


不,不曾,没有:~必。~曾(céng )。~来。~尝。~竟(没有完成的)。~及(a.没有来得及;b.没有达到)。地支的第八位,属羊。用于记时:~时(下午一点至三点)。放在句末,表示疑问:“君除吏尽~?吾亦欲除吏”。……





汉语拼音:wèi rù






  1. 见“ 未入流 ”。



  1. But he officiates willingly, feeling that this is his biggest chance to meet people who are mostly unchurched.


  2. Born in Han - ru home , his father Yongzhengsong bang and tree, not into the career.


  3. Now they are becoming more ambitious, and recruiting future agents before they even apply for the job.


  4. Last year, the government launched an ambitious plan to register all undocumented immigrants and grant them formal residency.


  1. 未入帐存未

    unrecorded deposit.

  2. 未入帐存款

    unrecorded deposit.

  3. 未入帐费用

    unrecorded expenses.

  4. 未入帐负债

    unrecorded liabilities.

  5. 未入社农民

    farmers out of the cooperatives.

  6. 未食五月粽,寒衣未入栊。

    Not food may be not worth the Long.

  7. 席尔维斯特未入先法国队大名单。

    Mikael Silvestre had not been selected for the French squad.

  8. 球击至洞边而未入把高尔夫球击到洞穴得边缘而未落入

    To hit a golf ball so that it touches the edge of without dropping in.

  9. 球击至洞边而未入把高尔夫球击到洞穴的边缘而未落入

    To hit a golf ball so that it touches the edge of without dropping in.

  10. 将这些信件放入未破案件卷宗内。

    Put these letter in the unsolved cases file.

  11. 未记入贷方的存款

    an uncredited deposit.

  12. 验票人员放入未购票者造成保安工作的压力和经济纠纷。

    Fourth, economic dissension and pressure on public security will increase in the case of spectators without tickets sneaking in illegally.

  13. 将这些信件放入未破案件卷宗内。警察只用了三天就破案了。

    Put these letter in the unsolved cases file. The police needed only three days to break a case.

  14. 他因为尚未成年而未被批准入伍。

    He was rejected by the army because he was under age.

  15. 我非常幸运,上次战争中未被征召入伍。

    I was extremely lucky not to be called up to fight in the lust war.

  16. 有些会员国最初对未被选入专家组表示失望。

    Some United Nations Member States initially expressed disappointment at not being selected for the Panel.

  17. 做空是指借入你未持有的股票,然后出售。

    Shorting involves borrowing a stock that you do not own, and selling it.

  18. 未满期责任的入帐

    portfolio outgo

  19. 他几乎颗粒未进,走火入魔。

    He almost wouldn't eat at all and had the oddest manias.

  20. 他未带武器独自走入营地。

    He walked into the camp alone and unarmed.

  21. 未发现因羊膜植入所致的并发症。

    No complication was found.

  22. 入中止而未完成,因案料不是有效的逗分隔格式。

    The import was aborted while incomplete because the file data is not in a valid comma separated variable format.

  23. 喂入条中有未打开的粗纱条。

    Presence of unopened roving in the feed sliver.

  24. 国家复兴署对排入河流中的物质未能进行充分的评测。

    NRA does not measure enough of the substances being discharged into rivers.

  25. 国家复兴署对排入河流中的物质未能进行充分的评测。

    NRA does not measure enough of the substances being discharged into rivers.

  26. 未入帐收入

    unrecorded revenue.

  27. 未入帐的收入

    unrecorded revenue.

  28. 未入帐的费用

    unrecorded expense.

  29. 那项交易并未入账

    That transaction was not booked.

  30. 记录未入账但已获取的收入

    Recording unrecorded revenue earned


  1. 问:未入帐收入拼音怎么拼?未入帐收入的读音是什么?未入帐收入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:未入帐收入的读音是wèi rù zhàng shōu rù,未入帐收入翻译成英文是 unrecorded revenue

  2. 问:未入账存款拼音怎么拼?未入账存款的读音是什么?未入账存款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:未入账存款的读音是wèi rù zhàng cún kuǎn,未入账存款翻译成英文是 unrecorded deposits

  3. 问:未入账收入拼音怎么拼?未入账收入的读音是什么?未入账收入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:未入账收入的读音是wèi rù zhàng shōu rù,未入账收入翻译成英文是 unrecorded income

  4. 问:未入账负债拼音怎么拼?未入账负债的读音是什么?未入账负债翻译成英文是什么?

    答:未入账负债的读音是wèi rù zhàng fù zhài,未入账负债翻译成英文是 unrecorded liabilities

  5. 问:未入账费用拼音怎么拼?未入账费用的读音是什么?未入账费用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:未入账费用的读音是wèi rù zhàng fèi yòng,未入账费用翻译成英文是 unrecorded expenses