




排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:qián liè







  1. 先头部队。

    《左传·哀公二年》:“追 郑 师, 姚般 、 公孙林 殿而射,前列多死。” 汉 袁康 《越绝书·吴人内传》:“ 昭公 ( 蔡昭公 )去至 河 用事,曰:‘天下谁能伐 楚 乎?寡人愿为前列。’” 宋 曾巩 《节相制》:“宜悉意於壮猷,庶俾忠於前列。” 郭孝成 《湖南光复纪事》:“其曾经入武,具有军事上之知识者,即编为前列。”

  2. 行列的前面。

    《礼记·礼器》:“龟为前列,先知也。” 孔颖达 疏:“此谓布庭实之时,龟在众物之前而为列先。” 宋 曾慥 《高斋漫录》:“上嘉其直,令依次第编排,而众人终不敢置之前列,仅缀甲末而已。”

  3. 现亦比喻工作或事业中的带头的地位。

    魏巍 《为共产主义理想而斗争》:“几十年来,我国青年总是站在斗争的前列。”

  4. 指前贤或祖先。


  5. 陈列于前;排在前面。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷四:“吏惶遽不敢应。俄而犀簪已前列矣。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·科场二·甲辰科首题》:“若违式,即佳卷亦难前列。”



  1. My paternal grandmother was an intelligent woman, independent and confident, a woman who was well ahead of her time.


  2. in the U. S. , blepharoplasty also ranks near the top, but involves removing bags and fat around the eyes.


  3. But it is often a slow-growing cancer, and depending on a man's age, he may be more likely to die of something else.


  4. Many herbal remedies have saw palmetto as an ingredient, as it is thought to be able to reduce prostate swelling and relieve symptoms.


  5. Large studies indicate that this substance protects against a variety of cancers, including that of the prostate, stomach, and lung.


  6. Instead, the test simply reveals how much of the prostate antigen a man has in his blood.


  7. It has been used in the treatment for prostate cancer, liver cancer, primary malignant osteosarcoma and breast cancer, et al.


  8. And since this was introduced in 1999 a lot of these robots have been out and being used for surgical procedures like a prostatectomy.


  9. Apple has been a leader of its kind and has been able to arouse great enthusiasm like religion in its users.


  1. 主席台前列

    the front row on the rostrum.

  2. 前列舒畅汤

    Qianlieshuchang Decoction.

  3. 前列回春胶囊

    Qianliehuichun capsules

  4. 跃居世界前列

    leap into the front ranks of the world.

  5. 四黄前列片

    SHQL tablets.

  6. 地诺前列酮栓剂

    Dinoprostone pessary

  7. 前列环素合酶

    prostacyclin synthase

  8. 我必须挤进前列。

    I had to get into the front rank.

  9. 汤姆站在队伍得前列。

    Tom stood at the fore of the line.

  10. 汤姆站在队伍的前列。

    Tom stood at the fore of the line.

  11. 矛在前列, 弓箭, 在第二。

    Spear in front rank, bows in the second.

  12. 在主席台前列就座的有。

    seated in the front row on the rostrum were

  13. 飞龙前列爽滴丸

    Feilongqianlieshuang dropping pill

  14. 部队在指挥官前列好阵势。

    The army was arrayed before the commander.

  15. 前列腺分泌前列腺素的腺

    The prostate gland.

  16. 国王的马车走在队伍前列。

    The King's carriage headed the procession.

  17. 拉坦前列素滴眼液

    latanoprost eye drops

  18. 促前列环素合成血浆因子

    Prostacyclin synthesis stimulating plasma factor.

  19. 前列通瘀胶囊制粒工艺研究

    Study on granulating process of Qianlietongyu Capsules

  20. 前列通片的制备工艺研究

    Study on Extracting Process and Preparation of Qianlietong Tablet

  21. 希望我们能设法保持在前列。

    Hopefully we can manage to stay in front.

  22. 联合国处于这场斗争的前列。

    The United Nations is at the forefront of this struggle.

  23. 战斗舰常在整个编队的前列。

    The warship is usually at the front of the whole formation.

  24. 战斗舰常在整个编队的前列。

    The warship is usually at the front of the whole formation.

  25. 战斗舰常在整个编队得前列。

    The warship is usually at the front of the whole formation.

