







汉语拼音:yíng guāng








  1. 萤火虫发出的光。

    唐 韦承庆 《直中书省》诗:“萤光向日尽,蚊力负山疲。” 宋 徐照 《宿翁灵舒幽居期赵紫芝不至》诗:“蛩响移砧石,萤光出瓦松。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“﹝余﹞但见隔岸萤光明灭万点,梳织於柳堤蓼渚间。”

  2. 借指磷光。

    李瑛 《钻石》诗:“钻石的河,钻石的山,月光下,到处闪着萤光的幽蓝。”



  1. Flashlights , fluorescent sticks and cell phones, this could be the build up to a concert or a laser show, but it's none of the above.


  2. Suddenly, it spends its wings like it is woken . It then flies across the railing and the dim light glides into the dark.


  3. Existing screening, treatment, and research protocols, for instance, do not take into account the possibility that the patient is a parent.


  4. Cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra show a strong band-edge emission around the V-shape pits.


  5. Inside a fluorescent bulb, a tiny amount of mercury is heated until it turns into a gas that reacts with other gases to produce light.


  6. Terminals and eye-strain the eyes and screen maintain a proper distance, is to prevent fatigue Jingjing the key.


  7. The appearance of flicker can occur if the frame frequency is close to the frequency of fluorescent lights.


  8. "They would open fire, " Spiderman replied bluntly, his mouth half full with fluorescent pink candy.


  9. fluorescein angiography showed early hyperfluorescence and late staining of the white dots , and delayed staining around the optic disc.


  1. 萤光显微镜

    luminescence microscope.

  2. 萤光指示剂

    fluorescence indicator.

  3. 萤光安全灯

    fluorescent safety lamp.

  4. 萤光促白剂

    optical white.

  5. 结晶萤光体

    crystal phosphor.

  6. 萤光屏亮度

    screen brilliance.

  7. 免疫萤光法

    immumofluorescent method.

  8. 日光萤光灯

    daylight fluorescent lamp.

  9. 环形萤光灯

    circular fluorescent lamp.

  10. 萤火虫萤光酶

    firefly luciferase

  11. 冷阴极萤光的管。

    Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube.

  12. 偏光萤光法

    polarized flourescence method.

  13. 冷阴极萤光灯

    cold cathode fluorescent lamp.

  14. 高输出萤光灯

    VHO Very high output fluorescent light

  15. 萤光彩色有香味闪光

    Neon pastel scented glitter available

  16. 萤光灯镇流器

    electric fluorescent ballast

  17. 萤光幕式终端机

    crt terminal

  18. 萤光色层分离法

    fluorescent chromatography

  19. 三色萤光点屏蔽

    trichromatic phosphor dot screen

  20. 抗体接合上萤光染料。

    Antibodies are conjugated with a fluorescent dye.

  21. 生物发光生物产生萤光的能力。

    Bioluminescence The ability of organisms to produce light.

  22. 氙气自动萤光测色计

    Xenon automatic fluorescence colour meter

  23. 氧化银本身具有光催化的萤光。

    The silver oxide exhibits photoactived fluorescence.

  24. 这两只眼睛可以启动萤光水的装置

    And these two eyes are activating glowing water.

  25. 基子全内反射萤光原理的免疫传感器

    An immunosensor based on TIRF principle

  26. 友谊之光如同萤光, 周围越黑, 显得越亮。

    Friendship is like the light of fireflies.The darker it is, the brighter the light will be.

  27. 它只出现在消防员消防服的萤光条上。

    And it's used exclusively in the reflective trim of firemen's turnouts.

  28. 氪用于萤光管,闪光灯,雷射以及示踪研究。

    It is used in luminescent tubes, flash lamps, incandescent light Bulbs, lasers, and tracer studies.

  29. 硒化镉半导体颗粒具有量子局限效应产生的萤光。

    The semiconductor CdSe nanoparticles exhibit the quantum confined fluorescence.

  30. 当你浏览时,请保持庄园在萤光幕的中间。

    Try to keep the site in the middle of you screen when you navigate.


  1. 问:萤光拼音怎么拼?萤光的读音是什么?萤光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光的读音是yíngguāng,萤光翻译成英文是 Lights given off by a firebug; Phosphoresc...

  2. 问:萤光灯拼音怎么拼?萤光灯的读音是什么?萤光灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光灯的读音是,萤光灯翻译成英文是 Fluorescent lamp

  3. 问:萤光的拼音怎么拼?萤光的的读音是什么?萤光的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光的的读音是yíng guāng de,萤光的翻译成英文是 epoptic

  4. 问:萤光素拼音怎么拼?萤光素的读音是什么?萤光素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光素的读音是yíng guāng sù,萤光素翻译成英文是 luciferin

  5. 问:萤光黄拼音怎么拼?萤光黄的读音是什么?萤光黄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光黄的读音是yíng guāng huáng,萤光黄翻译成英文是 lucifer yellow, 4-aminophthalimide

  6. 问:萤光灯鱼拼音怎么拼?萤光灯鱼的读音是什么?萤光灯鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光灯鱼的读音是yíngguāngdēngyú,萤光灯鱼翻译成英文是 Glowlight Tetra; Hemigrammus erythrozonus

  7. 问:萤光玻璃拼音怎么拼?萤光玻璃的读音是什么?萤光玻璃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光玻璃的读音是yíng guāng bō lí,萤光玻璃翻译成英文是 fire-fly glass

  8. 问:萤光素酶拼音怎么拼?萤光素酶的读音是什么?萤光素酶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光素酶的读音是yíng guāng sù méi,萤光素酶翻译成英文是 luciferase

  9. 问:萤光素酶分析拼音怎么拼?萤光素酶分析的读音是什么?萤光素酶分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光素酶分析的读音是yíng guāng sù méi fēn xī,萤光素酶分析翻译成英文是 luciferase assay

  10. 问:萤光素酶基因拼音怎么拼?萤光素酶基因的读音是什么?萤光素酶基因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光素酶基因的读音是yíng guāng sù méi jī yīn,萤光素酶基因翻译成英文是 luciferase gene

  11. 问:萤光素酶超家族拼音怎么拼?萤光素酶超家族的读音是什么?萤光素酶超家族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光素酶超家族的读音是yíng guāng sù méi chāo jiā zú,萤光素酶超家族翻译成英文是 leuciferase superfamily

  12. 问:萤光增倍管光电摄像管拼音怎么拼?萤光增倍管光电摄像管的读音是什么?萤光增倍管光电摄像管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:萤光增倍管光电摄像管的读音是yíng guāng zēng bèi guǎn guāng diàn shè xiàng guǎn,萤光增倍管光电摄像管翻译成英文是 image amplifier iconoscope