


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……









汉语拼音:fēng shēng shuǐ qǐ







  1. For the company to succeed, you and he must agree on the direction of your company and the values by which it will run.


  2. For a company that's so brilliant at marketing, it seems to have absolutely no clue about crisis management.


  3. Here, it borrows the name of the Five Elements hoping the research of contemporary art could be circulating and unceasing.


  4. It made me realize one of those very important factors that helped me thrive in a foreign country alone--people skills.


  5. In any case, China isn't the only place where the clone business is lucrative. It's also alive and well in Europe and other places.


  6. Mr Saleh needs new ones quickly if he is to fend off the rising tide of opposition at home.


  7. But, just below the surface, lurks caution.


  8. see your classmates or other acquaintances stem Fengshengshuiqi, some heart is not set.


  9. Dictatorships often falter when people recognize that freedom and prosperity prevail among their neighbors, while they enjoy neither.


  1. 因此你看, 气真是在我家风生水起!

    So the chi is definately flowing well in our home!

  2. 但是去年,有关继任者的谣言传得风生水起。

    But last year, the successor rumors grew feverish.

  3. 近一个月时间,社交网站可谓是风生水起。

    Time of a month, gregarious website it may be said is wind unboiled water rises.

  4. 也有很多在销售领域做的风生水起资产丰厚。

    Many others are thriving at sales and are wealthy.

  5. 近几年来,云计算在国内外可谓风生水起,热闹非凡。

    In recent years, cloud computing is wind at home and abroad, boisterous.

  6. 风起须扬帆。

    As the wind blows, you must set you sail.

  7. 海运2006 风起东方

    East factors made great influence upon world shipping in 2006

  8. 香消在风起雨后

    The fragrance vanishes after wind and rain

  9. 风起音乐电机,无电池要求。

    Wind up musical motor, no battery required.

  10. 风起地时候,他吻了她。

    When the wind blew, he kissed her.

  11. 风起,没有草动,还没有长草。养病去。

    Wind blows, grass still, too short.

  12. 它补充说, 非洲的提案并非无风起浪。

    It added that the African Proposal did not come from without.

  13. 苦涩的沙若尔盖将变成风起沙飞的大沙漠

    Bitter sand Ruo Ergai plateau will become a desert.

  14. 然后静待风起 撑起画布 一幅艺术品就此完成

    I waited for the wind to come up and held up a canvas, and that produced art.

  15. 风起,本应离去的那份相思,又吹了回来。

    The wind, should leave the piece of acacia, blew again back.

  16. 正要出发, 我的热望扯满帆篷等待风起。

    Ready am i to go, and my eagerness with set sails full awaits the wind.

  17. 我已准备启程,我张满了帆,满腔热切,等待风起。

    Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.

  18. 风起的日子笑看落花, 雪舞的时节举杯向月。

    The wind day always try. some fallen petal, snow dance of season drinking a toast to months.

  19. 这时, 风起了, 我不再踌躇不再沮丧, 奋力挣扎着凌空飞起!

    At the moment, wind rise, I am no longer to boggle and despond, I make a long arm for being up in the air!

  20. 当花瓣离开花朵暗香残留香消在风起雨后无人来嗅。

    When the petals fall from the flowers, A little faint fragrance still remains. The fragrance fades after wind and rain, But nobody has come here to smell it.

  21. 也不像北地的胡同,满目尘土,风起处刮着弥天的黄沙。

    Nor has the lane anything in common with hutong in North China, which are dusty on every side, especially when a wind rises.

  22. 突然起风了。

    A wind suddenly sprang up.

  23. 黄昏时,起风了。

    A wind arose after dusk.

  24. 以后可能会起风。

    It may get windy later on.

  25. 起风时, 快扬帆。

    As the wind blows, you must set your sail.

  26. 起风时,快扬帆。

    As the wind blows ,you must set your sail .

  27. 下午突然起风了。

    The wind rose suddenly in the afternoon.

  28. 过一会可能会起风。

    The wind will probably get up later.

  29. 似乎明天要起风。

    It looks as if it would be windy tomorrow.

  30. 起风了, 云聚了, 下雨了。

    The wind blew, the clouds gathered, the rain fell.



“风生水起”是个多义词,它可以指风生水起(汉语成语), 风生水起(传说典故), 风生水起(2010年北极苍狼编著图书), 风生水起(2010年文向滨编著图书), 风生水起(小说), 风生水起(菜名), 风生水起(delay原创歌曲), 风生水起(伍剑雄国画作品), 风生水起(黄志伟陶艺作品), 风生水起(歌手农夫专辑), 风生水起(同名图书), 风生水起(叶根友书法作品)。