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见“ 译註 ”。
亦作“ 译注 ”。翻译并注解。
《魏书·吕洛拔传》:“后 文祖 以旧语译註《皇誥》,辞义通辩,超授 阳平 太守。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·大家降一级试试看》:“至于译注的书,那自然,不是‘硬译’就是误译。” 袁梅 《<诗经译注>引言》:“出于这种朴素的愿望,也就不揣谫陋,贸然作译注《诗》的尝试。”
Mila is embracing this path as the script of the savior is one of her "Achilles Heel's" in ascension.
Mila正在融入这条道路,因为拯救者的剧本是她提升中“阿喀琉斯之踵”(译注:指致命的薄弱点)的一个。I'm a little biased, because Ashley is one of my closest friends, but I love Lauren and laugh the most at the things she says.
我有点偏心的,因为Ashley是我最亲密的朋友之一,但是我超爱Lauren(译注:Ashley的角色),她说的话让我笑得最厉害。All of these factors add up to make Gliese the most promising evidence yet that Earth-like planets may not be such a rarity after all.
所有这些因素使得格利泽581g(译注:原文为格利泽,应是格利泽581g之误)最有希望成为地球类行星并不稀有的明证。One day, the intercom rang out in the back of the warehouse, "Scott Weiss, to the front for a carry out. "
有一天,商铺后面的对讲机响了:“斯科特•韦斯(作者的名字——译注),到前面去搬货。”Yes, if only to be reassured that you are going through an anxious phase at the moment, and that you can be helped a lot.
是的,在焦虑的时候即使仅仅为了安心,那(译注:找全科医生)也会让你受益良多。The only thing this hunter-gatherer technique had going for it was that it worked, and worked pretty reliably in that context.
之所以采用这种“狩猎-采集”技术(译注:比喻其古老),唯一的原因就是它行之有效,而且在此种环境中运行很可靠。To the left of all that are a pair of small knobs, a switch, and two pushbuttons.
这些的左侧是一对小旋钮、一个电门和两个按钮(译注:作者笔误,应该是3个)。Consumers find it hard to measure how much energy they use, says Jonathan Stearn of Consumer Focus, a customer champion.
ConsumerFocus(译注:其官方网站为www.consumerfocus.org.uk)的专家乔纳森·斯登(JonathanStearn)表示,消费者很难测量他们用了多少能源。Instead, we have to accept the humbling truth that "each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. "