




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:yóu zhe







  1. 任凭。




  1. And I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who let me do what I love and who love me just the way that I am.


  2. In the truck, Michael wonders how his mother could be a Company agent, and watch for years as her children were hunted down.


  3. She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting, and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea.


  4. 'No more of those regrettable incidents with the police, Toad, ' said the Rat, as they thrust him into his bedroom.


  5. However, due to my persistence, or by their grandmother with them to me with the vegetable.


  6. If our father carry authority with such dispositions as he bears, ths last surrender of his will but offend us.


  7. I remember I liked the previous headstrong, always doing things his temper, and now seems to temper the previous vehicle has left.


  8. If I'm doing my own thing, please let me be.


  9. But if you're bringing this up with your manager because the habit is driving you nuts, don't let your emotions push you to be too blunt.


  1. 由着他吧,别拦他

    Let him be. Let him be.

  2. 这事你得由着他

    Yeah, you got to go easy on him with that.

  3. 我不该再由着他了。

    I shouldn't just leave him to himself.

  4. 我们不能由着别人捏弄。

    We must not allow ourselves to be ordered about.

  5. 不能什么事都由着孩子。

    You can't give in to children in everything.

  6. 不能什么事都由着孩子。

    You can't give in to children in everything.

  7. 他做事就是由着自己的心意。

    He went his own sweet way.

  8. 他做事就是由着自己的心意。

    He went his own sweet way.

  9. 它能预防由着别人欺负你。

    It can prevent others from walking all over you.

  10. 那时,人们习惯由着自己的脾气。

    Then people used to follow their gut.

  11. 既然他坚持这样, 我就由着他罢。

    Since he insists, I'll let him have his own way.

  12. 事情就是这样,也许我该由着她。

    The way things have been going, I probably should've IET her.

  13. 她由着自己被人群拥着朝前走。

    She let herself be swept forward by the crowd.

  14. 并不是由着自己来, 乃是他差我来。

    I did not come of my own, but he sent me.

  15. 马克的确经常由着自己的性子来。

    Mark does have a habit of allowing his temperament to get the better of him.

  16. 他会由着性子慢吞吞地做这件事的。

    He will do it in his own sweet time.

  17. 他会由着性子慢吞吞地做这件事的。

    He will do it in his own sweet time.

  18. 可是, 病是毁人的, 它的来去全由着它自己。

    But a wasting disease like his comes and goes at will.

  19. 如果我正在做我自己的事情,拜托由着我去吧。

    If I'm doing my own thing, please let me be.

  20. 由着胃得感觉来安排生活, 从日出到日落。

    My life is assigned by the sense of stomach, from sun to sun.

  21. 由着胃的感觉来安排生活, 从日出到日落。

    My life is assigned by the sense of stomach, from sun to sun.

  22. 到那儿你要见机行事,千万不要由着性子来

    When you are there with them, play to the score. Never act on impulse

  23. 反正得由着草的性子来, 没有什么商量的余地。

    The sky has no choice but to succumb to the wishes of grass.

  24. 但作为父母,你不会由着孩子想做什么就做什么。

    But as a parent, you wouldn't let your children do whatever they want.

  25. 所有人都完全听命于苏丹王,由着他随心所欲。

    Everyone was entirely subject to the whim of the Sultan.

  26. 完全由着自己的构图来贴,白瓷砖修饰成了花砖。

    Complete by oneself composition of a picture will stick, white ceramic tile decorated tiling.

  27. 给你,为了表达我的感谢 你没由着我死在那个草坪上。

    Here, my way of saying thank you for not letting me die out there on the lawn.

  28. 这孩子给娇惯坏了,他妈妈总是由着他爱干什么就干什么。

    The child is rather spoiled because his mother has always let him have his own way.

  29. 要是由着我的话, 我永远不会再踏上那个混账国家的土地。

    If I had my way I'd never set foot in the damned country again.

  30. 你难道打算坐那什么也不管就由着这小鬼这么对我说话?

    Are you going to sit there and let that boy talk to me like that?