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The system is cost-effective and can improve the public transport operator's service quality, with a certain degree of market applications.
该系统成本低,且能有效提高公交运营公司的服务质量,具有一定的市场应用前景。"I thought, what if you could put that in a bus? " he said. The router cost $200, and came with a $60 a month Internet service contract.
他说“我就在想如果你把那玩意安装在一辆公交上会怎样?”Ross: Then, uh, then we got dressed, and I. . . I walked her to the (looks up, realises, and points) the bus stop. . . I'm fine.
然后,我们穿上衣服。我…我陪她走到(向上看,意识到,并指着)公交车站…我没事。Other reports said the fire broke out on a city bus at about 8: 30 a. m. (0030 GMT) as it passed near the city zoo.
另有报道称,公交车大火发生于早上8:30(格林威治时间0:30)。当时该公交车正在市立动物园附近行驶。The last time I got a bus on which boys were misbehaving, one Indian did remonstrate quietly.
上次我坐公交车时,男孩子们又在嘲笑一个印度人,他只能沉默以对。Gap Time: The little blocks of time we have during the day while waiting for the bus, standing in line, waiting for a meeting to start, etc.
零碎时间:就是我们等公交车,排队,等待开会的那一小段时间。if you want to know whether a person is self-cultivation, to see him on a bus that will for the elderly, children to seat.
如果你想知道一个人是否有修养,那要看他在公交车上会不会为老人,儿童让座位。buses Britain did not get off easy in Australia, get off early to be ready, come from the turmoil of the upper class.
公交车上下车英国没有澳洲从容,下车时必须早早准备,从动荡的上层走到下层。The rail system is only a few blocks away, taxi's are always available and bus line is about one block away.