




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:suàn shù








  1. 犹计数。

    《汉书·律历志上》:“数者,一、十、百、千、万也,所以算数事物,顺性命之理也。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·远谏》:“海内死者,非算数之所及矣。”

  2. 指算术。

    《三国志·吴志·陆绩传》:“ 绩 容貌雄壮,博学多识,星历算数,无不该览。”《北史·刁冲传》:“阴阳、图纬、算数、天文、风气之书,莫不关综,当世服其精博。” 清 黄宗羲 《泽望黄君圹志》:“﹝ 泽望 ﹞冥搜博览,天官、地誌、金石、算数……杂学,盖无勿与予同者。”

  3. 承认有效力。

    曹禺 《王昭君》第三幕:“ 姜夫人 ,我问你,是谁的命令算数?听我的,还是听 萧育 的?” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部八:“你说话真算数,说要到我家来白相,今天真的就来了。”

  4. 表示事情完成,了结。

    赵树理 《实干家潘永福》:“所有井里误的工都是我的,井上绞辘轳或者拉滑车的笨工是你的,几时打成几时算数。”



  1. I told you I was as able to keep my word as you.


  2. Zeng Zi quickly drew his wife aside. "We must keep our word even with little children, " he said.


  3. Don' t be a person who goes back to his words. No one would like to make friends with him.


  4. It's really naive of you to believe him. He never keeps his word.


  5. The daughter usually reacts by bringing home a series of unsuitable males to see if Daddy will put his money where his mouth is.


  6. The score with the original ball could not count because that ball was no longer the ball in play.


  7. Someone is going to say that it wasn't in the summary and therefore does not count.


  8. if he promised e you , he never let you down . if he promised you , he is a man of word .


  9. The items on your list can be as big or as little as you want. Anything which you're thankful for counts.


  1. 她说话不算数。

    She welshed on her promises.

  2. 它的意见算数么?

    Should its opinion count

  3. 不能说话不算数。

    You should keep your word.

  4. 校长说了算数。

    The headmaster has the final say.

  5. 你说话要算数。

    You must abide by what you have said.

  6. 个别情况不算数。

    Isolated instances do not count.

  7. 绝对。我说话算数。

    Absolutely. I mean what I say.

  8. 我们一向说话算数。

    We always keep to our words.

  9. 我登高/ 算数不灵

    I have no head for heights/ figures

  10. 我是个算数神童。

    When I was a kid, I was a calculus whiz.

  11. 我的出价仍然算数。

    My offer still stands.

  12. 我说得话是算数得!

    What I say goes!

  13. 他说话算数,信守诺言。

    He was true to his word.

  14. 每秒千次运算数

    Kops kilo operations per second

  15. 我说的话是算数的!

    What I say goes!

  16. 一个人要说话算数。

    A man is only good as their word.

  17. 别再说话不算数了!

    Arrete de donner des paroles en lair!

  18. 它们在法律里不算数

    They don't count in law.

  19. 接着我又开始 算数了

    So again, I started doing some math.

  20. 你做算数一定要准确。

    You must be accurate in arithmetic.

  21. 谁能担保他说话算数

    Who can guarantee that he will keep his word.

  22. 我讲过得话是算数得。

    I abide by what I said.

  23. 我讲过的话是算数的。

    I abide by what I said.

  24. 所以无论如何这都不算数。

    So no matter what it was, it doesn't count.

  25. 我们讲话算数, 不搞小动作。

    We say all this in good faith. We do not play petty games.

  26. 但这里是我说的话算数。

    But here it's my word that counts.

  27. 我说话算数,我发誓决不食言。

    I swear it. I won't go back on it.

  28. 他果然说话算数, 按时来了。

    True to his word, he arrived here on time.

  29. 你的孩子应该会识字算数。

    Your children should be literate and numerate.

  30. 在那时我们学习了如何算数。

    when we learned how to count.


  1. 问:算数拼音怎么拼?算数的读音是什么?算数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算数的读音是suànshù,算数翻译成英文是 count

  2. 问:算数书拼音怎么拼?算数书的读音是什么?算数书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算数书的读音是,算数书翻译成英文是 Book on Numbers and Computation

  3. 问:算数元件拼音怎么拼?算数元件的读音是什么?算数元件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算数元件的读音是suàn shù yuán jiàn,算数元件翻译成英文是 arithmetic organ

  4. 问:算数电路拼音怎么拼?算数电路的读音是什么?算数电路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算数电路的读音是suàn shù diàn lù,算数电路翻译成英文是 arithmetic circuit

  5. 问:算数寄存器拼音怎么拼?算数寄存器的读音是什么?算数寄存器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算数寄存器的读音是suàn shù jì cún qì,算数寄存器翻译成英文是 arithmetic register

  6. 问:算数平均数拼音怎么拼?算数平均数的读音是什么?算数平均数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算数平均数的读音是suàn shù píng jūn shù,算数平均数翻译成英文是 arithmetic mean

  7. 问:算数处理元件拼音怎么拼?算数处理元件的读音是什么?算数处理元件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算数处理元件的读音是suàn shù chǔ lǐ yuán jiàn,算数处理元件翻译成英文是 arithmetic processing unit