







汉语拼音:yōu xiāng








  1. 清淡的香气。亦谓香气清淡。

    唐 温庭筠 《东郊行》:“緑渚幽香生白苹,差差小浪吹鱼鳞。” 宋 欧阳修 《醉翁亭记》:“野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴。” 巴金 《春天里的秋天》:“幽香沁入我的鼻端。”



  1. Delicious fragrance came to them, as if little invisible creatures were running and treading scent out of the blades of grass.


  2. Flowers bloom and then fall on the surface of the rippling river, sending out a waft of discernable fragrance.


  3. Missing is like an endless river, a tender and soft cloud, a fragrant flower and a music of bamboo flute.


  4. Life can be a beautiful picture of a hot-blooded songs, a delicate fragrance of green tea. Every stage we have many sweet memories warm.


  5. I forced suction aspiration nose, which started coming out of her sponsor flower.


  6. Although the orchard suffering a stage manner making people have no choice, it has boundless delicate fragrance but.


  7. The garden, enjoy chrysanthemums in the open, intermittent rains fragrance, make people feel a refreshing.


  8. I smell the smell in Sydney, there are a hint of delicate fragrance, like the brush, like a perfume.


  9. youth such as tea, the only taste good, to have one of the secret - the cool tea, the delicate fragrance of tea.


  1. 兰花幽香四溢。

    The orchids give out a delicate fragrance.

  2. 有了月季,也就有了幽香。

    With Rose, and will have a delicate fragrance.

  3. 镇外漂来玫瑰的幽香。

    The rose is out of town.

  4. 我想要闻闻玫瑰的幽香。

    I want to smell the roses.

  5. 阳光、海洋、淡淡的幽香,高尚的品位。

    Sunshine, marine, light a faint fragrance, exalted grade.

  6. 温热的气息散发出醉人的幽香。

    The worm breath gaving off an intoxicating scent.

  7. 让我想起,睡在花朵里的幽香。

    Reminds me of the fragrance hidden in the flower bulbs.

  8. 洁白如玉纯如雪,幽香随风飘过来。

    White jade pure as snow, fragrance wafted wind.

  9. 这是一种飘忽不定, 难以名状的幽香。

    It was something elusive, something faint and fragrant that I could not name.

  10. 回味中蕴含干无花果,香草及干花的幽香。

    Notes of dried figs, vanilla and dried flowers appear.

  11. 这些鲜花盛开时,会发出阵阵馥郁的幽香。

    When these flowers are in frill bloom they send forth a fragrance at once delicate and sweet.

  12. 我用力吸吸鼻子, 她的发端透出几缕幽香。

    I forced suction aspiration nose, which started coming out of her sponsor flower.

  13. 如兰花之发而幽香, 宁静悠远让人无法忘怀。

    or just as the sweet aroma given off by orchids, serene, farreaching and unforgettable.

  14. 米黄色自活动粉沫,带有幽香扑鼻得柑橘滋味。

    An off white to pale yellow freeflowing powder, with tangy citrus taste.

  15. 米黄色自活动粉沫,带有幽香扑鼻的柑橘滋味。

    An off white to pale yellow freeflowing powder, with tangy citrus taste.

  16. 在她差点跌倒时,一股幽香让她停下脚步。

    When she just about fall over, a waft of fragrance makes her stop.

  17. 我闻了闻雪梨, 有一阵淡淡的幽香, 像擦了香水一样。

    I smell the smell in Sydney, there are a hint of delicate fragrance, like the brush, like a perfume.

  18. 小圆桌铺上了台布, 添了瓶盛开的腊梅, 吐着幽香。

    A cloth had been spread over a little round table a vase of fragrant plum blossom.

  19. 遭受台风的果园虽令人无奈,但它却有无限的幽香。

    Although the orchard suffering a stage manner making people have no choice, it has boundless delicate fragrance but.

  20. 碧水殷殷,飘渺无痕,淡淡的幽香撩拨起我心的悸动!

    Clean water earnest, misty no trace, faint fragrance spun from my heart throb!

  21. 碧水殷殷,飘渺无痕,淡淡得幽香撩拨起我心得悸动!

    Clean water earnest, misty no trace, faint fragrance spun from my heart throb!

  22. 兰花是我国古老名花之一, 每当春季花开之时, 幽香清远。

    When open in spring, a faint fragrance can be away.

  23. 但闻一缕幽香,竟不知其所焚何物。宝玉遂不禁相问

    A subtle perfume hung in the air and he could not help asking what incense was being burned.

  24. 春去春又回,激情如火的浪漫,却早就凋谢,不再散发幽香阵阵。

    Spring spring back, romantic passion, but long ago withered away and no longer distributed delicate fragrance.


  1. 问:幽香拼音怎么拼?幽香的读音是什么?幽香翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幽香的读音是yōuxiāng,幽香翻译成英文是 a delicate fragrance



幽香,词语,读音为”yōu xiāng“,意思是淡雅的香气。淡淡的清香。出自唐代 温庭筠《东郊行》