain teeth

  3. 影响托槽黏接强度的因素分析

    Analysis about influencing facrors of Orthodontic Brackets in its Bond Strength

  4. 联接联接在一起或被联接在一起他把破片黏接在一起。

    A jointing together or being jointed together. He stuck the broken pieces together.

  5. 用黏结剂把卷筒纸斜斜的黏接的情况。

    Splice Crosswise joint in a web of paper, secured with adhesive.

  6. 墙壁是砖制的, 黏接材料是糯米和石灰。

    Walls were built with bricks and stuck together with a sauce of sticky rice and lime.

  7. 叠接用黏结剂把卷筒纸斜斜的黏接的情况。

    Splice Crosswise joint in a web of paper, secured with adhesive.

  8. 疲劳试验对两种口腔树脂的黏接耐久性研究

    A Study on Durability of Adhesion of Two Dental Resins by Fatigue Testing

  9. 丙烯酸金属盐对金属 橡胶黏接体力学性能的影响

    Effects of acrylate metal salts on mechanical properties of metal to rubber bonding

  10. 目得介绍黏接式套筒冠可摘义齿得制作方法。

    Objective To introduce the method to make telescopic removable denture with ring technique.

  11. 瓶身上段内修较细,外部粗修在黏接面定口,

    A fine trimming for the upper interior of the vase and a coarse trimming for the exterior Fix and plane the splices

  12. 纳米级羟基磷灰石复合正畸黏接剂的黏接强度测试

    Study on Bonding Strength of TF Adhesive Compounded with Nanograde Hydroxyapatite

  13. 不同水门汀黏接树脂嵌体对牙体抗折力影响的研究

    Effects on tooth fracture resistance in composite resin inlay bonding with various luting cements

  14. 固定黏接式保持器和活动可摘保持器对牙周健康的影响

    Affection of periodontal implication of bonded retainer and removable retainer to periodontal health

  15. 两种不同固化处理的复合树脂黏接微拉伸强度测试研究

    Microtensile bond strength of two different cured resin composites

  16. 经验交流生物胶黏接创口法在急诊眼睑皮肤裂伤的应用

    Application of tissue adhesive in treating eyelid skin lacerated wound

  17. 目的比较玻璃离子和光固化复合树脂对牙体的黏接性能。

    Objective To compare the dental bonding characters of glass ionomer cement and light cured composite resin.

  18. 医用硬组织黏接胶黏接胫骨中段蝶形骨折的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study of Medical Hard Tissue Adhesive Bonding Butterfly Fracture Fragment in Middle Part of Fresh Human Tibia

  19. 结论黏接式套筒冠可摘义齿可提高其适合性及固位能力。

    Conclusion The fitness and retention ability of denture could be improved with the captioned method.


  1. 问:黏接拼音怎么拼?黏接的读音是什么?黏接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏接的读音是nián jiē,黏接翻译成英文是 cementing

  2. 问:黏接工艺拼音怎么拼?黏接工艺的读音是什么?黏接工艺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏接工艺的读音是nián jiē gōng yì,黏接工艺翻译成英文是 adhesion process