




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:sǎo zi








  1. 兄之妻。

    《儒林外史》第十六回:“母亲走进来叫他吃饭,他跟了走进厨房,替嫂了作揖。”《红楼梦》第五五回:“ 探春 忙道:‘这大嫂子也太糊涂了,我拉扯谁?’” 丁玲 《太阳照在桑干河上》十九:“她又悄悄的问:‘嫂子,到底怎么闹的,你们昨晚会上咋说来?’”

  2. 已婚妇女的泛称。

    《红楼梦》第六回:“ 刘姥姥 便説:‘原是特来瞧瞧嫂子,二则也请姑太太的安。’”



  1. Then cried aloud: "brother-in-law into a very ugly person, sister, sister-in-law did not pull away. "


  2. " I said with a smile: " unit fossa uncomfortable, to spread the wind, sister-in-law did not welcome?


  3. If he talked on this way, I could not know what picture of her he would present. At least it would be far from the truth.


  4. Once there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (cowboy). He was driven out of home by his sister-in-law.


  5. "Look, " said Naomi, "your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her. "


  6. his sister-in-law gave him for cooking food, twisting his sister-in-law ignored who walked away.


  7. And his sister-in-law said the family had known for months that Mr Berlusconi would be there.


  8. They were originally given to Godmother by Wang Erh-sao. She said they were cut from two soiled cushions.


  9. My new sister-in-law, looks like nicely, gentle, and with good intention, like this enough. . .


  1. 给我一个这么美的嫂子。

    For giving me such a beautiful sister.

  2. 石青嫂子有些睡不着了。

    Mrs. SW lay down, but could not sleep.

  3. 他把他的代理人的权力委托给他的嫂子。

    He delegated his power of attorney to his sisterinlaw.

  4. 今天是哥哥和嫂子结缡的大喜日子。

    Today is the day my brother gets married.

  5. 今天是哥哥和嫂子结缡的大喜日子。

    Today is the day my brother gets married.

  6. 我们正为嫂子的宝宝准备洗礼仪式。

    We are organizing a baby shower for my sister-in-law.

  7. 他很羡慕长兄和嫂子的甜蜜爱情。

    He very much admires the sweet love between his oldest brother, and wife.

  8. 他很羡慕长兄和嫂子的甜蜜爱情。

    He very much admires the sweet love between his oldest brother, and wife.

  9. 也没怀疑过老公和嫂子会有什么。

    No doubt husband and sister will have what.

  10. 石青嫂子是其短篇小说的代表作之一。

    Mrs. Shi Oing is a representative short story of his.

  11. 在嫂子的葬礼上我回想起他的话。

    I thought about his words during her funeral.

  12. 您的哥哥和嫂子会邀请您去他们那儿的。

    Your brother and sister will ask you toto them.

  13. 石青嫂子累极了, 便只好坐在那里喘气。

    Then she sat down beside it, panting in exhaustion.

  14. 不要迷恋嫂子,你哥才是个传说,英文翻译。

    Don't crazy for my lover, only I am the awesome one.

  15. 是我们佟掌柜的小姑子换句话说我们佟掌柜是她嫂子

    The younger sister in law of our manger. In other words, our manager is her elder brothers wife.

  16. 一天, 他请求皇帝为他寡妇嫂子树立一座贞节牌坊。

    A day, he requests an emperor to establish a duteous memorial archway for his widow elder brother's wife.

  17. 我嫂子认识一位书法大师,他的作品很值钱呢。

    My sisterinlaw knew a master of penmanship whose work is expensive.

  18. 原是特来瞧瞧嫂子你二则也请请 姑 太太的安。

    I came specially to see you, sister, and also to inquire after Her ladyship's health.

  19. 年三十,大哥一家静静地锁着门,人或许去了嫂子娘家。

    Year thirty, big brother a quietly locked doors, one may go home.

  20. 嫂子说,她从来没见过懦弱的父亲那样坚强而有力量!

    The sisterinlaw said that, she has not seen the spiritless father to be such firm the powerful quantity!

  21. 一位朋友从一个一文不名但喜欢家事的嫂子那儿获得的结婚礼物是这样的:

    So is the wedding present a friend got from a broke but domestic sister-in-law:


  1. 问:嫂子拼音怎么拼?嫂子的读音是什么?嫂子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嫂子的读音是sǎozi,嫂子翻译成英文是 sister-in-law