  26. 现今处于最前列的研究科学家。

    the foremost research scientist of the day.

  27. 没有人喜欢服用依前列醇钠。

    No one wants to go on Flolan.

  28. 他一向站在运动的最前列。

    He has been in the forefront of the movement.

  29. 从总量说, 就居于世界前列了。

    At that time Chinas GNP will place it in the front ranks of countries.

  30. 部队在指挥官面前列好队形。

    The army was arrayed before the commander.


  1. 问:前列拼音怎么拼?前列的读音是什么?前列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列的读音是qiánliè,前列翻译成英文是 front row; forefront

  2. 问:前列腺拼音怎么拼?前列腺的读音是什么?前列腺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺的读音是qiánlièxiàn,前列腺翻译成英文是 prostate; prostata

  3. 问:前列兵拼音怎么拼?前列兵的读音是什么?前列兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列兵的读音是,前列兵翻译成英文是 Protostates

  4. 问:前列烯拼音怎么拼?前列烯的读音是什么?前列烯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列烯的读音是qián liè xī,前列烯翻译成英文是 prostalene

  5. 问:前列球拼音怎么拼?前列球的读音是什么?前列球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列球的读音是qián liè qiú,前列球翻译成英文是 anterior blastomere

  6. 问:前列地尔拼音怎么拼?前列地尔的读音是什么?前列地尔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列地尔的读音是qián liè dì ěr,前列地尔翻译成英文是 alprostadil

  7. 问:前列烷酸拼音怎么拼?前列烷酸的读音是什么?前列烷酸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列烷酸的读音是qián liè wán suān,前列烷酸翻译成英文是 prostanoic acid

  8. 问:前列环素拼音怎么拼?前列环素的读音是什么?前列环素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列环素的读音是qián liè huán sù,前列环素翻译成英文是 prostacyclin

  9. 问:前列磺酮拼音怎么拼?前列磺酮的读音是什么?前列磺酮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列磺酮的读音是qián liè huáng tóng,前列磺酮翻译成英文是 sulprostone

  10. 问:前列腺丛拼音怎么拼?前列腺丛的读音是什么?前列腺丛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺丛的读音是qián liè xiàn cóng,前列腺丛翻译成英文是 prostatic plexus

  11. 问:前列腺叶拼音怎么拼?前列腺叶的读音是什么?前列腺叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺叶的读音是qián liè xiàn yè,前列腺叶翻译成英文是 lobe's of prostate

  12. 问:前列腺囊拼音怎么拼?前列腺囊的读音是什么?前列腺囊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺囊的读音是qián liè xiàn náng,前列腺囊翻译成英文是 uterus masculinus, utriculus prostaticus...

  13. 问:前列腺尖拼音怎么拼?前列腺尖的读音是什么?前列腺尖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺尖的读音是qián liè xiàn jiān,前列腺尖翻译成英文是 apex of prostate

  14. 问:前列腺峡拼音怎么拼?前列腺峡的读音是什么?前列腺峡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺峡的读音是qián liè xiàn xiá,前列腺峡翻译成英文是 isthmus of prostate, isthmus prostatae

  15. 问:前列腺底拼音怎么拼?前列腺底的读音是什么?前列腺底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺底的读音是qián liè xiàn dǐ,前列腺底翻译成英文是 base of prostate

  16. 问:前列腺支拼音怎么拼?前列腺支的读音是什么?前列腺支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺支的读音是qián liè xiàn zhī,前列腺支翻译成英文是 prostate branch

  17. 问:前列腺泡拼音怎么拼?前列腺泡的读音是什么?前列腺泡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺泡的读音是qián liè xiàn pào,前列腺泡翻译成英文是 prostatic vesicle

  18. 问:前列腺液拼音怎么拼?前列腺液的读音是什么?前列腺液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺液的读音是qián liè xiàn yè,前列腺液翻译成英文是 prostatic fluid, succus prostaticus

  19. 问:前列腺炎拼音怎么拼?前列腺炎的读音是什么?前列腺炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺炎的读音是,前列腺炎翻译成英文是 Prostatitis

  20. 问:前列腺球拼音怎么拼?前列腺球的读音是什么?前列腺球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前列腺球的读音是qián liè xiàn qiú,前列腺球翻译成英文是 prostatic bulb

