







汉语拼音:wū gào







  1. 无中生有地控告别人有犯罪行为。

    《汉书·宣帝纪》:“自今以来,诸年八十以上,非诬告、杀伤人,佗皆勿坐。” 颜师古 注:“诬告人及杀伤人皆如旧法,其餘则不论。”《旧唐书·于志宁传》:“时 洛阳 人 李弘恭 坐诬告太尉 长孙无忌 ,詔令不待时而斩决。” 明 海瑞 《被论自陈不职疏》:“禁诬告而刁讼未息,禁浮靡而侈僭如初。” 萧乾 《林炎发入狱记》:“保长又诬告 炎发 劫盗。”



  1. He made a false accusation against the Smiths.


  2. A girl's lover is falsely accused of a crime and dragged away. All that he can leave her is a bunch of crimson flowers.


  3. When questioned by the reactionary police, she came right back with a vehement protest against the false charge.


  4. When he was a student there, he was falsely accused by Tom Riddle of opening the Chamber of Secrets and releasing a monster.


  5. This reminds me of my high school principal, honest, loyal, but was falsely accused work corruption.


  6. When the scandal broke, Jackson claimed the allegations were timed just as his album was being released.


  7. She was accused falsely, called back to England, and later vindicated by the Lord.


  8. It was a case of false accusation and false witness.


  9. He came back with a strong protest against their false charge.


  1. 诬告陷害罪

    offence of prosecuting false charges.

  2. 诬告和诽谤

    malicious prosecution and defamation.

  3. 他诬告上司。

    He made a false accusation against his boss.

  4. 被诬告的人

    falsely accused person.

  5. 对诬告愤愤不平

    be indignant at a false accusation

  6. 被诬告某事

    to be falsely accused of sth.

  7. 诬告,不实的指控

    false accusation

  8. 诬告,不实得指控

    false accusation.

  9. 他诬告他的邻居。

    He made a false accusation against his neighbor.

  10. 他确实被诬告了。

    He was quite wrongly accused.

  11. 诬告陷害罪探析

    On the Crime of Malicious Accusation

  12. 浅论诬告陷害罪

    Shallowly discusses the crime of falsely accuses frames

  13. 他对被诬告愤愤不平。

    He is indignant at the false accusation.

  14. 对诬告提起的诉讼

    action of malicious prosecution

  15. 谁都知道他被诬告。

    Everybody knows he was wrongly accused.

  16. 他被诬告犯有抢劫罪。

    He was falsely charged with robbery.

  17. 谁都知道他被诬告了。

    Everybody knows he was wrongly accused.

  18. 查无实据,恐怕是诬告。

    No evidence has been found in the case so far and therefore it is probably a libelous suit.

  19. 诬告陷害罪若干问题辨析

    Observations of the Argumentative Debate and Distinguishment Concerning the Crime of Malicious Accusation

  20. 诬告他的维尔福疯了。

    Falsely accused him the Vyell luck to be insane.

  21. 他为对他的诬告极为苦恼。

    He was very much put about by the false accusations brought against him.

  22. 诬告陷害罪与伪证罪比较研究

    On Crime of False Charge and Crime of Perjury

  23. 问心无愧者, 笑对诬告人。

    A clean conscience laughs at false accusations.

  24. 我哥哥被诬告犯有谋杀罪。

    My brother was falsely accused of murder.

  25. 他声称他是因诬告而被捕的。

    He claimed he had been arrested on a trumped up charge.

  26. 你怎么能够这样诬告我的妻子?

    How dare you accuse my wife of such a thing?

  27. 他对他们的诬告提出强烈的抗议。

    He came back with a strong protest against their false charge.

  28. 我没拿你的钱,你不能诬告我。

    I didn't take your money, and I don't care for the accusation.

  29. 当你被诬告的时候,要仰望主。

    When you are being falsely accused, look up to Him.

  30. 被收买得告密者, 滚开!你越诬告。

    Hence, thou suborned informer, a true soul.


  1. 问:诬告拼音怎么拼?诬告的读音是什么?诬告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诬告的读音是wūgào,诬告翻译成英文是 falsely accuse

  2. 问:诬告人拼音怎么拼?诬告人的读音是什么?诬告人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诬告人的读音是wūgàorén,诬告人翻译成英文是 maliciously false accuser

  3. 问:诬告信拼音怎么拼?诬告信的读音是什么?诬告信翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诬告信的读音是wū gào xìn,诬告信翻译成英文是 spurious accusation letter

  4. 问:诬告罪拼音怎么拼?诬告罪的读音是什么?诬告罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诬告罪的读音是wūgàozuì,诬告罪翻译成英文是 crime of false accusation

  5. 问:诬告分子拼音怎么拼?诬告分子的读音是什么?诬告分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诬告分子的读音是wū gào fèn zǐ,诬告分子翻译成英文是 malicious accuser

  6. 问:诬告陷害拼音怎么拼?诬告陷害的读音是什么?诬告陷害翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诬告陷害的读音是wūgàoxiànhài,诬告陷害翻译成英文是 falsely accuse and frame

  7. 问:诬告陷害罪拼音怎么拼?诬告陷害罪的读音是什么?诬告陷害罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诬告陷害罪的读音是wū gào xiàn hài zuì,诬告陷害罪翻译成英文是 offence of prosecuting false charges




拼音:wū gào基本解释[frame;false accusation] 捏造事实,伪造证据,陷害他人捏造罪名诬告邻居以解脱他自己详细解释无中生有地控告别人有犯罪行为。《汉书·宣帝纪》:“自今以来,诸年八十以上,非诬告、杀伤人,佗皆勿坐。” 颜师古 注:“诬告人及杀伤人皆如旧法,其馀则不论。”《旧唐书·于志宁传》:“时 洛阳 人 李弘恭 坐诬告太尉 长孙无忌 ,诏令不待时而斩决。” 明 海瑞 《被论自陈不职疏》:“禁诬告而刁讼未息,禁浮靡而侈僭如初。” 萧乾 《林炎发入狱记》:“保长又诬告 炎发 劫盗。”