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汉语拼音:nián tǔ
With the arrival of winter in the Kashmir valley, people are beginning to stock up on traditional fire pots made of clay and twigs.
当冬日降临喀什米尔的山谷,人们开始采买黏土和树枝做的传统火炉。It was like someone had rolled up some clay and left them out in the sun to bake.
好像是有过什么人将黏土滚成球,然后放在太阳下烘烤。The light carbon was tied up in layers of clay, which would have trapped organic particles when they settled to the bottom of an ocean.
这些轻碳固定于层层黏土之中,黏土应该接住不少向下沉入海底的生物微粒。The clay rebelled at this new disgrace. This is the worst of all that has happened to me, to be rifled with dirt and rubbish.
这个新的屈辱激起了黏土的更大的不满:我的不幸可以说是到了极点,被人用来装脏土垃圾了。A day is a lump of clay; a year is whatever you want it to be.
一天黏土只是黏土,一年终能随心所欲。In the words of alislam. org, the body should be lowered into the water "in a vessel of clay or with a weight tied to its feet" .
借用alislam.org上的话,尸体抛入水中时“应置于黏土容器中或者在脚上榜上辎重”。It was then filled with water and a piece of modeling clay was stuck on the top in case water came out the small hole.
把水加到瓶子哩,再用一些黏土堵住洞口,水才不会从小洞流出来。Ceramic tiles, used for walls, floors, and countertops, are usually machine-pressed, made of fine clays, and very hard.
陶瓷砖由黏土通过机械压制而成,结实耐用,通常用作墙壁、地板和工作台面结构材料。One of her assignments is to form a lump of clay into a block and then measure the dimensions of the block.