







汉语拼音:pǒ cè







  1. 不可度量;不可推测。

    《新唐书·儒学传下·尹愔》:“﹝ 尹愔 ﹞尝受学於国子博士 王道珪 ,称之曰:‘吾门人多矣, 尹子 叵测也。’” 元 周伯琦 《野狐岭》诗:“涧谷深叵测,梯磴紆百盘。” 苏曼殊 《断鸿零雁记》第二四章:“余闻父执之妻早年去世,满怀悲感,叹人事百变叵测也。”

  2. 谓诡诈莫测。

    《宣和遗事》前集:“万一有姦邪叵测之情,陛下悔之晚矣!”《明史·徐琦传》:“人心一摇,事或叵测。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录五》:“夫人心叵测,险於山川。” 冯善骥 等《郑成功》第二一章:“ 施福 这个人心怀叵测,不可不防。”



  1. That yen battle is far from over, and the fortunes of Japanese exporters like Sony, Honda and Toyota are up in the air as it plays out.


  2. A Foreign Ministry spokesman, Liu Jianchao, said there were "ulterior motives" behind efforts to link Sudan with the Games.


  3. Influenza viruses are notorious for their rapid mutation and unpredictable behaviour.


  4. The financial crisis grows weirder by the day.


  5. This is where the solution to the swine flu mystery comes in.


  1. 心怀叵测的人

    a man full of guile.

  2. 人的一生是如此叵测。

    The life of man is a dubious experiment.

  3. 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测。

    It is disingenuous of him to flatter me.

  4. 居心叵测的威胁、谣言、旁敲侧击等

    Ugly threats, rumours, insinuations, etc

  5. 白色大多表现阴险,狡猾,居心叵测。

    White Mostly represent subtleties, foxily, and harbor intentions unpredictable.

  6. 如果你想浪漫点, 那是你居心叵测。

    If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect her.

  7. 这篇报道纯属居心叵测的故意捏造。

    The account is a deliberate and malicious invention.

  8. 我甚至怀疑他的帮助是居心叵测。

    I even suspected that his efforts to help might be downright dangerous.

  9. 他带着点醉意心怀叵测地看着她。

    He gave a hideous, drunken leer in her direction.

  10. 他们两人同一天失去工作,真是天意叵测。

    There was a strange fatality about their both losing their jobs on the same day.

  11. 我们家的一个家丑就是我的弟弟居心叵测。

    One family skeleton of my family was that my younger brother has an axe to grind.

  12. 一个凶险叵测的人影正在树丛后面逛荡。

    A rather sinister figure was walking about behind the bushes.

  13. 她总是居心叵测, 对她说的话你得多留神

    She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt

  14. 她总是心怀叵测, 对她说的话你得多留神。

    She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she says with a pinch of salt.

  15. 这个背景就是猪流感解决方案神秘叵测的由来。

    This is where the solution to the swine flu mystery comes in.

  16. 这个背景就是猪流感解决方案神秘叵测得由来。

    This is where the solution to the swine flu mystery comes in.

  17. 流感病毒是恶名昭著的,它变化迅速,行为叵测。

    Influenza viruses are notorious for their rapid mutation and unpredictable behaviour.

  18. 反对党指责他心怀叵测, 图谋要将国家拖入战争。

    The opposition accused him of harbouring secret plans to take the country to war.

  19. 他的神色乖戾, 心怀叵测, 是一个用心险恶的社会象征。

    Suspicion and Deceit whisper in Midass ear, while Remorse gazes downcast at naked Truth.

  20. 现在我可看清了, 你是个冷酷无情, 居心叵测得家伙。

    Now I see that you are callous and treacherous.

  21. 这个人心怀叵测, 对他的一举一动, 都要严加提防。

    That man has sinister designs. You must guard against his every move.

  22. 这对心怀叵测者, 则是一个造谣生事的绝好机会。

    This is a fine field for malicious people.

  23. 这对心怀叵测者, 则是一个造谣生事得绝好机会。

    This is a fine field for malicious people.

  24. 你总不会因为一个人衣着不整洁认为他心怀叵测吧?

    You don't judge ill of a fellow simply because his clothes aren't clean and tidy?

  25. 拉斐尔随之反击,控告他弟弟心怀叵测地奉承他的幕僚。

    And Fabricio counterattacked, accusing his brother of harbouring a pinkish cabal of sycophantic aides.

  26. 不过,有周刊就指霆锋扶阿梅居心叵测,借阿梅宣传博抢镜。

    During Gor Gors funeral, Anita Mui in great grief, cried and even fainted.

  27. 他还告诉他们伊塔刻的宫殿里如何挤满了心怀叵测的人。

    He told them how the palace at Ithaca was filled with evil men.

  28. 中方在私下里解释这种情况时会说, 外国人的心思叵测难料。

    Among the Chinese, this would be explained in private by references to the inscrutable foreigners.


  1. 问:叵测拼音怎么拼?叵测的读音是什么?叵测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叵测的读音是pǒcè,叵测翻译成英文是 unpredictable; unfathomable



“叵测”是个多义词,它可以指叵测(词语), 叵测(微电影)。