


1. 朝 [zhāo]2. 朝 [cháo]朝 [zhāo]早晨:~阳。~晖。~暮。~霞。~气。~思暮想。~令夕改。~秦暮楚(喻反复无常)。日,天:今~。明~。朝 [cháo]向着,对着:~向。~前。~阳。坐北~南。封建时代臣见君;亦指宗教……


封建时代君主受朝问政的地方:朝(cháo )~。宫~。~杖。~试(科举时代皇帝的殿试)。~对(a.在朝廷中当众对答;b.科举时代皇帝的殿试)。……



汉语拼音:cháo tíng








  1. 亦作“ 朝庭 ”。君王接受朝见和处理政务的地方。

    《论语·乡党》:“其在宗庙朝廷,便便言,唯谨尔。” 邢昺 疏:“朝廷,布政之所。”《淮南子·主术训》:“是故朝廷芜而无迹,田野辟而无草。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈艺二·阿房宫赋》:“先帝为 咸阳 朝廷小,故营 阿房 为堂室。”

  2. 指以君王为首的中央政府。

    《商君书·农战》:“今境内之民及处官爵者,见朝廷之可以巧言辩説取官爵也,故官爵不可得而常也。”《史记·汲郑列传》:“大将军闻,愈贤 黯 ,数请问国家朝廷所疑,遇 黯 过於平生。”《后汉书·皇后纪下·灵思何皇后》:“ 并州 牧 董卓 被徵,将兵入 洛阳 ,陵虐朝庭。” 唐 任华 《杂言寄杜拾遗》:“而我不飞不鸣亦何以,只待朝庭有知己。” 清 戴名世 《芝石记》:“然芝秉山川清淑之气以生,终不可谓非天下之瑞,特当此之时荐之朝庭,固不若其蒙翳於榛莽荒草之中也。” 柯灵 《香雪海·水流千里归大海》:“最使这个封建朝廷伤脑筋的,是不断从全国各地传来老百姓造反的消息。”

  3. 借指帝王。

    《东观汉记·朱遂传》:“至乃残食孩幼,朝廷愍悼。”《文选·朱浮<为幽州牧与彭宠书>》:“朝廷之於 伯通 ,恩亦厚矣。” 李善 注:“ 蔡邕 《独断》云:‘朝廷者,不敢指斥君,故言朝廷。’” 明 李诩 《戒庵老人漫笔·殿上金佛》:“朝廷每受朝时,置一金佛于寳座香案上,当其前。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·逃难》:“方纔 香君 回家,也説朝廷偷走。”

  4. 朋友。

    《敦煌变文集·唐太宗入冥记》:“皇帝缘心□□,便问 催子玉 :‘卿与 李乹风 为知己朝庭否?’ 催子玉 □□(答曰):‘臣与 李乹风 为朝庭。’帝曰:‘卿既与 李乹风 为□□(知己)朝庭,情分如何?’ 子玉 曰:‘臣与 李乹风 为朝廷已来,□□ 管 鲍 。’” 蒋礼鸿 通释:“‘知己朝庭’就是知己朋友,所以 催子玉 用‘ 管 鲍 ’来比喻他和 李乹风 的交情。”



  1. This was third step of "the political business separation" of the royal government and it had the influencing subtly possibility.


  2. As she stood before them in all her rich dress, she looked so dazzlingly beautiful that the court bowed low in her presence.


  3. " Passed a few days, bunny comes up against a peacock, envy the ground to ask again: " Your tail, does for what so multicoloured spot rot?


  4. Monseigneur, one of the great lords in power at the court, held his fortnightly reception in his grand hotel in Paris.


  5. He would have been informed by his court theologians about the Jewish messianic hope.


  6. History is set up in the court-related agencies to manage the system of officiating.


  7. Huzhou after entering the Tang Dynasty, with its geographical advantage as the main source of food court and an important military defense.


  8. elite ministers and court officials, is the monarch must be something with which to plan into account degree of people.


  9. There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house.


  1. 都反对朝廷。

    Are opposed to the imperial court.

  2. 在朝廷中失宠

    to be disgraced at court

  3. 出使帖木儿朝廷

    Embassy to Court of Tamerlan

  4. 羌人竟敢藐视朝廷。

    The Qiang tribesmen have the audacity to despise the imperial court.

  5. 宫廷, 朝廷短巷, 短街

    A civil court pay court to a king

  6. 由于不满朝廷的统治

    Are discontented with the imperial court

  7. 朝廷是个危险的地方。

    The court is a dangerous place.

  8. 但是朝廷已经禁止信奉天主教。

    But practicing Catholicism has been outlawed.

  9. 有传闻说朝廷要调查天主教。

    Rumors say that Catholics will be investigated.

  10. 如此铺张, 朝廷要消耗巨额经费。

    The Court should be at great charges for the pomp.

  11. 朝廷将这一天定位千秋节。

    The count designated this day as Qianqiu Festival.

  12. 当时他正被昏庸的朝廷放逐。

    At that time he was in an exile from a corrupt court.

  13. 论唐代文人的反叛朝廷倾向

    On the Trend of Revolting Against Court by Literary Men in the Tang Dynasty

  14. 显露尊荣并大醉酩酊的朝廷

    The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep

  15. 已被朝廷的金衣捕快跟踪

    we have been tailed by the Imperial Gold Shield Constable.

  16. 就是向朝廷选拔贡献人才的意思。

    To contribute talents to the imperial court.

  17. 但是两年要向朝廷进贡一次。

    But twice a year it is paid to the government as tribute.

  18. 但是朝廷已经派出了金弓部队。

    But the golden bow army has been sent already.

  19. 但朝廷执行投降政策, 勒令其退兵。

    But the royal government enforced a surrender strategy and order him withdraw.

  20. 他因贻误军机被朝廷革职查办。

    The imperial court removed him from office and prosecuted him for delaying the fulfilment of a military plan.

  21. 汲黯还是在朝廷里当个小官。

    But he is still a coutling in the imperial court.

  22. 他因忤逆朝廷被刻上了金印。

    He had a tattoo on his face which branded him as a criminal, so he dared not contradict the court.

  23. 他因忤逆朝廷被刻上了金印。

    He had a tattoo on his face which branded him as a criminal, so he dared not contradict the court.

  24. 赵才, 虞世基互相忌恨, 忿忿退出朝廷。

    ZHAO Cai, yu shi based hate each other, angrily out of court.

  25. 朝廷的文件在我们预算的时间内到了。

    The despatch came from court about the time we expected.

  26. 皇帝进入朝廷时他们都向他鞠躬致敬。

    They bowed before the emperor as he entered the court.

  27. 超过一万志愿军加入渊家要声讨朝廷。

    Over ten thousand men volunteered to fight for the Yons.

  28. 并挖出了暗藏在朝廷中的大内奸。

    And to uncover the hidden in the court of the great traitor.

  29. 他的儿子约堂掌管朝廷, 统治国家的百姓。

    Therefore his son Jotham was regent of the palace and ruled the people of the land.

  30. 朝廷及文人的推崇刺激了僧人草书的兴盛。

    And the canonizing from the imperial court excited the prosperity of monk cursive script.


  1. 问:朝廷拼音怎么拼?朝廷的读音是什么?朝廷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朝廷的读音是cháotíng,朝廷翻译成英文是 court; imperial government


