







汉语拼音:xiǎng fú








  1. 享受幸福。谓生活得安乐美好。

    《后汉书·公孙瓒传》:“ 绍 母亲为傅婢,地实微贱,据职高重,享福丰隆。”《云笈七籤》卷九七:“ 紫微 会良谋,唱纳享福多。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七八回:“老子回家享福了,他也就回家鬼混。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第七章:“姑母,咱们将来都会享福的。”



  1. Then Naomi her mother in law said unto her, My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?


  2. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.


  3. It's abominable, to be sure, but St. Clare will have high life belowstairs, and they every one of them live just as they please.


  4. Leave it to you to find a pretty place to work, while the rest of us are up to our ankles in water, clutching lights.


  5. and he shall be blessed upon the earth, and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.


  6. Momentum on reducing the deficit is building in Washington as Congress and the White House consider reform to benefit entitlements.


  7. For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?


  8. It is not wise for the parents to let their children enjoy happiness too early.


  9. 1 Where the fear of the Lord, walking in his Road man blessed. 2 labor that you eat. You want to enjoy life, things run smoothly.


  1. 少时辛苦, 老来享福。

    Heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age.

  2. 少时辛苦,老来享福。

    Heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age.

  3. 跟着厄尔去享福吗?

    And follow Earl down to paradise?

  4. 也该轮到我来享福了!

    I want to have my turn, so I do, come now!

  5. 我工作了,你就等着享福吧。

    When I'm working, you can lounge.

  6. 父亲辛苦了大半辈子, 该享享福了。

    My father has had a hard life and it's time he eased off a bit.

  7. 论到吃用, 享福, 谁能胜过我呢。

    For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?

  8. 传225论到吃用, 享福, 谁能胜过我呢。

    For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I

  9. 爷爷到了颐养天年的年纪了,也该享享福了。

    My grandpa is old, he should take good care of himself so as to fulfill his allotted life span.

  10. 爷爷到了颐养天年的年纪了,也该享享福了。

    My grandpa is old, he should take good care of himself so as to fulfill his allotted life span.

  11. 人无所求最享福, 因他不为失望苦。

    Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

  12. 到海边享福,你的生活就是一堆狗屎了。

    Go away to a beach someplace, your life won't be such a goddamn waste.

  13. 在天国享福的用在已经升天的人名前的一种称谓。

    Used as a title before the name of one who has been beatified.

  14. 当我们老了想享享福的时候,碰上了啃老的80后!

    When us old when wanting to enjoy enjoy a happy life, touch went up to gnaw old 78 hind!

  15. 因为那时我们吃饱饭,享福乐,并不见灾祸。

    At that time we had plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm.

  16. 他必在地上享福。求你不要把他交给仇敌, 遂其所愿。

    and he shall be blessed upon the earth, and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.

  17. 总要放母,只可取雏,这样你就可以享福,日子得以长久。

    You may take the young, but be sure to let the mother go, so that it may go well with you and you may have a long life.

  18. 人莫强如吃喝,且在劳碌中享福,我看这也是出于上帝的手。

    A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God


  1. 问:享福拼音怎么拼?享福的读音是什么?享福翻译成英文是什么?

    答:享福的读音是xiǎngfú,享福翻译成英文是 to live in ease and comfort; to enjoy a happy...

  2. 问:享福的拼音怎么拼?享福的的读音是什么?享福的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:享福的的读音是,享福的翻译成英文是 blessed




注音:xiǎng fú 基本解释 [live in ease and comfort] 生活得舒适优裕,享受幸福生活 详细解释 享受幸福。谓生活得安乐美好。 《后汉书·公孙瓒传》:“绍母亲为傅婢,地实微贱,据职高重,享福丰隆。”《云笈七签》卷九七:“紫微会良谋,唱纳享福多。”《东周列国志》第一百四回:“太后亦与秦王宴于大郑故宫。也是嫪毐享福太过,合当生出事来。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七八回:“老子回家享福了,他也就回家鬼混。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第七章:“姑母,咱们将来都会享福的。”