











汉语拼音:mù guāng rú diàn







  1. na.
  2. One'

  3. s eyes flash like lightning.

  1. 她声音激昂,目光如火。

    Her voice is passionate. Her eyes are ablaze.

  2. 目光如烈日般茫然而无情。

    A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun.

  3. 如电阻丝烧断,应更换磁场变阻器。

    If the resistance wire is burnt out, change another field rheostat.

  4. 或像壮实得科尔特斯, 目光如射, 凝视着太平洋面?

    Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star'd at the Pacific ?

  5. 关键的基础设施如水, 电等都已千疮百孔。

    Its infrastructure is crippled in critical areas like power and water.

  6. 排空驭气奔如电

    Swift as lightning, through the air he sped

  7. 它奔驰如电, 恰似一道朦胧的黑影。

    It ran like a streak, just a blur of black.

  8. 护士, 是秋日得露珠, 目光通透, 心如水晶。

    A nurse is dews in autumn owning clear eyes and crystal heart.

  9. 护士,是秋日的露珠,目光通透,心如水晶。

    A nurse is dews in autumn owning clear eyes and crystal heart.

  10. 你就夹在中间, 痛苦就如电闪雷鸣般。

    You are stuck in middle, and the pain is thunder.

  11. 指流动如水波的目光

    Fluid glance of a woman

  12. 会使用常用电动工具如电转,角磨机等。

    Basic skill of using various kinds of normal tools such as drilling machine, grinding machine etc.

  13. 在禅宗看来, 一切的世间万物如露亦如电, 是不实在的。

    From Zen standpoint, everything in the world is Inauthentic Existence, such as dew and lightning.

  14. 如有查询,请电邮

    For further enquiries, please email

  15. 五十年功如电扫, 华清花柳咸阳草, 品评史实人物, 大气如虹。

    Fifty years, such as power sweep Gong, Huaqing Salix Xianyang grass, to judge the historical facts of characters, the atmosphere, such as rainbow.

  16. 美的电水壶烧水快如子弹!

    Midea kettles boil water as quick as bullets!

  17. 美得电水壶烧水快如子弹!

    Midea kettles boil water as quick as bullets!

  18. 山林里风歌唱一重重如海浪是你的目光。

    In the mountain the wind sings the single layer heavy like ocean waves is your vision.

  19. 她迅如闪电。

    She is as quick as lightning.

  20. 电子陶瓷元件。如压电陶瓷。

    Electronic ceramic parts. E. g. piezo electronic devices.

  21. 那些古怪的人动作快如闪电。

    Those jerks were fast as lightning.

  22. 膜除盐系列如反渗透和电除盐。

    Desalting Film Series If RO and Demineralizer.

  23. 心灵学行为, 如心电感应和测心术

    Parapsychological activities, such as telepathy and mind reading.

  24. 如有任何需要欢迎来电或电邮垂询。

    If has any needs to welcome the electricity or the email deigned to inquire.

  25. 任一种类似鱼类, 如八目鳗和电鳗

    Any of several similar fishes, such as the lamprey and electric eel.

  26. 如遇规则不明须协助, 请电游仲雄师兄。

    If you are unclear about the rules, please call John Yu for assistance.

  27. 九如天宝液毛细管电泳指纹图谱研究

    Investigation of Fingerprint Chromatography of Jiurutianbao solution by Capillary Electrophoresis

  28. 如不想再收到本公司的电邮, 请按这?

    To be removed from our mailing list, please click here.

  29. 如不欲收取推广电邮, 请与青年广场联络。

    If you prefer not to receive any promotional news, please contact Youth Square.

  30. 如加热器或灶具等电气设备中的阻抗电丝。

    The resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven.