







汉语拼音:shù gēn







树根 [shù gēn]
  1. 树的根。




  1. it seemed as if the crown of the tree and the root were at play, and trying to kiss each other.


  2. so she laid herself down on the soft moss, offered up her evening prayer, and leaned her head against the stump of a tree.


  3. At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root. But when he uncovered it, he saw that it was beautiful shining gold.


  4. But you can of course use a tool like this also to strip bark off trees or roots, so that you could eat them as well.


  5. His living room is like an exhibition hall of carved roots and the balcony serves as his workroom; even his footstools are made of roots.


  6. As you travel further from the root down the tree, other summaries (that are less than the summary in the root) can be emitted.


  7. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.


  8. I considered that the air temperature has risen to 35 degrees, so the temperature of the tree roots must also be very high!


  9. A lad falling in love with a girl would send her a tree root, or matches, or pepper, or garlic wrapped with tree leaves.


  1. 树根挖掘器

    root topper.

  2. 树根烂了。

    The root of the tree rotted away.

  3. 树根桩技术

    Stump pile technique.

  4. 黄桷树根疙瘩

    bigleaf fig gall

  5. 牛嗓管树根

    Nepal saurauia root.

  6. 柘树根多糖

    Cudrania tricuspidata polysacchafide.

  7. 树根生长周期性

    growth periodicity of tree roots

  8. 树根桩托换法

    root pile underpinning.

  9. 树根扎得很深。

    The roots of the plant go deep.

  10. 这些树根很好拔。

    These roots pull easily.

  11. 树根眼镜蛇尿钠肽

    Dendroaspis natriuretic peptide

  12. 他被树根绊倒了。

    He tripped over the root of the tree.

  13. 随着叶绿素返回树根,

    As the green chlorophyll flows back into the tree

  14. 关于树根桩的应用

    Use of the stump pile in construction

  15. 树根绊了我一脚。

    Stumbled over a tree root.

  16. 内存页二叉树根

    Root of the resident page splay tree

  17. 不是用来拔起树根的。

    It's not for blowing up stumps.

  18. 我们设法将树根撬掉。

    We managed to lever the roots out.

  19. 树根桩加固软土地基

    Soft Soil Subgrade Stabilization by Rooty Pile

  20. 树根会给大楼造成损害。

    Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.

  21. 盘根错节的老橡树根

    the knotty roots of the old oak tree

  22. 树根在地底下纠缠在一起。

    The roots of these tresses entwine under the ground.

  23. 务使树根周围没有气窝。

    Make sure there are no air pockets around the roots of the plant.

  24. 树根在石缝间扎下去。

    The root worked down between the stones.

  25. 树根的利用首先是采掘。

    Digging and logging is the first step of the utilization of tree root.

  26. 砍柴者举斧头砍树根。

    The woodcutter laid his axe to the root of the tree.

  27. 可用于指树根和树桩。

    of roots and tree stumps, for example.

  28. 他的脚给树根绊了一下。

    He caught his foot on a tree stub

  29. 采用树根桩加固火炬地基基础

    Use Stumps to Reinforce Flare Foundation

  30. 中带养分回树根之中。

    to the roots of the trees that have just dropped that leaf within 22 hours.


  1. 问:树根拼音怎么拼?树根的读音是什么?树根翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树根的读音是shùgēn,树根翻译成英文是 The root of a tree.

  2. 问:树根桩拼音怎么拼?树根桩的读音是什么?树根桩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树根桩的读音是shù gēn zhuāng,树根桩翻译成英文是 root pile

  3. 问:树根公园拼音怎么拼?树根公园的读音是什么?树根公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树根公园的读音是shù gēn gōngyuán,树根公园翻译成英文是 Ppuri Park

  4. 问:树根虫属拼音怎么拼?树根虫属的读音是什么?树根虫属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树根虫属的读音是shùgēnchóng shǔ,树根虫属翻译成英文是 Dendrophrya

  5. 问:树根虫亚科拼音怎么拼?树根虫亚科的读音是什么?树根虫亚科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树根虫亚科的读音是shùgēnchóng yàkē,树根虫亚科翻译成英文是 Dendrophryinae



shù gēn ㄕㄨˋ ㄍㄣ树根(树根)