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刻上文字纪念事业、功勋或作为标记的石头:石~。丰~。墓~。口~。~文。~碣。~刻(刻在碑上的文字或图画)。~拓(tà )。~帖。~林。里程~(a.设于道路旁边用以记载里数的标志;b.喻在历史发展进程中可以作为象征或标志的大事)。有口皆~。……
汉语拼音:mù bēi
《礼记·檀弓下》有“公室视丰碑”之语。 秦 以前碑为木制, 汉 以后改用石制,碑上多刻文字,以垂久远。 唐 韩愈 《曹成王碑》:“先王薨於二十五年,吾昆弟在,而墓碑不刻,无文。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异七·沧溟见梦》:“ 施愚山 在 济南 时,为 沧溟先生 作墓碑文,且为立后奉祀。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·房玄龄名字》:“ 欧阳公 《集古録》中,有 玄龄 墓碑。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十六章五:“我们把他埋葬在 桂林 城外的 冷水亭 ,是我替他写的墓碑。”
On his tombstone, he would like the phrase "at least he never walked" .
他希望自己的墓碑上刻“至少他从未走过。”Michael's eyes drift down to the inside of his bicep and he runs his thumb over a tattoo of a gravestone.
Michael的眼神游离到自己手臂上的二头肌内侧,他用拇指在一个墓碑图案的纹身上拨弄。There was a tombstone made of rose granite, adorned by an American flag and a bouquet of plastic flowers.
一个由玫瑰色的花岗岩做成的墓碑,插着美国国旗和一束塑料花。Sure, they'd leave cum stains on your grave marker, but it has to be better than decomposing in the ground like a human turd.
没错,他们会在你的墓碑上留一滩精斑,但总好过在泥土里烂成人渣。He arranged the flowers carefully, as if they were sitting on a grave, then stood up and admired them.
他小心地把花放好,好像它们是在墓碑前,然后站起来欣赏了一会儿。There was an old abandoned cemetery atop the hill with rows of unmarked headstones and tangles of brushwood clogging the aisles.
山顶有久已废弃的墓园,各条小径灌木丛生,还有成排成排的空白墓碑。We stood there for a while, my dad and me, him staring at my headstone and me staring at him, and both of us feeling pretty bad.
我们在那里站了一会儿,只有我和爸爸。他盯着我的墓碑,我盯着他,两个人都感到非常痛苦。The wind had blown some dead leaves through the door into the church, and I watched them dancing in the sunlight near the grave.
几片落叶被风吹进教堂里,还有几片吹落在墓碑旁——我看着它们在阳光里,翩翩飞舞。RFID tags, which have been used to identify everything from cattle to tombstones, will not be the only type of sensor crowding the planet.