


1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……



汉语拼音:pài fēn






  1. 区分;分别。

    宋 王禹偁 《谢赐圣惠方表》:“思欲囊括古今,派分类例,参验百疾,稽合羣方。” 严复 《救亡决论》:“ 魏 碑 晋 帖,南北派分。”



  1. Johnny divided a piece of pie into two pieces, kept the bigger piece for himself and gave the smaller piece to his sister.


  2. The Social Education League of China and the Interactions among Rural Education Sects


  3. A Study on the Conceptive History of Rural Construction Sects


  1. 这个球员上星期被派到棒球分会去了。

    This player was farmed out last week.

  2. 冰淇淋和柠檬派搭配食用十分适合。

    Ice cream and lemon pie go together.

  3. 四分五裂的反动派为什么还要空喊全面和平?

    Why do the badly split reactionaries still idly clamour for total peace?

  4. 这个政党分裂成两派。

    The party was rent in two.

  5. 反动派看起来很强大,实际上十分虚弱。

    The reactionaries are fierce in appearance but feeble in reality.

  6. 新政府由于各派对立而四分五裂。

    The new government was torn by rivalries.

  7. 奴隶制问题仍旧分为南北两派。

    The problem of slavery continued to divide the North and South.

  8. 周瑜派追兵赶来, 刘备十分惊慌

    The day came and Liu Bei and his wife headed to the river.Suddenly, generals and soldiers sent by Zhou Yu arrived. Liu Bei was frightened.

  9. 这晚弗格森派出的三叉戟都得了分。

    This late Fergusson sends out the trident scored points.

  10. 这晚弗格森派出得三叉戟都得了分。

    This late Fergusson sends out the trident scored points.

  11. 大部分的旅客时犹太人及福音派基督教徒。

    Most of the visitors were Jews and Evangelical Christians.

  12. 他们依照反动派的指示,烧屋、捉人,十分勇敢。

    On the instructions of the reactionaries, they burned down houses and made arrests, and quite brazenly too.

  13. 反对派威胁要强行将该动议分组表决。

    The opposition threatened to force a division on the motion.

  14. 大部分阿塞拜疆人是什叶派穆斯林教徒。

    Most Azerbaijanis are Shia Muslim.

  15. 记者了解到,留守派大致可以分为三种立场。

    The reporter understands, clique staying behind can be divided roughly for 3 kinds of footing.

  16. 祭司分为几派, 每派祀奉一个遇战疯神灵。

    There exists several sects, each for the worship of a Yuuzhan Vong deity.

  17. 政府继续控制着大部分的逊尼派清真寺和阿訇。

    The government maintains control over the vast majority of Sunni mosques and imams.

  18. 你愿意被外派到我们其他分公司去工作吗?

    Would you be willing to relocate to one of our branch offices

  19. 欧洲各国就是否将其安置于机场分为两派。

    European nations are divided as to whetherto deploy them in airports.

  20. 终于有一天,人们分为两派,彼此互相争斗起来。

    Finally one day, people are divided into two factions fighting each other up.

  21. 必和必拓把年终派息提高到45美分,全年总计派息87美分。

    BHP upped its final dividend to 45 cents,which takes it total dividend to 87 cents.

  22. 你们要这样按以色列的族派彼此分这地。

    You are to distribute this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel.

  23. 四分卫经理又把她的一堆活派给了我!

    The office quarterback just handed off a bunch of her assignments to me, AGAIN!

  24. 两个人被派上山,而大部分登山队员留在大本营。

    Two men were sent up the mountain while the main party of climbers remained at base camp.

  25. 它的兴起与发展与立宪派及其立宪报刊的宣传密不可分。

    Its rise and development was closely related with the constitutional advocators and their public propaganda.

  26. 这个派的其它部分是一种十分神秘的物质,叫做暗能量。

    The rest of the pie is a very mysterious substance called dark energy.

  27. 那里没有固定的警察,因为警察大部分是什叶派教徒。

    There was no regular police there because the police are mostly Shiite.

  28. 那里没有固定得警察,因为警察大部分是什叶派教徒。

    There was no regular police there because the police are mostly Shiite.

  29. 而且, 为了对抗中间派的贝鲁而进行战斗, 此举看似十分奇异。

    And it seems a strange way to combat the threat from the centrist Mr Bayrou.

  30. 叠化在朝派和稀释容量有的莫比尔分阶段前进。

    Dissolve in and dilute to volume with Mobile Phase.