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1. 隋 [suí]2. 隋 [duò]隋 [suí]中国朝代名:~代。姓。隋 [duò]古代祭祀用的残肉和残食:“既祭,则藏其~”。古同“堕”,垂落。……
1. 炀 [yáng]炀 [yáng]熔化金属。火旺。烘干,烤火。古代谥法,去礼远众称“炀”。……
汉语拼音:suí yáng dì
A father made a a pair of small shoes with a sole shaped like a lotus, and trained his daughter to use this small shoe by binding her feet.
许多人痛恨隋炀帝,但无计可施。一对银匠父女决定刺杀隋炀帝。计划之后,父亲为女儿打造了一双非常精美的莲花花瓣底小鞋子,并将她的脚绑小。He had many identities such as emperor, man of letters, and believer of Buddhism and Taoism, which were also represented in his poems.
隋炀帝兼备多重身份:皇帝、文士和佛道信徒,这些不同的身份在他的诗歌创作中都有明显的反映。Subsequently, the Emperor decreed that: beauty pageant in the future, no matter how beautiful woman, "bound feet women be not choose. "
事后,隋炀帝下旨:日后选美,无论女子如何美丽,“裹足女子一律不选”。Because he was so wise, the Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty gave him the title The Wise Master, and this is how he is known even today.
因为他的智慧,隋炀帝赐封他为智者大师,这个名字至今仍为人们所知。Sui Yangdi is a mixed blood emperor between Han and Xianbei.
隋炀帝本人就是一个汉族与鲜卑族的混血帝王。In 618, a peasant uprising brought about the end of Sui, with the death of Emperor Yangdi.
618年,隋炀帝在农民大起义中被部下杀死,不久,隋朝灭亡。Wu Bright Moon, and slowly unlock the bindings, suddenly taking a knife to the Emperor Ciqu Lianban.
吴月娘慢慢地解开裹脚布,突然抽出莲瓣刀向隋炀帝刺去。to Emperor Yang, the completion of its dream of running through the North and the South;
到了隋炀帝杨广时,完成了它贯穿南北的美梦;On the Nationality Policies of the Emperor Suiyangdi of Sui Dynasty and Its Influence
Emperor Dragon Heart Dayue see the response she was close, like enjoying her feet.
隋炀帝见后龙心大悦, 召她近身, 想玩赏她的小脚。
Emperor Dragon Heart Dayue see the response she was close, like enjoying her feet.
Wu Bright Moon, and slowly unlock the bindings, suddenly a knife to the Emperor Ciqu Lianban.