







汉语拼音:yán shi









  1. 紧密牢靠。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第二六章:“每天,农技员一出街门, 生宝 他妈就小心谨慎地把那草棚屋的门关严实。” 高玉宝 《高玉宝》第十二章:“呀, 刘叔叔 ,这桶没焊严实呀!” 峻青 《海啸》第三章五:“‘大门给堵死了,老伙计。’ 黄老头 说。‘堵得还满严实哩。’ 程连长 说。”



  1. Since I was up, I would check the door and the windows again to see that they were properly shut.

  2. Before going to bed, I would make sure the door and the windows of my room were securely and tightly shut.

  3. because have been looking forward to the next true love, so the heart lock up to be extremely.

  4. no mortal can keep a secret, if his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips, betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.

  5. However, prudent, and I covered her with a pillow tightly to his head, and then return to sleep in peace.

  6. She spoke her mind and thought nothing of walking into a stream fully clothed if it was hot.

  7. These culverts will be almost out of the gate block agents, the only side left only one person can access holes.

  8. But a recent government crackdown on "vulgarity" in the online games sector is forcing the girls to cover up, the Shanghai Daily said.

  9. while the Rat covered himself up, too, as best he might, for warmth, and lay patiently waiting, with a pistol in his paw.


  1. 她那嘴可不严实。

    She has a loose tongue.

  2. 请把金属盖压严实。

    Clamp the metal lid down please

  3. 门板间密封条美观,严实。

    Beautiful and tight seal between door leaf.

  4. 这个罐子得封严实了。

    The jar must be well sealed.

  5. 这个信封封得很严实。

    The envelope was firmly sealed.

  6. 你把门窗关严实了吗

    Have you closed the gate and windows

  7. 我希望它们密封得很严实。

    I hope they're sealed up tight.

  8. 但是上次,蒙得不是很严实。

    And the last time, the blindfold wasn't on so well.

  9. 劫持者伪装得严严实实。

    The hijackers were heavily disguised.

  10. 游击队把粮食藏严实了才转移。

    The guerrillas carefully hid their food grain before they moved on.

  11. 大雾把山水景色笼罩了个严实。

    A fog abolished the landscape.

  12. 我已经把他保护得严严实实。

    I have encompassed him with every protection.

  13. 瓦砾堆被雪覆盖得严严实实。

    The debris is solidly plastered over with snow.

  14. 他检查了他的装备,确保他的包裹包装严实了。

    He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight.

  15. 她用围巾把脸裹得严严实实。

    She muffled up her face in her shawl.

  16. 她用毯子将孩子裹得严严实实。

    She muffled the child up in a blanket.

  17. 外口密封条美观, 严实, 门的整体密封良好。

    Beautiful and tight seal between frame and door leaf.

  18. 树丛把这幢房子遮蔽得严严实实。

    A grove of trees shadowed the house densely.

  19. 这个旧得木匣子用皮革严实地包裹着。

    The old wooden box was richly encased in leather.

  20. 这个旧的木匣子用皮革严实地包裹着。

    The old wooden box was richly encased in leather.

  21. 鞋口是否整洁严实,鞋里、面是否有变色、脱色。

    Shoe mouth is orderly tight, whether does shoe lining, face have become angry, decolour.

  22. 一饮而尽把外衣扣得严严实实。

    Drank it up in a gulp fastened up the coat.

  23. 从这一头到那一头,都是清一色、严实的整体。

    From one end to the other, it was homogeneous and compact.

  24. 包裹严实的猫捉不到耗子。四肢不勤,一事无成。

    Muffled cats catch no mice.

  25. 北风吹得越凛冽,那个人把衣服裹得越严实。

    The harder the north wind blows, the tighter the man wraps himself.

  26. 这个盖子严实地盖在奶瓶上,保持奶嘴无菌。

    This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile.

  27. 这个农家院三面都有楼房,遮得很严实。

    The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides.

  28. 然后再买来包装纸,严严实实地包起来。

    Then we buy wrapping paper and wrap it all up.

  29. 干草堆得很严实,连大风也没有把它刮倒。

    The hay was so well stacked that it kept up even in strong winds.

  30. 电视机用一个床罩严严实实地盖住了。

    The television was sheathed in a snug coverlet.


  1. 问:严实拼音怎么拼?严实的读音是什么?严实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:严实的读音是yánshi,严实翻译成英文是 close; hide safely



“严实”是个多义词,它可以指严实(词语解释), 严实(元朝大臣)。