


1. 陶 [táo]陶 [táo]用黏土烧制的器物:~俑。~粒。~瓷。~管。~器。制造陶器:~冶。~铸。喻教育、培养:~化。~育。~染。熏~。快乐的样子,使快乐:~然。~醉。~~。古同“淘”,洗。姓。……


1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:táo rán







  1. 醉乐貌。

    晋 陶潜 《时运》诗:“邈邈遐景,载欣载瞩。称心而言,人亦易足。挥兹一觴,陶然自乐。” 唐 黄滔 《书崔少府居》诗:“ 鲁 史 蜀 琴旁,陶然举一觴;夕阳明岛屿,秋水浅池塘。” 明 高启 《立秋前三日过周南饮雷雨大作醉后走笔书壁间》诗:“三杯不觉已陶然,此身竟到无何有。” 清 曹寅 《饮浭酒》诗:“眷言酌昆友,陶然知水奇。” 叶圣陶 《城中·前途》:“假如提起来斟着,就有淡玛瑙色的‘陈绍’流出来,触着鼻观便觉陶然。”

  2. 喜悦、快乐貌。

    唐 韩愈 《送区册序》:“与之翳嘉林,坐石磯,投竿而渔,陶然以乐。” 宋 叶适 《朝请大夫直龙图阁致仕沉公墓志铭》:“人视之憒憒,而公陶然有以自乐,不顾也。” 清 厉鹗 《东城杂记·灌园生》:“歌既闕,幽情畅,白露下,初月上,陶然一适,混乎无象。” 郭沫若 《牧羊哀话》二:“西望那夕阳光里的金刚,色相庄严,云烟浮动,我的灵魂,早已陶然沉醉,脱壳优游。”



  1. Tao Ran, What I am trying to tell you is that, A synonym to faith is belief, and is commonly used interchangeably.


  2. However, according to Tao Ran at Renmin University , the tax is only one part of the solution .


  3. "The government is in a very difficult position, " says Tao Ran, an economics professor at Renmin university in Beijing.


  4. China has taken such a lead in the study of the affliction because of its rise in the country, Tao said.


  5. And "Food Culture Taoran Chongqing Group" as an example, its logistics bottlenecks faced by a targeted solution.


  6. The ministry is likely to give the Manual the green light next year, Tao said.


  7. "This is a very distorted model of urbanisation that cannot go on for ever, " says Prof Tao.


  8. In "peaceful street" or "north carefree bridge" station landing.


  9. This is online map of the address "Rong Gui Cui Zhu Zhong Lu Tao Ran Xiang , Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China" .


  1. 陶然颐园敬老院

    Tao Ran Yi Yuan Geracomium

  2. 她外祖父正在火旁陶然独乐。

    Her grandfather was enjoying himself over the fire.

  3. 大自然绚丽和谐的风光令人陶然忘情。

    A sp 1 endour and harmony of nature invites the soul.

  4. 就在陶然亭附近,服务很好的。

    Tao Ranting in the vicinity, very good service.

  5. 我又喝了杯啤酒, 终于产生了陶然的感觉。

    I drank five more beers and finally got a buzz.

  6. 以名胜说, 我没到过陶然亭, 这多可笑!

    Just fancy that I have neglected to visit even Tao Ran Ting, a local scenic attraction!

  7. 陶然表示, 卫生部很可能在明年通过这一标准。

    The ministry is likely give the Manual the green light next year, Tao said.

  8. 陶然居新江南锦绣江南家园三街坊规划与设计综述

    Summary of Plan and Design of Sanjie Neighborhood of the Beautiful Jiangnan Homestead

  9. 邓陶然这样总结自己十几个月来得收获。

    Deng and carefree sums up him so the results that ten months come to.

  10. 邓陶然这样总结自己十几个月来的收获。

    Deng and carefree sums up him so the results that ten months come to.

  11. 我的家在陶然亭公园的东面, 我想应该比较好找。

    My family in the carefree pavilion park east side, I wants to be supposed quite good to look.

  12. 陶然, 相信我, 当我说一分钟没有通行证, 我的思想转向你。

    Tao Ran, believe me when I say that not a minute passes without my thoughts turning to you.

  13. 这时如果有谁抓住了夜莺, 他便陶然于凝固得时间。

    On those occasions when a nightingale is caught, the catchers delight in the moment now frozen.

  14. 这时如果有谁抓住了夜莺,他便陶然于凝固的时间。

    On those occasions when a nightingale is caught, the catchers delight in the moment now frozen.

  15. 从玉渊潭经陶然亭到高碑店的南护城河也即将通航。

    From the South Yuyuantan by a moat Yaoranting to Gaobeidian also be shipping.

  16. “乔治·布什乃总统,陶然乐于家中坐,独为莫须有之事,把各士兵送战场。”是一首四行打油诗。

    The president is George W. Bush, who is happy to sit on his tush, while sending his armies to fight, for anything he thinks is right is a clerihew.


  1. 问:陶然拼音怎么拼?陶然的读音是什么?陶然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陶然的读音是táorán,陶然翻译成英文是 carefree

  2. 问:陶然亭拼音怎么拼?陶然亭的读音是什么?陶然亭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陶然亭的读音是Táorántíng,陶然亭翻译成英文是 Taoranting; 陶然亭地铁站 Taoranting subway st...

  3. 问:陶然桥拼音怎么拼?陶然桥的读音是什么?陶然桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陶然桥的读音是Táorán Qiáo,陶然桥翻译成英文是 Taoran Bridge

  4. 问:陶然亭站拼音怎么拼?陶然亭站的读音是什么?陶然亭站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陶然亭站的读音是,陶然亭站翻译成英文是 Taoranting Station

  5. 问:陶然亭公园拼音怎么拼?陶然亭公园的读音是什么?陶然亭公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陶然亭公园的读音是táorán tíng gōngyuán,陶然亭公园翻译成英文是 Taoran Pavillion Park

  6. 问:陶然亭公园拼音怎么拼?陶然亭公园的读音是什么?陶然亭公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陶然亭公园的读音是Táorántíng Gōngyuán,陶然亭公园翻译成英文是 Joyful Pavilion Park



“陶然”是个多义词,它可以指陶然(快的打车副总裁), 陶然(镇江市文化馆创作人员), 陶然(内地男歌手陶然), 陶然(中国人民大学经济学院教授), 陶然(编剧), 陶然(河北省书法家协会副主席), 陶然(景德镇美术家协会会员), 陶然(内地女歌手), 陶然(书法家陶然), 陶然(湖南永州作家), 陶然(华中科技大学生物学教授), 陶然(汉语词语), 陶然(内地女艺人), 陶然(北京新东方学校英语教师), 陶然(北京军区总医院成瘾医学中心主任), 陶然(湖北省钟祥市委常委、组织部长), 陶然(艺人), 陶然(北京理工大学博导), 陶然(浙江大学副教授), 陶然(原吉林大学中文系主任)。