







汉语拼音:gū ào








  1. 孤僻高傲。

    清 袁枚 《随园诗话补遗》卷四:“ 何春巢 向余云:‘ 沙竹屿 , 如皋 寒士,性孤傲不群,应试不售,遂弃书远游,足跡遍天下。’” 毛泽东 《中国共产党在民族战争中的地位》:“去掉孤傲习气,善于和非党干部共事,真心诚意地帮助他们。” 茅盾 《幻灭》六:“她自悔往日太冷僻,太孤傲,以至把一切人都看作仇敌。”



  1. Sometimes, a man of sense of loss, aloof and a world.


  2. Some people see him as cocky , but he's just trying so hard to be the best.


  3. I'm still looking at this tree, through the window. What I see through the window is real. I guess someone is alone as they think.


  4. The Afghan Hound is an aristocrat, his whole appearance one of dignity and aloofness with no trace of plainness or coarseness.


  5. And he always underachievement, often angry hearts, attitudes gradually became aloof, even away from the crowd.


  6. Move through tragedy with McGrady, and his smirking, aloof image vanishes. Then a man who fears answering his phone after midnight appears.


  7. In children with the version of the gene not linked to autism risk, the pathways were linked more strongly to the left side of the brain.


  8. A proud and lonely old man is fishing attentively in his small boat despite of the heavy snow and freezing cold.


  9. Vampires are cool, aloof, beautiful, brooding creatures of the night. Typical moody teenage boys, basically.


  1. 去掉孤傲习气

    rid oneself of aloofness and arrogance.

  2. 他性情孤傲, 落落寡合。

    He is proud and arrogant, holding himself aloof from the others.

  3. 熊熊的燃烧, 孤傲的飞翔。

    Violent combustion, standing alone fly proudly.

  4. 他应当去掉孤傲习气。

    He should rid himself of aloofness and arrogance.

  5. 你是个孤傲冷漠的家伙。

    You're a cool customer.

  6. 苍鹰性格孤傲, 没有群众基础。

    Goshawk Disposition aloof and proud, without masses foundation.

  7. 星座气质威严,冷静,孤傲,稳定

    Constellation temperamentdignified, calm, arrogant and stability!

  8. 血夜重生孤傲阴美的苍美异族。

    Blood night rebirth aloof and verdant beauty intermarriage Yin beauty.

  9. 也让我有了孤傲,不可一世的感觉!

    Let me also leader has powerful feeling!

  10. 冷漠和孤傲算不算是宝贵的情感?

    Do inhospitality and aloof and proud calculate be precious affection.

  11. 有时候,一个人的失落,孤傲了一个世界。

    Sometimes, a man of sense of loss, aloof and a world.

  12. 你们有些人说我冷淡, 酣醉于孤傲之中。

    And some of you have called me aloof, and drunk with my own aloneness

  13. 深谷中的幽兰象征着一种孤傲的人格。

    A quiet orchid in the deep valley represents a exclusive character.

  14. 结束一个人和脂肪的战役,解脱孤傲和失望。

    And the fat end of a campaign, free, proud and aloof, and disappointment.

  15. 孔雀也可以被圈养变的平凡而不孤傲。

    Peacocks can also be an extraordinary change in captivity without Snob.

  16. 夏洛蒂生性孤傲,追求并向往一切美好的东西。

    Charlotte Bronte the natural disposition is arrogant, pursues and yearns for all fine things.

  17. 一六一大海的水是不能温热的孤傲的心是不能软化的。

    Water at the sea Can not be heated; Heart of aloof and proud Can not be softened.

  18. 艺术的知识是总是被特殊的一群人孤傲地揭示。

    Knowledge of art is a specialism that revels in exclusiveness.

  19. 我在你孤傲的身资下握住一把残破旧事。

    I Guao you are funded under the grip of a dilapidated old.

  20. 她是一个沉默寡言的女孩,对人冷漠而孤傲。

    She was a silent girl, cool and remote.

  21. 他性格孤傲, 倜傥不群, 是一个胸有大志的人。

    An ambitious person, he was aloof and arrogant, unconventional and unsociable.

  22. 索洛孤傲自处,对他人得思想与行为毫无所动。

    Thoreau usually remained alone unimpressed by the ideas or actions of others.

  23. 索洛孤傲自处,对他人的思想与行为毫无所动。

    Thoreau usually remained alone unimpressed by the ideas or actions of others.

  24. 但是有些人们认为那是孤傲者的自大, 是怯懦者的躲避。

    But people have had those who think it is a cowardly evasion, is the arrogant loneliness.

  25. 屈原身挟长剑, 孤傲地望着名叫汩罗的大江。

    Feng Xuan, beating the handle of his sword, complained of having no fish to eat.

  26. 当一个人孤傲狂放的时候,他忘了感恩惜福是一种习惯。

    Five. When a man aloof, he forgot the wild XiFu gratitude is a habit.

  27. 赫尔墨斯没能说出任何动摇这位孤傲泰坦得决心得话。

    Nor did any words that Hermes could speak have any effect upon the Titan's unbending pride.


  1. 问:孤傲拼音怎么拼?孤傲的读音是什么?孤傲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孤傲的读音是gū'ào,孤傲翻译成英文是 aloof

  2. 问:孤傲柔毛鼠拼音怎么拼?孤傲柔毛鼠的读音是什么?孤傲柔毛鼠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孤傲柔毛鼠的读音是gū'àoróumáoshǔ,孤傲柔毛鼠翻译成英文是 Praomys morio



[be proud and aloof] 孤僻高傲,超然,指对他人的情感、意见或利益的冷漠