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1. 繁 [fán]2. 繁 [pó]繁 [fán]复杂:~杂。~乱。删~就简。~难。~嚣。多:~多。~重(zhòng )。纷~。频~。~星。~忙。~芜。~博。兴盛:~茂。~荣。~华。生物增生新个体:~殖。~育。~衍。繁 [pó]〔~台〕中……
汉语拼音:fán huā
亦作“ 繁华 ”。盛开的花;繁密的花。
晋 陶潜 《荣木》诗之二:“繁华朝起,慨暮不存。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·诠赋》:“遂使繁华损枝,膏腴害骨。” 唐 李益 《牡丹》诗:“紫蕊丛开未到家,却教游客赏繁华。” 唐 李商隐 《和马郎中移白菊见示》:“素色不同篱下发,繁花疑自月中生。” 元 倪瓒 《三月一日自松陵过华亭》诗:“春与繁花俱欲谢,愁如中酒不能醒。” 清 纳兰性德 《南乡子》词之四:“烟暖雨初收,落尽繁华小院幽。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·在酒楼上》:“几株老梅竟斗雪开着满树的繁花,仿佛毫不以深冬为意。” 艾青 《复活的土地》诗:“河岸上,春天的脚步所经过的地方,到处是繁花与茂草。”
三国 魏 曹植 《朔风》诗之四:“繁华将茂,秋霜悴之。” 南朝 宋 鲍照 《咏史》:“寒暑在一时,繁华及春媚。” 宋 范成大 《陆务观作春愁曲悲甚作诗反之》:“东风本是繁华主,天地元无著愁处。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·诗话·持雅堂诗集》:“《蓼花》云:‘大叶粗枝不畏风,艷分水国立庭中,年来閲徧繁华色,只有秋花耐久红。’”
A still frame of one of Prusinkiewicz's computer-grown lilac sprays with its myriad flores could pass for a photograph in a seed catalog.
普鲁辛凯维奇用计算机栽培的那些繁花朵朵的紫丁香的其中一幅静止图像,完全可以被用作植物种子图录中的照片。Alice greets flowers along the entrance to what appears to be a forest of giant mushrooms.
爱丽丝走进繁花盛开的森林,那里有巨大的鲜花和蘑菇。Several old plum trees in full bloom were braving the snow as if oblivious of the(depth of winter).
几株老梅竟斗雪开着满树的繁花,仿佛毫不以深冬为意。Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers in the green hill.
给他足够的时间静思大自然中亘古不变的奥秘:天空中的飞鸟,日光里的蜜蜂和青山间的繁花;with the end of the blossom, will what we receive turn out to be an unexpected surprise and abundance?
繁花落尽,我们收获的又将是一份怎样的惊喜与丰盈?He caught the sun's beams and held them, and to his joy the earth grew green again and flowers blossomed.
他捕获太阳的光线,将其牢牢锁住,欣喜地看着土地再次绿意盎然,繁花盛开。Looking at the flowers everywhere, fading into the war, I don't know, which can meet the handle?
看着繁花遍地,凋零成殇,我不知道,哪日才能重逢执手?In recent months at houses on my street, and indeed all over India, tell-tale signs of weddings sprouted like spring flowers.
近几个月来,在我住的这条街上,家家户户(实际上是整个的印度)的婚礼标记就像是雨后的繁花,次第盛开。The flowers to open branches have been opened from the trees, leaving a little gap.