











汉语拼音:jiāng xīn bǔ lòu








  • 【解释】:船到江心才补漏洞。指临到紧急关头才设法补救,为时已晚。
  • 【出自】:元·关汉卿《救风尘》第八折:“凭时节船到江心补漏迟,烦恼怨他谁,事要前思免后悔,我也劝你不得,有朝一日,准备着搭救你块望夫石。”
  • 【示例】:王铚续义山杂纂,载不济事四十一条,其一曰~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;同“船到江心补漏迟”


  1. na.
  2. mend a leaking boat in midstream -- too late;repair the leakage when the boat is already in the middle of the stream

  1. 船到江心补漏迟。

    It is too late to plug the leak when the Boat is in midstream.

  2. 临堤走马收缰晚,船到江心补漏迟。

    It is too late to spare when the bottom is bare.

  3. 警察抓他时他非常后悔,但已是江心补漏,为时已晚。

    He felt deeply regretful when he was arrested by the police, but it was too late for him to mend his ways.

  4. 警察抓他时他非常后悔,但已是江心补漏,为时已晚。

    He felt deeply regretful when he was arrested by the police, but it was too late for him to mend his ways.

  5. 船到江心才补漏洞。指临到紧急关头才设法补救。

    Boat to the middle of a river only plug up loopholes.

  6. 手工电弧焊在带压补漏中的应用

    Application of manual metal arc welding on repair leakage

  7. 油罐内蒸汽管焊缝的机械法补漏

    Mechanical patching of welding seam of steam pipe in oil tank

  8. 压力容器及管道带压补漏操作技术

    Method of Using Hand Arc Welding to Repair Leak on Pressure Vessel and Conduit in Pressure State

  9. 红外线发射器和烤漆及现场补漏系统

    IR emitters and systems for drying lacquers and spot repair

  10. 最后的复习阶段, 我们重点进行查缺补漏。

    At the last stage of our preparation for the test, we will focus on locating and making up for deficiencies.

  11. 最后的复习阶段,我们重点进行查缺补漏。

    At the last stage of our preparation for the test, we will focus on locating and making up for deficiencies.

  12. 地下连续墙圆弧形混凝土接头简易补漏技术

    Technique of Leakage Stoppage of Continuous Concrete Walls with Circular Concrete Junction

  13. 压力容器及管道的手工电弧焊带压补漏操作技术

    The technology of sealing up vessel and pipe under pressure by manual electric arc welding

  14. 所选对象已人工设为挖空所有交叠的对象, 且不补漏白。

    The selected object has been manually set to knock out all overlapped objects with no traps.

  15. 所选对象已人工设为挖空所有交叠得对象,且不补漏白。

    The selected object has been manually set to knock out all overlapped objects with no traps.

  16. 小漏不补沉大船

    A small leak will sink a great ship

  17. 下周去新东方补补漏。

    Next week I will go to New Oriental.

  18. 把漏了的字补上

    supply the missing words

  19. 他们把漏雨的屋顶补好了。

    They patched the leaking roof.

  20. 博览群书,可裨补阙漏。

    One can greatly benefit by reading extensively.

  21. 博览群书,可裨补阙漏。

    One can greatly benefit by reading extensively.

  22. 全明词漏收1050首补目

    1050 Ci Poems Supplementary to The Collection of Ci Poetry of the Ming Dynasty

  23. 漏了税得补缴, 还得受罚。

    You have to pay not only the dodged tax but also the fine.

  24. 带油容器加防漏板补焊

    Repair welding of leak proof plate in charging oil vessel

  25. 补肾安胎饮治疗胎漏96例疗效分析

    Clinical Analysis on 96 Cases of Abortion Treated with TCM Bushenantai Liquid

  26. 加减补肾化瘀汤治疗崩漏的临床研究

    Modified Decoction Bushen Clinical Study the Treatment of Uterine Bleeding

  27. 考前得一个星期,就是查漏补缺得时间。

    A week before the test is the time for locating and making up the deficiencies.

  28. 对她来说补上漏掉的一针并非易事。

    Its not easy for her to pick up the dropped stitch.

  29. 如果我漏了一个词,我该怎样把它补进去呢?

    If I leave out a word, what should I do to fit it in?

  30. 他提出了各项补苴罅漏的措施,却迟迟得不到贯彻。

    The remedy measures he proposed were not carried out yet.


  1. 问:江心补漏拼音怎么拼?江心补漏的读音是什么?江心补漏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:江心补漏的读音是jiāngxīnbǔlòu,江心补漏翻译成英文是 Too late to repair a broken boat; referrin...




【读音】:jiāng xīn bǔ lòu



【示例】王铚续义山杂纂,载不济事四十一条,其一曰~。 ◎清·翟灏《通俗编·地理》



【语法】偏正式;作谓语、定语; 同“船到江心补漏迟”