


1. 曝 [pù]2. 曝 [bào]曝 [pù]晒:~晒(用强烈阳光照晒)。一~十寒(喻无恒心)。曝 [bào]〔~光〕使感光纸或摄影胶片感光。……





汉语拼音:pù shài








  1. 在日光下晒物使干。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·摩揭陀国上》:“菩提树南门外有大池……池西有大石,佛浣衣已,方欲曝晒, 天帝释 自 大雪山 持来也。”《渊鉴类函·岁时八·七月七日二》引 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语》:“ 郝隆 七月七日见邻人皆曝晒衣物, 隆 乃仰卧出腹云晒书。” 吴组缃 《山洪》一:“大的小的竹箕里摊着饭锅巴和萝卜干,用条凳架着,或是放在低矮的屋瓦上曝晒着。”

  2. 谓日光照射。

    管桦 《山谷中》:“太阳在无云的天空里曝晒着这山谷。” 艾明之 《雨》:“他那长年被烈日曝晒的脸,闪着古铜色的光泽。”



  1. She had been exposed so long in the sun that she broke out in a rash.


  2. Cotton fabrics should be dried at cool, well-ventilated place. Do not dry it in the sun.


  3. The difference of matrix, exposure conditions between them is compared, matters for attention in sampling and evaluation are pointed out.


  4. Please do not use machine wash, either put in the sun directly due to the soft quality of 100% cotton fabric cloth.


  5. Natural Insolation and Human Accelerating Aging Experiment on the Fluorocarbon Coating to Be Used for National Palaestra "Bird Nest"


  6. Three, avoid long time exposure to swim: long time exposure can produce sunburn, or cause acute dermatitis, also known as the sun burns.


  7. Net weight of each is 200KG. During storage and transport, it should be kept sealed, free from exposure to the sun and rain.


  8. Do not report irradiance or radiant exposure unless direct measurement of irradiance was made during the exposure .


  9. The main reason for the severe osteoporosis is the reluctance of local women to expose themselves to the sun.


  1. 太阳曝晒着。

    The sun beat down.

  2. 草地曝晒漂白

    bleach on the green

  3. 亚热带曝晒架

    subtropical exposure facility.

  4. 亚热带曝晒试验

    subtropical exposure test

  5. 治疗性的曝晒

    Therapeutic exposure to sunlight.

  6. 用微笑来曝晒。

    And I sunned it with smiles.

  7. 曝晒曝晒的行为或例子

    The act or an instance of exposing to sunlight.

  8. 深耕30厘米,曝晒日光消毒。

    Plough deeply in30cm, and insolate in the sun to disinfect.

  9. 他在炙热的太阳下曝晒。

    He's grilling himself under a hot sun.

  10. 你应该避免在日光中曝晒。

    You ought to stay out of the sun.

  11. 紫外光曝晒下劣化效果。

    Deterioration effect of UV exposure.

  12. 蜡在阳光得曝晒下熔化了。

    The wax ran in the sun.

  13. 太阳曝晒之后,我身上总是脱皮。

    I always peel after getting.

  14. 身体受烈日曝晒会造成损伤。

    Exposure of the body to the strong sunlight can be harmful.

  15. 他戴上太阳眼睛,以防太阳曝晒。

    He wears sun glasses to stop from burning.

  16. 曝晒于太阳之下会加速衰老过程。

    Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.

  17. 日头曝晒约拿的头, 他就发昏。

    And the sun beat down on jonah's head, and he fainted.

  18. 她那经日光曝晒的皮肤开始剥落。

    Her sunBurned skin Began to peel.

  19. 切勿让床垫曝晒过久,使面料褪色。

    Do not make mattess insolate too long, make fabrics fades.

  20. 曝晒于阳光下是皮癌症的主要原因。

    Sun exposure is the leading cause of skin cancer.

  21. 你不应该让皮肤在阳光下过度曝晒。

    You should not expose your skin to too much sunlight.

  22. 你应该始终限制你在阳光下曝晒的时间。

    You should always limit your exposure to the sun.

  23. 别让你的皮肤在阳光下曝晒过久。

    Don't expose your skin to the sunlight too long.

  24. 她在阳光下曝晒太久以致皮肤过敏了。

    She had been exposed so long in the sun that she broke out in a rash.

  25. 于干燥处存放,避免雨淋和阳光下曝晒。

    Storage Store in dry indoor area; keep away from rain and sunshine.

  26. 有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。

    There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

  27. 这种材料如果在太阳光下直接曝晒会褪色的。

    This material may discolor if exposed to direct sunlight.

  28. 同时,皮肤专科医生警告人们需谨慎对待阳光曝晒。

    Also, skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure.

  29. 通风阴凉处晾晒棉制品, 不能在太阳下曝晒。

    Cotton fabrics should be dried at cool, wellventilated place. Do not dry it in the sun.

  30. 在不擦防晒霜的情况下,不要曝晒于太阳之下。

    Dont overexpose yourself to the sun without suncream.


  1. 问:曝晒拼音怎么拼?曝晒的读音是什么?曝晒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:曝晒的读音是pùshài,曝晒翻译成英文是 expose … to strong sunlight

  2. 问:曝晒抑制作用拼音怎么拼?曝晒抑制作用的读音是什么?曝晒抑制作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:曝晒抑制作用的读音是bào shài yì zhì zuò yòng,曝晒抑制作用翻译成英文是 solarization



曝晒,汉语词语,指用强烈阳光照晒, 暴露在阳光下晒的意思。