







汉语拼音:zhǎo sǐ







  1. 詈词。自寻死路。

    曹禺 《日出》第一幕:“ 陈白露 :‘你大概要找死!’”京剧《红色娘子军》序幕:“你们想找死!走!快走!”



  1. "I believe you are trying to make a die of it, " said the doctor.


  2. Mr Carter had lung trouble , and the doctor warned him he would sign his own death warrant if he didn't stop smoking .


  3. Well I knew that the moon was seeking a dead thing but I knew not that it was he whom she sought.


  4. Lao Tze, purchasing you are your luck, have never thought you to incredibly toast not to dine to nectar wine for forfeit, quest die.


  5. " How can you be so silly! His goal is to you, you did not have a death wish? " Every month is very distressed.


  6. Curry! ? I've never been so insulted in my entire life!


  7. You are risking your neck. Don't you know they have guns.


  8. Another yelled, 'I can't believe Mayo's doing this. He must be self-destructing! '


  9. dunce ? ! you call me a dunce ? you wanna die.


  1. 他们找死啊。

    They're gonna kill themselves.

  2. 你现在正在找死。

    You are courting death now.

  3. 他这是在找死。

    He signed his own death warrant.

  4. 别动,不要找死。

    Don't you move,boy,unless you want to die.

  5. 别动,不要找死。

    Don't you move, boy, unless you want to die.

  6. 蠢货,你是来找死么。

    Foolishly you have sought your own demise.

  7. 你既然找死, 我成全你。

    You ask to die. I will help you.

  8. 如果你坚持想要找死

    and if you insist on getting yourself killed.

  9. 你是想找死还是怎么样?

    Do you have a death wish or what?

  10. 你哥哥是真的在找死。

    Your brother's got a serious death wish.

  11. 告诉老子你是不是想找死。

    Tell Daddy how you want it.

  12. 那不是找死吗?你说对不对?

    That is suicide, am I right?

  13. 我不会关心自己找死的人的。

    I got no problem with people killing themselves.

  14. 想必你是在找死吧。医生说。

    I believe you are trying to make a die of it, said the doctor.

  15. 人们问他,为什么你要上去找死?

    They asked him, why did you go up there to die?

  16. 让他们明白攻打俄国就是找死。

    They have to understand that attacking Russia would be suicide.

  17. 你就上街垒去,怀着恶意去找死!

    And you went to the barricades, and you got yourself killed out of malice!

  18. 你把车开得那么快简直在找死。

    You're dicing with death by driving that car so fast.

  19. 找死!我这辈子从没被这样侮辱过

    Curry!? I've never been so insulted in my entire life

  20. 找死啊?在人家度蜜月的时候住下?

    Wanna die? Setting up tent in the honeymooner's place?

  21. 而对于一只老鼠,进厨房也意味着找死。

    A rat to a kitchen is death.

  22. 居然敢和自己比较能量,这简直就是找死。

    Incredibly challenge compare energy with ego, this absolutely be seek dead.

  23. 在这种鬼天气去洗海澡无异于找死。

    They are really dicing with death to swim in the sea in such terrible weather.

  24. 你想找死吗?巴布罗恶狠狠地对他说。

    Do you want to die? Pablo said to him seriously.

  25. 普及音响?这是奢侈品, 用卖酱油的卖法, 找死!

    This is luxury, sell a magic art with what sell sauce, court death!

  26. 普及音响?这是奢侈品,用卖酱油得卖法,找死!

    This is luxury, sell a magic art with what sell sauce, court death!

  27. 这不找死吗,对吧?他们觉得肯定打不赢他

    It's a death wish, right? There's no way they think they can take him.

  28. 回床上躺着去,傻瓜,你这是自己找死呀!

    Go back to bed, silly, you'll kill yourself!

  29. 如果那些登山者在这种恶劣的天气登山,简直是找死。

    If those climbers go up the mountain in this bad weather they will be dicing with death.

  30. 她的心在怦怦地跳,但是她提醒自己她是来找死的。

    Her heart pounded, but she reminded herself that she had come to die. What could she fear?


  1. 问:找死拼音怎么拼?找死的读音是什么?找死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:找死的读音是zhǎosǐ,找死翻译成英文是 to court death

  2. 问:找死的兔子拼音怎么拼?找死的兔子的读音是什么?找死的兔子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:找死的兔子的读音是,找死的兔子翻译成英文是 The Book of Bunny Suicides


