




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:bīng jiā







  1. 古代对军事家或用兵者的通称。亦指研究军事的学派。

    《汉书·艺文志》:“兵家者,盖出古司马之职,王官之武备也。”《后汉书·朱儁传》:“临军易将,兵家所忌。”《新唐书·王翃传》:“ 王翃 字 宏肱 , 并州 晋阳 人。少治兵家。” 清 林福祥 《平海心筹·论胜败形势》:“且逆夷之来,事事皆犯兵家之忌:我众彼寡,我逸彼劳,我饱彼飢,我愤彼骄。”

  2. 古代指拥兵一方的豪强或军将,亦为部曲私兵之称。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·光武帝纪四》:“三辅遭 王莽 、 更始 之乱,又遇 赤眉 、 延岑 之弊,兵家纵横,百姓涂炭。”《三国志·魏志·梁习传》:“时承 高干 荒乱之餘,胡狄在界,张雄跋扈,吏民亡叛,入其部落;兵家拥众,作为寇害,更相扇动,往往棊跱。”《三国志·魏志·卫觊传》:“而归者无以自业,诸将各竞招怀,以为部曲。郡县贫弱,不能与争,兵家遂彊。” 吴晗 《灯下集·谈曹操》:“部曲战时从征,平时的给养得自己想办法,不归郡县管辖,称为兵家。”

  3. 魏 晋 时兵士出身称“兵家”。

    《晋书·王尼传》:“ 王尼 字 孝孙 , 城阳 人也,或云 河内 人。本兵家子,寓居 洛阳 ,卓犖不羈。初为护军府军士……护军大惊,即与 尼 长假,因免为兵。”参阅 周一良 《<三国志>札记》。



  1. For the advantageous geographic location, it had always been a town of great military importance as a natural defence for Chengdu.


  2. Why home is not advantageous to the topography of a battleground of the ancient battlefield?


  3. Mte guardian of the Yangtze River by the throat, has always been contested.


  4. The strategic position of Cyprus has always been of vital importance in military strategists'view.


  5. The presence of a Mine in an Area of Control means this region will be vigorously disputed. . .


  6. also in accordance with the six three-insurance, has always been the vital importance of military strategists.


  7. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand .


  8. In war, military strategists believe that the hearts and minds: Psychological warfare in the negotiation process using a lot.


  9. Since ancient times, Botou Tunca is an important commercial port and the Quartet A competitive strategic location.


  1. 兵家必争之地

    place contested by all strategistsstrategic point.

  2. 胜败乃兵家常事。

    Some battles you win, some battles you lose.

  3. 桥梁往往是兵家争夺之地。

    Bridges were often points of battle.

  4. 此兵家之胜,不可先传也。

    These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.

  5. 古代兵家的领导思想及其现代意义

    Leadership Thoughts of Ancient Militarists and its'Mordern Value

  6. 南澳历来是海防重镇,兵家必争之地。

    South Australia has always been a city of Haiphong, the military vital importance.

  7. 和平既是一种社会现象,也是古代兵家的战争观。

    Peace is not only a social appearance, but also the war idea of ancient strategist.

  8. 地理位置十分重要,为历代兵家必争,商旅必经之地。

    Location is very important, in order to compete for military history, business pass through.

  9. 焦山扼守着长江的咽喉,自古是兵家必争之地。

    Mte guardian of the Yangtze River by the throat, has always been contested.

  10. 自古为出入居延得天然通道, 是兵家扼守得军事要地。

    Juyan since ancient times for access to the natural channel, the military guard to the military.

  11. 自古为出入居延的天然通道, 是兵家扼守的军事要地。

    Juyan since ancient times for access to the natural channel, the military guard to the military.

  12. 这里地势形胜,易守难攻,是个兵家必争之地。

    It is a crucial battle field wanted by both parties due to its advantageous geographic location, making the place easy to defend and difficult to attack.

  13. 这里地势形胜,易守难攻,是个兵家必争之地。

    It is a crucial battle field wanted by both parties due to its advantageous geographic location, making the place easy to defend and difficult to attack.

  14. 这座关塞扼守南北交通的咽喉,是兵家必争之地。

    This frontire juncture is also a fort throat of the North-South transportation and all the military strategists are fighting for it.

  15. 所有的伤兵都退役回家。此兵家之胜, 不可先传也。

    All the wounded soldiers were invalided home These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.

  16. 万圣节前夜也成为好莱坞和沃尔玛的兵家必争之地。

    Hallows Eve has been possessed by Hollywood and Walmart.

  17. 胜败乃兵家常事,关键是你必须知道你哪里做的不够好。

    Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't, but the important thing is to know where you're going wrong.


  1. 问:兵家拼音怎么拼?兵家的读音是什么?兵家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兵家的读音是bīngjiā,兵家翻译成英文是 military strategist in ancient China; mili...

  2. 问:兵家常事拼音怎么拼?兵家常事的读音是什么?兵家常事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兵家常事的读音是bīng jiā cháng shì,兵家常事翻译成英文是 Common Place in Military Operations



“兵家”是个多义词,它可以指兵家(先秦战略与战争研究派别), 兵家(汉语词语)。