




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:xià tou








  1. 下面;下边。

    唐 白居易 《奉和裴令公<三月上巳日游太原龙泉忆去岁禊洛>见示之作》:“今岁暮春上巳,独立 香山 下头。” 唐 齐己 《观李琼处士画海涛》诗:“叶扑仙槎摆欲沉,下头应是驪龙窟。”

  2. 指事物发展的根本或起点。


  3. 低头。

    宋 朱熹 《朱子全书》卷十一:“只恁下头做,不思这事道理,则昧而无得。” 宋 刘克庄 《白社迓客》诗:“送迎不是祠官事,偶见青山急下头。”



  1. The burly man with the disheveled red beard walked swiftly up the platform toward the approaching train, uncovering his head as he went.


  2. As their eyes met he gave a brief, quizzical nod as if to say 'Don't I know you from somewhere?


  3. He walked slowly as though he bad been expecting me and then bent down his head and said, "May I get in? "


  4. There was no other sound save the sound of a wave fretting the smooth pebbles below.


  5. " Yes, " he said with a slow nod or two.


  6. And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.


  7. And I looked down and saw a little plastic baggie with a dead white mouse in it.


  8. Jo leaned down to kiss the tranquil face, and with that silent kiss, she dedicated herself soul and body to Beth.


  9. Without any sound, leaving , not turning self head, is bubble as if all.


  1. 上唇方肌眶下头

    caput infraorbitale musculi quadrati labii superioris

  2. 点了下头是她仅有的反应。

    A nod was her only answer.

  3. 将头转到最右边。点几下头。

    Turn your head all the way to the right.

  4. 他垂下头,不一会就睡着了。

    His head drooped down and a few moments later he fell asleep.

  5. 鼓手点了下头,给歌手作了个暗示。

    With a nod of his head, the drummer cued the singer.

  6. 保卢斯向我点了下头,算是致意。

    Paulus greeted me with a nod.

  7. 她弯下头去抵挡着雨水和泡沫。

    Her head was bent low against the rain and spume.

  8. 黛丝居然傻傻的点了下头,我不禁哑然。

    The Dai silk is incredibly silly to silly order bottom, I can not help speechless.

  9. 教士阁下毫无表情地朝他慢慢点了下头。

    The Monsignor gave him a slow, expressionless nod.

  10. 我垂下头,让头发落下来遮住我的脸。

    I dropped my head, letting my hair fall to conceal my face.

  11. 点下头是表示你正在倾听的另一种方式。

    Adding a nod of your head is another way to affirm that you are listening.

  12. 玛丽亚本能地垂下头,以免被人认出。

    Maria bent her head instinctively to avoid being recognized.

  13. 投球手垂下头, 因为给对方送了个好球。

    The pitcher hangs his head having offered up an easy one.

  14. 它能用吗?他边问边朝钢琴方向扬了下头。

    Does it work? 'he asked, nodding at the piano.

  15. 他无力地扭了下头,和他的珠宝店老板打招呼。

    He greeted the jeweller for whom he worked with a listless turn of his hand.

  16. 说到这里,他垂下头,声音很低弱,停止了。

    At this point, his voice trailed off, he hung his head and stopped.

  17. 它的下头是一个来自我的祖父母的古董旅行箱。

    It has a new life as a bedside table, resting on an antique suitcase stand from my grandparents.

  18. 阿尔卡狄看了她一眼,深深地埋下头去。

    Arkady glanced at her, and bowed his head significantly.

  19. 里克到了,进门时为了避开门楣稍微低了下头。

    Rick appeared, bending his head a little to clear the top of the door.

  20. 不同功能运动时翼外肌上下头的肌电研究

    The electromyographic study of superior and inferior lateral pterygoid muscle in different functional movement

  21. 角平分线定理在轻放工作面下头调斜中的应用

    Application of Angular Bisector Theorem in light support caving face design

  22. 在下头烂污泥浆齐膝的地方, 扔在泥坑里, 水坑里。

    They are put down below, where the mud is up to your knees, in the damp places.

  23. 仙女现在已是一棵月桂树了,它垂下头,表示谢意。

    The nymph, now changed into a Laurel tree, bowed its head in grateful acknowledgment.

  24. 即便我垂下头也无法找到来由让你牵起我的手。

    Even if I bowed my head also cannot find reason lets you took me by the hand.

  25. 梅埋下头,她咬了咬嘴唇皮,额上的皱纹显得更深了。

    Mei did not weep. She only bit her lips, and the furrow in her brow deepened.

  26. 梅埋下头,她咬了咬嘴唇皮,额上得皱纹显得更深了。

    Mei did not weep. She only bit her lips, and the furrow in her brow deepened.

  27. 六月抬眼,看向秋子初,好一会儿,才慢慢的点了下头。

    Lift an eye in June, see fair slowly order bottom toward the son beginning in autumn, very in a short while.

  28. 小白鸽低下头开始在灰堆里拣起来,一颗一颗地拣,不停地拣!

    The pigeons nodded their heads and began to pick, pick, pick, pick.


  1. 问:下头拼音怎么拼?下头的读音是什么?下头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下头的读音是xiàtou,下头翻译成英文是 below; under




【拼音】:xià tou


【出处】;宋 朱熹 《朱子全书》卷十一:“只恁下头做,不思这事道理,则昧而无得。”

【示例】:宋 刘克庄 《白社迓客》诗:“送迎不是祠官事,偶见青山急下头。”

【基本解释】 [below;under;underneath] 下边;下面

【详细解释】 1. 下面;下边。 唐 白居易 《奉和裴令公<三月上巳日游太原龙泉忆去岁禊洛>见示之作》:“今岁暮春上巳,独立 香山 下头。” 唐 齐己 《观李琼处士画海涛》诗:“叶扑仙槎摆欲沉,下头应是骊龙窟。” 2. 指事物发展的根本或起点。 《朱子全书》卷一:“而今虽道是要学圣人,亦且从下头做将去。” 3. 低头。 宋 朱熹 《朱子全书》卷十一:“只恁下头做,不思这事道理,则昧而无得。” 宋 刘克庄 《白社迓客》诗:“送迎不是祠官事,偶见青山急下头。”