


1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……











  1. 即冬至。

    《逸周书·周月》:“惟一月既南至,昏昴毕见,日短极,基践长,微阳动於黄泉,阴降惨於万物。” 朱右曾 校释:“冬至日在牵牛,出赤道南二十四度,故曰南至。”《左传·僖公五年》:“春,王正月,辛亥,朔,日南至。” 杜预 注:“ 周 正月,今十一月。冬至之日,日南极。” 孔颖达 疏:“日南至者,冬至日也。” 唐 杨炯 《浑天赋》:“太平太蒙,所以司其出入;南至北至,所以节其寒温。” 宋 王禹偁 《南郊大礼》诗之五:“圣寿久长南至日,寳图高大北星辰。”



  1. Mesopotamia at least has a historic structure, with its three north-south oriented ethnic and sectarian entities.


  2. The surface soil salt content increases gradually from south to north in the horizontal direction.


  3. In general, the urban design guidelines specify that the building heights will decrease from south to north towards the Harbour.


  4. Scenic Guilin Lijiang River of Guilin as the center, north Xingan Lingqu Canal, south of Yangshuo, a water-linked by the Lijiang River.


  5. A crazy sun flare led to auroras visible as far south as New Mexico. This one, captured by Randy Halverson, is from Cross Plains, Wisconsin.


  6. Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to Samoa, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to the Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia.


  7. Indo-Pacific: East Africa to Samoa, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to the Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia.


  8. Now, with Asia and other emerging markets gaining economic power, the south-to-north flow of ideas and products is firmly on the agenda.


  9. The satellite's orbit passes over most of the planet, from as far north as northern Canada to the southern part of South America.


  1. 北至沙河,南至安阳,呈带状分布。

    River north to the south of Anyang, showing zonal distribution.

  2. 南至北部澳大利亚,北至斯伯利亚都能观察到日偏食。

    A partial eclipse will be visible as far south as northern Australia and as far north as Siberia, he said.

  3. 你们可以在地图上看出来,它们以条状从南至北分布。

    You can see them on your map, and they really run in strips from north to south.

  4. 不久, 水晶宫迁至南伦敦。

    Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to the South London.

  5. 因为磁场由北至南变化很大。

    Because the field varies a lot from north to south.

  6. 北极普通的翻石鹬,冬季向南迁移至美洲南部和澳大利亚

    common arctic turnstone that winters south to South America and Australia

  7. 北至琉球,冲绳,南至阿拉弗拉海,澳洲与斐济。

    North to Okinawa, Ryukyus, south to the Arafura Sea, Australia and Fiji.

  8. 文峪河发源于关帝山,由北谷口入境流至开栅向南流入汾阳。

    Originated Wenyuhe Guandi Hill, Taniguchi immigration flow from north to south flow of Fenyang gate open.

  9. 在秦灭亡至汉武帝统治期间,南越国曾独立存在过。

    It used to be independent as Nanyue between the fall of Qin and the reign of Emperor Wu of Han.

  10. 在记录中,它最远能到南至阿根廷。

    They've been recorded as far south as argentina.

  11. 总之,你将带领地狱神号往南至万帕拉索

    You, however, shall take the acheron south to valparaiso.

  12. 南至超和一组同学计划着他们的海南单车行。

    Nan and a group of classmates are going on their own cycling tour of Hainan.

  13. 西印度洋东非南至南非的纳塔尔也西印度洋的岛周围。

    Western Indian Ocean East Africa south to Natal, South Africa also around islands of the western Indian Ocean.

  14. 这些岩画从东到西,自南至北,分布地域十分广泛。

    These creations cover an extensive region from east to west, from north to south in the nation.

  15. 我们从纽约向东航行至南安普顿。

    We sailed eastward from New York to Southampton.

  16. 各代发生期由北至南有一定的提前。

    The occurrence times were increasing from north to south.

  17. 曹操追至南皮,时天气寒肃,河道尽冻,粮船不能行动。

    Cao Cao pursued him. It was the harshest time of winter. No supplies could be moved on the frozen river.

  18. 每年南飞至加利福尼亚州过冬。

    They fly to the southern state of Florida to spend the winters.

  19. 唐初至天宝年间唐与南诏的关系

    The Relation Between Tang and Nan Zhao From the Early Tang Dynasty to the Period of Tian Bao

  20. 崇武以南沿海七至八级,阵风九至十级。

    South of Chongwu coast seven to eight levels, Rafale nine to ten levels.

  21. 全球视野,国际品质,在南山名至实归。

    Global vision and international quality are the very essence of Natsun brand.

  22. 由其与崇街交界处起, 至同一交界以南约

    From its junction with Shung Ling Street

  23. 天地双煞闻风而至,先后打死振南几振北。

    The world double ghost hears a rumor, but north to, kills successively inspires several inspires.

  24. 南放计划排除北方,新修一条输油管道至肯尼亚。

    The joker in the pack is a southern plan for a new pipeline to Kenya, cutting out the north.

  25. 南希和我为挑战者号航天飞机的悲剧感到至为痛心。

    Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger.

  26. 蒲岗村道由其与蒲岗里交界处起,至同一交界以南约

    The western kerbside lane of Po Kong Village Road from its junction with

  27. 现在,网络故障已经进入第三天,而且已经扩散至北美和南美。

    Now in its third day, the outage is spreading to North and South America.

  28. 东头村道由其与正德街交界处起,至同一交界以南约

    The western kerbside lane of Tung Tau Tsuen Road from its junction with

  29. 布兰南和年长导师融洽相处的能力起了至关重要的作用。

    His ability to get along with older mentors has been vital.

  30. 蒲岗村道由其与崇华街交界处起,至同一交界以南约

    The eastern kerbside lane of Po Kong Village Road from its junction with